Would you be mad if someone opened your birthday cards?


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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I would be really upset too. I doubt the people who sent the cards would be too pleased to know he had just torn them open to retrieve the cash either. They were for you to enjoy on your birthday, he sounds totally thoughtless. I would sit down with him and explain exactly how he has made you feel and once he has apologised ask him how he is going to make it up to you. Please don't let him treat you so badly, you deserve a lot better.


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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One of the simple pleasures in life is opening a birthday card - hell it's the only post we enjoy opening these days (usually bills) .

I would have been livid!

Hope you still manage to enjoy your day - Happy Birthday for Wed !


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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He told you you didn't need to give up your birthday money. I would be fuming if he then reversed the decision without asking and then opened my ruddy cards!! YANBU.

I think you need a serious chat with your DH, he appears not to care so much for your opinion, part of a larger problem than him opening your cards (kick him inna bits, that was HORRIBLE of him!)

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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He wouldn't be my OH if he did that.

Regardless birthday and xmas money and cards are for the recipient to open. If the OP had opened them and given him the money then fair enough but the choice has been taken from her and in a very nasty and disrespectful way.

I'm sorry Op but he needs the boot, to say to you you don't have to give the money from your birthday money but to the TAKE it without saying is just plain wrong.

I hope you manage to find a response to this that suits your life and choices but I'm afraid for me he would be out of the door


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I've been musing on this all day. I do hope you have a lovely birthday on Wednesday. But once it's over, it does sound like you need to sit down with your OH and work out why, in spite of the fact that you both earn good money, you are at times living from hand to mouth. It does sound like you need to work out how to budget for the peaks and troughs in your self employed income, putting some aside in the flush months to tide you over the slow paying ones. I'm not saying your OH is perfect, he sounds far from it, but it does seem to me that this particular incident wouldn't have happened at all if your joint budget management had been stronger.

If stop be hopping mad he opened my cards though!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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Yes I did say but I would never ever open someone's else's cards or mail. If someone offered you money you wait for them to physically give it to you!

Only last week I needed to pay farrier as my wholesaler hadn't paid when promised and he point blank refused and said horses are nothing to do with him and I should sell them if I can't pay for them.

Just feel very used right now. I had to lend him money for him to order me a present which I moaned about as otherwise I would be getting bigger all. Last year he didn't even get me a card!

I'm 28 I work hard and didn't stop working despite have 3 kids, I also work and look after the kids and I just want to be spoilt for one day and be able to open my own cards (only had 5)

And it's was defo him and not the kids as they can't reach!

This is what would get me most about what he did, sorry op but he sounds like a selfish pig, refusing to lend you money for a few days, but happy to open all your cards for the money.

Farmer Chalk

Well-Known Member
27 October 2015
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As a bloke I'm rather saddened at the male race..... 95% of blokes I know are total €$###'s......
I'm genuinely gutted for you and hope that you arrange a girly night out or in somewhere with some mates and make sure he's not invited...

Happy Birthday! Plan to make next year a better one.... Preferably with one of the 5%...:)