Would you walk away .....


Well-Known Member
3 November 2004
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Anyone who suggests that an entire, a headshaker or a trotter are good horses for a novice first time owner needs their head examined and certainly should not be giving advice to any one.

Tyssandi, before you give what is quite frankly dangerous advice maybe you should go and get some real horse experience. This is not a place for make believe or 'black stallionitis' those sorts of delusions end up killing people.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Hey! I have a black stallion...


Did you tame him with a piece of seaweed though?


I do like the fact that in some scenes you can see Cass Ole's star and socks just peeking out from under his makeup. He apparently had a bit of false mane too, to cover the extended bridlepath that had been cut in his mane and didn't grow out in time.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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Did you tame him with a piece of seaweed though?


I do like the fact that in some scenes you can see Cass Ole's star and socks just peeking out from under his makeup. He apparently had a bit of false mane too, to cover the extended bridlepath that had been cut in his mane and didn't grow out in time.
He was also a mare in some scenes


Well-Known Member
25 August 2015
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Some people just have the right skillz. ;)

Yeah it al goes well until he lifts a leg to scratch his balls. He takes a perverse pleasure when you do the leg straps up of his rug! Leg straps really weren't designed to accommodate a large pair of testicals...


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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Tyssandi has turned this thread into the twilight zone, I no longer have any idea whether she's a really odd newish poster with an agenda or HGA-12 in disguise.


Well-Known Member
17 January 2006
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Much chuckling to myself at this point!! Tis a fine line between a great first horse that you outgrow too quickly and gets bored of but feel guilty about ever selling, or completely over-horsing and being fearful of losing life and limb! I always thank the lord for having had a really great instructor, if I had my time again I would absolutely ensure the informed and sympathetic instructor first and the horse second!!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Apparently this is not the first time that the owner Judy Edwards has done this to a prospective buyer. And as for her yard manager (also my instructor), she knew all along what was going on and yet still continued for 4.5 months to tell me that everything was OK. Now if that is not underhand then I don't know what is - they knew I would ride there as long as I thought was buying Dougal. I trusted them, they let me down and deserve all they get. What comes around goes around as they say ......


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5 January 2008
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Dougal, whilst I understand your anger and frustration I'd be careful about naming names on here on hearsay alone as I'd hate to see them try and take legal action for slander.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Dougal have you viewed any potential horses or do you have any viewings coming up? I'd love to be able to read a positive end of this saga, with you and a wonderful new horse. Please keep us updated, we all feel for you very much and you deserve to find a really good horse with a straightforward seller. :)


Well-Known Member
13 November 2015
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Apparently this is not the first time that the owner has done this to a prospective buyer. And as for her yard manager (also my instructor), she knew all along what was going on and yet still continued for 4.5 months to tell me that everything was OK. Now if that is not underhand then I don't know what is - they knew I would ride there as long as I thought was buying Dougal. I trusted them, they let me down and deserve all they get. What comes around goes around as they say ......

I'm glad you now know that it wasn't 'just you' and that their behaviour is generally fraudulent. Horrible money grabbers.

How is your horse hunt going?


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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I went to view on last Friday - supposed to be suitable, private sale. First thing he did when the girl got on him was rear up, then put in two huge bucks. Continued on to the arena where he napped and spooked all the way round. Then went to see another one on Saturday who was really lovely, but after thinking about it for a day or so I decided he was a bit too young for me and needed further schooling. Have today picked up my lessons again at a fantastic riding school not too far away - Snowball Farm - where I will be able to do a lot more than at my other place. Their facilities are quite something !! Rode a beautiful 16hh ex show jumper, she was amazing to ride so so different from anything else I've ridden, very responsive and quite sensitive - my instructor was impressed with the way I handled her, as was I because my first thought was "eeek I can't ride her", but wow what a lesson :) I've come away on top of the world and can't wait to go back for more. :)


Well-Known Member
1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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I went to view on last Friday - supposed to be suitable, private sale. First thing he did when the girl got on him was rear up, then put in two huge bucks. Continued on to the arena where he napped and spooked all the way round. Then went to see another one on Saturday who was really lovely, but after thinking about it for a day or so I decided he was a bit too young for me and needed further schooling. Have today picked up my lessons again at a fantastic riding school not too far away - Snowball Farm - where I will be able to do a lot more than at my other place. Their facilities are quite something !! Rode a beautiful 16hh ex show jumper, she was amazing to ride so so different from anything else I've ridden, very responsive and quite sensitive - my instructor was impressed with the way I handled her, as was I because my first thought was "eeek I can't ride her", but wow what a lesson :) I've come away on top of the world and can't wait to go back for more. :)
Know Snowball well, you couldn't find a better place. My niece has just started riding again and is going there too.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I went to view on last Friday - supposed to be suitable, private sale. First thing he did when the girl got on him was rear up, then put in two huge bucks. Continued on to the arena where he napped and spooked all the way round. Then went to see another one on Saturday who was really lovely, but after thinking about it for a day or so I decided he was a bit too young for me and needed further schooling. Have today picked up my lessons again at a fantastic riding school not too far away - Snowball Farm - where I will be able to do a lot more than at my other place. Their facilities are quite something !! Rode a beautiful 16hh ex show jumper, she was amazing to ride so so different from anything else I've ridden, very responsive and quite sensitive - my instructor was impressed with the way I handled her, as was I because my first thought was "eeek I can't ride her", but wow what a lesson :) I've come away on top of the world and can't wait to go back for more. :)

Shame about the first, but just highlights the importance of seeing the current owner / seller ride first!

Good news about the new school - onwards and upwards!