Wow, What a Year - One Year with Missi!!


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Take a seat, this may be long!

A year ago today Missi came into my life. After years of me just being a happy hacker I finally had my own transport and the ambition to compete. My older TB was ready for a steadier pace of life so the hunt for a horse to do more on began!

I bought Missi as a 5 year old, she'd hunted in Ireland before being brought over to the UK in April last year. She'd been XC schooling and done a couple of training shows which I thought was ideal for me as we could progress together. When I tried her she was very dead to the leg and the owner insisted that I wear spurs to ride her, she had a couple of little bucks but generally gave me a really nice feel so the deal was done and Missi was delivered two days later. I set myself the goal of competing within a year, easily achievable for some but a major thing for me having never really competed before!

I spent a few weeks getting to know her, gently hacking out in company and doing some very basic schooling. The first time I rode her in the school I realised that she was nappier then I expected but once I got her trotting she soon settled. She had her green, baby moments but that was to be expected.

This was during those first couple of weeks -



She got worse as time went on and became rather explosive and difficult, I put this down to lack of work as due to problems at work I wasn't able to exercise her as regularly as I'd wanted.
I thought we were over the worse after having a session of Bowen and then moving her home (she'd been living at my work with me initially).

She came home to a nice grassy field and one to one attention from me -

I was slightly worried as I now had no choice but to hack alone. She surprised me by being perfect. Brave, forward and sensible. No spurs needed. She seemed like the perfect horse.

Unfortunately after that 3 week honey moon period she turned into a completely different horse. Nothing had changed in her routine, she wasn't on any food and seemed to have no reason to misbehave but I was suddenly faced with a nappy, explosive nightmare :(

From November to April I struggled to ride her. My friend led me out as often as she could but even then the rides where incredibly difficult. If I put my leg on or touched her with a whip she would explode. Spinnning, bucking, broncing, reversing, leaping forward, kicking out. She tried everything in her power to make my (and my friends!) life difficult. The slightest thing would set her off; a bird flying out of the hedge, a car going past (despite not being worried by any traffic previously) or even just a rustle of leaves left me clinging on for dear life.

I had no motivation to ride her and have to say that there where days where I really regretted buying her. I didn't mind a challenge but she was way more then I was willing to deal with, I really felt like giving up.

A few pics from over the Winter -


Gradually, with the help of my friend she slowly began to improve, to the point where she didn't need to be led as long as my friend stayed ahead of her.


I realised that I needed to be able to go it alone though so began trying to take her out alone. I would lead her to the next village and then get on and ride her home. Some days this worked well, others it didn't, we would bounce, spook and leap our way home.

One day when I tried to lead her to the village she was a complete nightmare. I honestly thought she was going to either seriously injure or kill me. She'd never been so difficult on the ground before and I literally could do nothing with her. She was trying to hurt me and it made me so angry, how DARE she after all I had tried to do for her!! I turned for home after only making it half way to the village as I couldn't continue, it took all my strength to get her home (I was very tempted to dump her in the nearest field at this point!!) and I ached all over.

This however proved to be a turning point for us. I decided there and then that she was going to do some work. I'd previously avoided lunging her in the field as it was so muddy but I was at breaking point, it was do or die and she was either going to come right or she's be making a one way trip to pedigree chum!

I lunged her hard. She stropped, she bucked and she showed her disgust at being made to work but I kept her going forward. For the next 3 days she was lunged and I could instantly see a difference in her. Although she had never been awful to deal with on the yard she'd always been fidgety, would scrap the ground, swing from one way to the other. After lunging she was much calmer, stood nicely and became easier to be around.

The next time my friend came with me she was the best she'd ever been. No napping and no exploding. I finally felt like we were getting somewhere!

I continued to lunge her between rides and then finally braved a solo hack. I led her down the road before mounting and then asked her to move forward. Although she was still extremely nappy she had lost that explosive streak thanks to having been lunged before hand. When she wouldn't go forward I made her go back. As soon as she made the tiniest step forward she was praised. That first solo hack took me an hour and 40 minutes to do a ride that usually takes half an hour. It was painfully slow and she tested me every step of the way but I was determined not to get off. I was absolutely over the moon to make it home without any major drama, that was the start of the good times!

Our first 'solo' hack after the bad times -

From then on she continued to improve, a change of yards gave us more hacking routes and we both became more confident out hacking. I was now able to school her in the field and was pleased to find that she worked nicely on the flat -



Eventually I decided it was time to brave our first outing so we hired a local venue and boxed her out to it to see how she would behave. I was unbelievably nervous but needn't have been as she behaved like an old pro :D



We even braved our first jump

I didn't stop grinning all day!

Once home the schooling started to improve and the jumping began, it wasn't long before she was popping 90cm easily (felt very big for me having not jumped for a year!)






We then braved our first jumping outing, a clear round day at the same venue we'd been too before. I could hardly eat for the week leading up to this, I was horrendously nervous, not about the jumping but about how she would behave with other horses around her. Once again she was perfect although the venue was very quiet. We kept the jumps small and she popped round a few courses sweetly -


Two weeks later we were back there again for the same thing, thankfully I was nowhere near as nervous and was able to really enjoy myself. We jumped round the 70cm and 80cm course, not perfectly but well enough for me to be pleased with :)






Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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And then we come to this weekend! On Saturday I had my first lesson on her at a new venue for us. She made me work very hard but I felt that we came away having achieved a lot and with lots to improve on (both on the flat and over jumps) -








On Sunday I had entered my TB into what would be my first ever competition on my own horse, and my first ever dressage test! Sadly he isn't quite right at the moment so with a bit of persuasion from a friend I decided to take Missi. Once again I had ridiculous nerves, not helped that she was went onto the lorry very wound up! She came off the lorry like a different horse and behaved perfectly all day. Even in the warm-up with 4/5 other horses working around us, that had been the part I was most worried about!

The tests were nice enough, I let her down slightly with my lack of accuracy but I was amazed to come 3rd (out of 13) in the Intro with 64.78% and to score 62% in the prelim (our canter let us down!). I was so so pleased with her and unbelievably proud of how far she has come in a year. We cut it very fine but I reached my goal of competing within a year :biggrin3:





She still has her silly moments -





but thankfully the good now far outweighs the bad. She has tested me far more than any horse ever has but I now love riding her and she has taught me so much. She is super talented and I know she will push me to keep improving, she will take me to anywhere I want to go and I am so excited to see what the future holds.

Well done if you made it to the end of what is a ridiculously mammoth post :redface3: :redface3: Thank you for reading :)
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Well-Known Member
12 August 2012
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What a lovely post! And so good to see such a difference..... You can really see the partnership forming and you both coming on together! Keep it up!!!!!!

P.s. I LOVE your matchy matchy sets!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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Can't believe that's a year. What a lovely journey to be on and well done for holding your nerve and the belief in your mare. She is absolutely stunning I think but I am very biased towards coloured horses! Happy times ahead for you and her no doubt. She looks like she's got a lovely jump in her.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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What a lovely post! And so good to see such a difference..... You can really see the partnership forming and you both coming on together! Keep it up!!!!!!

P.s. I LOVE your matchy matchy sets!!!!!!!

Thank you, I am as 'green' as she is so hopefully we will both keep improving together :D

What a lovely thread. :) I found that reaching the year of ownership was a real milestone with my now 6 year old. Onwards and upwards - I think you have a great future together. Good luck. :)

Thanks :) It feels like a huge milestone after what we've been though! I'm very excited about the future :biggrin3:

Well done - it is lovely to see it all beginning to come together.

Thank you :)

You've done really well with her, very well done.

Thank you! You've done fab with your mare too, I always enjoy reading your updates as you have had similar issues. How is she now, still lame?

Lovely thread and I have serious wardrobe envy - you're horse has some lovely outfits! X

Lol, she has a better wardrobe then me, that's not even half of them! (She has to share them with the TB :p )


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
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What a lovely thread and what a beautiful horse! I love her markings! She makes jumping look effortless! Well done with what you have achieved with her :D


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26 July 2009
North of the Wall
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I am so, so happy to read this! I've lurked on your threads from afar and at times, I'll admit, I thought this might not have worked out - but I'm so pleased to be proved wrong! (I think that might look worse than I mean it to, it's a compliment, honest! :redface3:) You've worked so hard, and I hope this is just the start of many happy years for you and Missi as a team :biggrin3:


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Can't believe that's a year. What a lovely journey to be on and well done for holding your nerve and the belief in your mare. She is absolutely stunning I think but I am very biased towards coloured horses! Happy times ahead for you and her no doubt. She looks like she's got a lovely jump in her.

Thank you :) She has got a great jump, seems to find it easy which is great as that is ultimately what I enjoy!

What a lovely thread and what a beautiful horse! I love her markings! She makes jumping look effortless! Well done with what you have achieved with her :D

Thanks :) I realised tonight that I've only been jumping her for just over two months, scary how easy she finds it!

Well done! She seems to thrive on hard work

I think she does which made it a vicious circle through Winter. The worse she misbehaved the less I wanted to ride her, the more excuses I made (if the weather looked a bit dodgey I wouldn't ride her!) and the worse she became. It took a long time before I was able to give her even a day off work without her becoming nappy again but recently we have managed to go four days without work (I was away!) and she hacked out after with very little napping so she is improving all the time :D


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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I am so, so happy to read this! I've lurked on your threads from afar and at times, I'll admit, I thought this might not have worked out - but I'm so pleased to be proved wrong! (I think that might look worse than I mean it to, it's a compliment, honest! :redface3:) You've worked so hard, and I hope this is just the start of many happy years for you and Missi as a team :biggrin3:

Thank you, that means a lot!

(For some daft reason that made me get teary, I guess because I know how close I came to giving up at times :redface3: :redface3: )


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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I used to read your threads with interest as Al had a little mare with a similar attitude, and we were trying similar things. I'm so pleased she's come through for you, you look like a real partnership now :)

Madam Min

Well-Known Member
2 July 2011
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Well done you two! She's lovely, really nice to see how far you have come and what you have achieved! I hope you both have lots more fun!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2012
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WOW - what an incredible and inspiring post. She is just stunning and i SO admire you for persevering with her and getting you both through the difficult times to come out stronger at the other side. I think I would have given up and hung up my boots by this point, so you need a serious pat on the back! :)


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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I used to read your threads with interest as Al had a little mare with a similar attitude, and we were trying similar things. I'm so pleased she's come through for you, you look like a real partnership now :)

Thank you, I do feel that we ar reading from the same page most of the time now!

wow this is an amazing and inspirational story! :) I love the matchy matchy sets in so many different colours too- they're fab! :D

Thanks :)

Well done! She looks great, such an improvement :)
Will keep an eye out for you two, same county as me and I know all those venues - ill be on a big ginger giraffe :)

Ooh really, are out competing much? I'm North Hereford way!, what about you?

Well done you two! She's lovely, really nice to see how far you have come and what you have achieved! I hope you both have lots more fun!

Thank you :)

WOW - what an incredible and inspiring post. She is just stunning and i SO admire you for persevering with her and getting you both through the difficult times to come out stronger at the other side. I think I would have given up and hung up my boots by this point, so you need a serious pat on the back! :)

I came close to giving up but I knew that if I did I wouldn't have got another horse, I'd have called it a day completely!


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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Just wanted to say a MASSIVE well done for perservering - you have done an absolutely fantastic job and now you can reap the rewards.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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You know i think shes stunning and im so so chuffed for you to have got there with her because shes not been easy. An inspiration to all of us perhaps that if you want something badly enough you've got to work at it


Well-Known Member
20 August 2012
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Well done OP. What a difference in the year. It makes it feel so much better that you have kept with her and now you have a talented horse that you love to ride. If they didnt have their silly moments, then they just wouldnt be doing their job of keeping us on our toes. :D


Well-Known Member
25 July 2009
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I'm south Hereford :) hopefully we will be getting out and about over the winter, my boy has been back in work a few weeks so hopefully doing a few low key dressage comps over the next few months! Holme lacy are doing a winter dressage league sort of thing with a championship that looks like fun :)


Well-Known Member
12 November 2010
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Ive loved reading your post, well done you for sticking with such a difficult horse, and coming out the other end, I don't think I would have stuck with her,
Good luck with the future


Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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Well done for persevering it's not at all easy to keep doing it when they are behaving like that. It sounds like you have got a good friend in the person who lead her out for you, not a lot of people would do that repeatedly with a difficult horse. She looks great now!


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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Mssive congraulations on what has obviosly been such a difficult year - it looks like a lot of hard work paying off. I am currently having similar issues with my 5 year old mare (went from vey quiet, perfect to hack etc, to explosive and frankly dangerous (about 4 months ago)) and am finally seeing a glimmer of hope after a summer of ground work (like you, lots of lunging). We are at early stages re progress (now working quietl for short sessions in the chool post lunging) but i feel like we've turne a corner. Your post is just the ticket to show what can be done if you persevere - well done to you and Missi and thank you for the upliftng pst.