Yard or horse?


Well-Known Member
18 September 2016
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Hi All,

I’m currently in a bit of a conundrum - I need to decide whether problems I’m experiencing can be helped by moving yards or whether they’re just bad luck to do with this horse.

I brought my new mare in April and since then she should have been renamed calamity Jane.
So far:
- bitten on the nose by YO dog on the first day
- kicked on the right shoulder by YO horse through fence in first week
- been very slow to settle in stable (~ 2 months before she stopped flying around on high alert and stress pooping constantly. Stable was last on the yards long row of stables. Improved since moving into middle of the yard somewhat and improved further since moving to the opposite end of the yard where there’s only 2 horses that go past her stable.
-Got kicked by horse owned by employee of YO. No one noticed at yard. I found her in the stable with wound >4 hours old almost ruptured a blood vessel so heaps of bleeding, needed stapling up and another kick mark to the shoulder. YO thinks she did it to herself in the stable.
-Turned up to find breakfast and dinner untouched in her stable (On part livery) her huddled in a corner after having reacted to her omeprazole shot the previous day. Was acting doped with the pain, vet was concerned she’d had a neurological reaction initially. Groom said she was quiet to bring in and had seen the frisbee sized swelling on her neck that morning and forgot to mention to anyone.
-Got kicked again (I stupidly believed insistent YO that it must have been the other mare through the fence rather than field mate). Currently on box rest with stitches, been x-rayed and awaiting scans to check fragments that showed up. It was a hell of a kick.

In terms of solving these problems the horses are moved around the fields daily otherwise I would try putting up a perimeter of electric inside the fencing.

Basically is it a case of bad luck we’re cursed with or do you think it’s more of a yard issue that can be resolved when we move? (Actively looking to post box rest)


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1 February 2002
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I would also move - the yard is not providing the care and attention your horse needs and deserves.

I also own a stress head of a mare. She loves people but, hates it when horses walk past her. I would be looking for a small livery yard where you can have a stable in a quiet position. Also turnout needs to be regular and in the same field with the same companions. Moving round and swapping horses about does not make for a settled mare!

Good luck and let us know how you get on x


Well-Known Member
28 February 2017
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I would be out of there immediately, if not sooner. Accidents happen but a good yard would do as much as possible to ensure that they don't happen repeatedly and would always deal with any wounds/illness and let the owner know. This place sounds horrific.

Absolutely this - the yard is the problem in all of those circumstances, not the horse...


Well-Known Member
18 September 2016
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Thank you everyone, it’s really helpful to hear echoed back what I’m feeling. I’ve tried to be fair (I.e. human error happens and accidents happen) but this is just ridiculous and this poor mare has been through enough. She is one of the most sensitive/accident prone souls I’ve ever had so I’ve been doubting to some extent if it was situation/her/both colliding but it’s helpful to hear I’m not being overdramatic deciding that I’m getting the heck out of dodge.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2016
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I would also move - the yard is not providing the care and attention your horse needs and deserves.

I also own a stress head of a mare. She loves people but, hates it when horses walk past her. I would be looking for a small livery yard where you can have a stable in a quiet position. Also turnout needs to be regular and in the same field with the same companions. Moving round and swapping horses about does not make for a settled mare!

Good luck and let us know how you get on x

Thank you, this is exactly her. She came from a private home with 2 others she lived with previously and I think the chaotic yard combined with everything that’s occurred is just not suiting her.

If anyone hears of/knows of this kind of thing around Bristol I’d be very grateful! Going to see a new yard tomorrow but not sure how soon they’ll have space so looking urgently for options as soon after her scan on Monday as possible!


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25 August 2010
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Get out if there one of my Arabs doesn't like busy big yards his a totally different horses in that kind of environment.

Apart from the fact the yo and staff sound rubbish, I hope you find something.


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17 May 2009
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The incidents of biting and kicking could be terribly bad luck and I quite understand why a horse would be unsettled if they moved to a strange place with all new people and kept getting hurt.

But the fact that on more than one occasion your horse has been injured/in pain and people either don't notice or forget! They can't be trusted.