Well-Known Member
I’m enjoying getting to know my little mid life crisis internet purchase. He is 17 months old and gorgeously fugly (that’s a little harsh, ugly duckling rather than fugly). Currently nicknamed Habibi after Klingers imaginary camel in MASH. ? I was contemplating how his temperament now is likely to translate into how he is as an adult. BBP was bat crap crazy as a 3yo and is still as mad as a bag of cats at 16. Still leaping and bouncing and being ridiculous, still with a wide eyed childlike outlook on the world, he’s like Peter Pan with ADHD. We are only 2 weeks in but small chocolate orange Irish camel pony couldn’t be more different. He’s so chill. He takes himself off to the furthest corner of the field to graze without caring where the others are, he carried on drinking at the trough this morning whilst his field buddy galloped past at high speed. He’s shy with us but self assured in himself and has the most beautiful ‘horse sense’ around the others. He had a great herd upbringing. Leaves his field buddy to follow me around whilst I poo pick. He did have one small incident where he thought he would try out his galloping legs, but clearly hasn’t yet got his provisional licence and failed to calculate the breaking distance between him and the fence. He may have more success once he finally gets his feet trimmed. He has never had them done and they are pretty dreadful. Need to master headcollaring, leading and feet handling over the next few weeks.
Do I dare hope that this will one day be a horse who I may be able to hack out alone?!! Or even take out to competitions/events without fear of death?!
BBP has taken to the new addition with all the grace of an emotionally unstable velociraptor, its all fine for a bit and then he decides he’s a stallion, so young Habibi pony has now been paired with the alpha mare, who is very kind and a much better influence on a young chap. It takes BBP a while to get over himself sometimes so there is no rush there.
Do I dare hope that this will one day be a horse who I may be able to hack out alone?!! Or even take out to competitions/events without fear of death?!
BBP has taken to the new addition with all the grace of an emotionally unstable velociraptor, its all fine for a bit and then he decides he’s a stallion, so young Habibi pony has now been paired with the alpha mare, who is very kind and a much better influence on a young chap. It takes BBP a while to get over himself sometimes so there is no rush there.