Your Horse Ghost Stories.


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21 June 2010
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We used to keep our ponies on a farm up the road from us and I would check them after school, middle of winter it was already dark and I went up to find the ponies going crazy, they galloped up to me then were off snorting and bucking etc. Didn't think nothing of it until mum said she had took the dogs up there a different day and seen a girl walking across the farmyard, both the dogs barked and ran forward to say hello but as mum walked round the barn she had disappeared, but there was nowhere for her to go. The lady that owned the farm had lost her granddaughter a year before and she used to keep her horse there. Ponies might have just been coincidence but they weren't the sort to have crazy days and I never saw them that worked up before or since.
While living at the same place was watching tv with brother and sister and dog fast asleep in the lounge when he suddenly sat up barking and snarling staring at the ceiling. We all ran out with the dog who immediately calmed down out of the lounge, we took him back to the lounge and as soon as he got to the doorway his hackles were up and he was growling.
Not sure if this is ghost but my cat died this month and I couldn't be with her, I keep having very vivid dreams where she's alive and I'm cuddling her, then I wake up and remember she's dead. Don't know if she's visiting me in my sleep but it's nice to say goodbye even if it's not real


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4 September 2012
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Mines not horsey but about 10 years ago we had to have our much loved dog put down due to old age, she had been with us for 12 years and she really was a great dog. About 2 months after she was PTS I was at home on my own one night, for some reason I had decided to sleep in the spare bedroom rather than my own bedroom - the spare room is closer to the downstairs so you can hear noises from down there which I wouldn't be able to hear in my own room. It was about 11pm and I was just drifting off to sleep when I distinctly heard the sound of a dogs pads walking across our wooden floor in the sitting room. I lay and listened to it for a while and then decided to go and investigate. Went downstairs and everything was silent, our other dog was asleep in the utility room further away so it couldn't have been her. Turned lights off ect and went back up to bed, lay awake and heard it again for about 3 or 4 minutes, and then it stopped. To this day part of my still believes it was Molly coming to have a nosey round but whether or not it actually was I'll never know, but nothing like that had ever happened to me before or has happened since - its my only spooky moment!


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5 July 2012
Posh Cheshire
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This sounds like absolute horsepoo I know, and I feel a bit embarrassed about writing this, but a few months ago I was lying in bed about 2.30am, wide awake (the baby had woken me up and I couldn't get back to sleep), and I heard a horse whinny in my bedroom. There are no horses near here, I live on a housing estate. It was very loud and very clear, and sounded like it was in the room with me. The house I live in was only built in 1995, but it is a modern estate built on what used to be maybe a ghost horse from the old farm, maybe a hallucination, I don't know. It wasn't scary, just weird in a nice way!


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12 October 2012
West Midlands
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There is a livery yard about 10 minutes from where i live which is haunted by the Ghost of a big grey Horse called Thor,he was pts a long time ago there.The story goes that he was called Thor because when his Owner used to call him he would thunder up the field,lots of People over the years say they have heard him.The Lady who runs the yard now was by the muck heap one evening as it was getting dusk and she sensed there was a Horse behind her she even felt its breath on the back of her neck,she turned round to see which of the Horses it was and there was nothing there,she left the wheel barrow full of muck and ran,another time the same Lady had got all the Horses in and she could hear a Horse galloping up the field so thinking she must have left someone out went to see who it was,the hoofbeats got nearer but no Horse.
Another Lady who i know who kept her Horses at this same yard several years ago went down to check on them one summers evening and saw they were all grazing quite contently in the bottom field so she started to walk back up to the yard,she had got a little way up the field when she heard a Horse galloping up behind her so she quickly stepped to the side to avoid getting knocked over,she said she heard the sound of the hoofbeats thunder past her a gush of wind but no Horse.
We have another yard which has being there a long time where different Liveries over the years have seen an old Horse that was pts a long time ago standing by the gate in the field where she and her companion another old Mare always used to stand together.On this same yard there is a pond where People have seen a little Girl dressed in Victorian clothing standing holding a Doll it is said she fell in and drowned which is very sad.
In my house we have an old Lady,an old Man and Baby.We have lived here for 18 years and just after we first moved in my eldest Daughter who is now 30 came down one morning and said she heard a Baby crying in her room the night before,but we dismissed it at the time,and then about 12 months later i got to know a Lady with Horses who lived by us and i was in her house the one morning when a Chap she knew popped in and she introduced us and told him i lived in the house where he used to live and he said''oh the haunted house,have you heard the Baby crying yet?''well i just went cold.Over the years we have heard a baby crying and strange things have happened,and another Horsey Friend who's Mom is a Medium came round one day,now she or this Friend knew nothing about the house and she said she could sense an old Lady,Man and a Baby,they told her there was a fire and they couldn't open the door.My Son later done some research and where our house is now was all farmland and a farmhouse stood
Thank you for reading this far,halloween cake and wine for everyone.:D
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risky business

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22 April 2010
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Iv got quite a few.

I remember as a child when me and my mum used to visit my great nan, I always used to play at the bottom of the stairs. One day I'm playing like normal when I look up the stairs and see a white figure just standing there.. It didn't move or have any facial features or anything was just a white figure in the shape of a person? And I for whatever reason thought or felt it was a man.

My mum told me that when I was a baby sleeping in my cot, my mum woke in the night went to come check on me and saw a white figure beside my cot looking down on me.. As quick as she saw it, it was gone.

About 3/4 years ago I was asleep in my room, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw very bright orbs flying around my bedroom! I just hid under the covers till morning!

Not me but me but my aunties old house used to be very haunted.. Before she bought she had been told that there had been a family who lived there, the story was that the father murdered his wife and kids and the set the house on fire.. My cousins room was where the children had been murdered and she used to here voices all the time and often had tapping on her walls and windows of a night even though nothing was there.

My mum also had an experiance in the same house when baby sitting my cousin one night. She fell asleep on the sofa and when she woke up to get to bed, she saw two great big fire balls in the arch way between the dinning room and kitchen! Then they where gone.. That apprently is where the fire was started.

I had a dream about my dog who had recently passed to.. He deffo came to say goodbye and it was the biggest comfort ever.

Kellys Heroes

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13 May 2010
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I lost my beloved German Shepherd Tara last October. About a month later, we rescued another German Shepherd, Roxy. I miss Tara terribly and wish I could have been there when she was PTS as I've never not been able to be with an animal, however I had missed some uni already as she deteriorated and it was an on-the-spot decision at the vets. I've always felt guilty.

Last week, I was sat at the table writing something and I saw Roxy walk into the room in the corner of my eye, go over to the stairs and lie down - I clearly heard the distinct 'clunk' of the stairs and a big contented sigh. When I looked up and said Hello Rox - nobody there. Roxy wandered in from the kitchen.

My dad had just gone into hospital for a heart op - was it Tara checking he was okay? I like to think so. It made me cry instantly and I spoke to her and told her he was okay and would be back soon.

K x

Polos Mum

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22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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I know what I saw can't be explained by any common sense explanation, believe me those of us there that day discussed it at length for weeks and no one came up with anything remotely logical to explain it! We shouldn't be so arrogant to believe we know and understand everything that happens around us (I think anyway)


Well-Known Member
14 April 2011
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ARRGH. Wrote out my several stories and HHO ate it :(

Anyway, Gonna start by saying although I have a vivid imagination, I'm also quite scientific, studied it at uni, post grad etc... So I remain skeptical about what I've seen/experienced and willing to discount it if someone came up with a reasonable explanation, but I can't think of any.

Not horsey stories sorry!

Went on holiday to Brid with my last Ex, my friend from uni and her BF. It was around the time Terminator 3 came out, we all loved the films and were gearing ourselves up by watching the second (I think) on tv the night before we were going to see it in the cinema.
Now just to give you a picture of the room, I was sat on the sofa, next to the door, on my left was the TV in front of the window, the window was overlooking a bit of playing field I think, straight ahead of me was a fireplace with a large mirror and on my right another plain wall with the other sofa.
Anyway my friend and her BF were on rocky ground and for some reason they went to the other room to argue and my ex got called into to mediate. I stayed watching the tv.
As I watched Arnie batter the bad guys I was aware that someone was watching me. Quick glance in the mirror showed the room empty, looked back to the TV and realised that there was a brick archway and someone stood in it reflected in the window. Glanced about the room, as described. No brick archway, nobody stood in the doorway next to me, which wouldn't have been reflected anyway.
Glanced back to the TV. The person and archway were still there and then the person walked off, arms swinging.
I'm always a bit slow on the uptake, and although puzzled didn't really think much of it. Another night my Ex suddenly shouted at someone in our room but didn't explain why.

We split up a few months later, didn't see each other for a few years and when we did started chatting about the holiday. He confessed that he'd seen a hand reaching for me in the room but hadn't wanted to scare me. I told him my story then too.

My current OH and I have seen different things too and when we compare the stories, we always find things that match.

His mum is convinced he is some kind of medium as when he was 4 or 5 his granddad died, shortly after the funeral they were alone in their house and he was drawing in the living room and she was doing the washing up when he came running into the kitchen saying that Granddad had told him to go to his mum.
She was puzzled, about to remind him of his passing when there was a huge crash, they went into the living room to find part of the ceiling had collapsed, right where my OH had been drawing.

We've each seen a man in a top hat standing in the living room of our old flat and he's seen other movements in there that I think a cat ghost as one day I was in the living room alone and saw a ginger tabby cat sat in the doorway. I said automatically "Hello kitty." and carried on with what I was doing, only then realising that we don't have a cat. (told you I was quick on the uptake)

We shared the flat with another couple and after me and the OH went to India on holiday we were all sat in the living room discussing our adventure when there was a almighty smash.
We ran into the kitchen, to see that the heavy glass punch jug (so heavy I needed two hands to lift it even when empty) had somehow flown across the kitchen to smash on the floor.
It had been safely placed far back against the kitchen surface by the wall, no window was there to accidently knock it, and it had a handle so couldn't have simply rolled off and in any case if it had somehow rolled off, it'd have just smashed on the floor not all the way on the otherside of the kitchen.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2011
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I also worked here:

But what not many people know is that there's also a dwarf ghost there, now he is the jester/fool/pet/whatever you'd like to call it of Henrietta Maria the wife of Charles the 1st and by all accounts a rather nasty piece of work. Several visitors and co-workers have reported seeing him or being pushed by him on the stairs.
The QH was also a home for orphan sailor children over decades...

One Halloween, work organised a sleep over and we played silly halloween games and then we did a seance (sp?) it was all taken VERY seriously and we did a protection spell before hand :rolleyes:
Now one end of the room was decorated with little joke shop toys, the kind that flashes, plays music, makes suitably creepy noises, i'm sure you all know what I mean and this guy. who was motion activated.

Now as we did the spell at the other end where all the food and drink was, they suddenly all set off playing their music, flashing, groaning etc, which was impossible as they were either motion sensored or you needed to press the button to set them off, but no one was there. Creepiest part of the night for me :eek:.

Anyway, we settled down for the seance, cue the main lights flashing on and off repeatedly. Blamed the security guards watching on the CCTV safe in the main building a few hundred yards off.

Couldn't explain the hands that touched us all... cold, children's hands and the painful pinch someone got that bruised her thigh....


Well-Known Member
24 October 2008
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not really a ghost story as such but had a horrific night with my boy finally ending in him being pts at vet hospital due to colic in the early hours. I drove home then was up early following day and headed to fields where the Dartmoor were I was helping with to get my thoughts together, turned on the radio and Bryan Adams song started it ain't over yet which I've not heard since played by anyone, it in racing stripes, I was balling as the words were so appropriate, these are some of them

turn me loose its now or never
feel like i could run forever
a new days come - a new moon's risin
i'll take my chances on the blue horizon
just a leap of faith - a shot of spirit
freedom's calling i can hear it
hold on tight were gonna get there
this time were on our way

it aint over yet - you can lay your bet
now nothings in my way you aint seen nothing yet
i have learnt to fly - and hold my head up high
theres something i dont want you to forget
it aint over yet - it aint over yet


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25 October 2012
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I was driving home from our yard the other night and had just got onto the lanes. It was pitch black and a touch misty. I saw a cyclist's red flashing light and followed it for a short distance, waiting for a safe spot to overtake. Then it just vanished! There's a wall on both sides of the road and is very remote so have no idea what happened but was very creepy!


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12 August 2006
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Some of these stories have really made me well up!

Not horsey, but used to work in kennels and people always joked the place was haunted. I did the grave yard shift on Sunday night which meant I didn't finish til 10pm and remember one might seeing someone walk past the fire exit door outside. The weird thing was the security light was triggered and it's virtually impossible to walk past the doors without setting them off. I asked my work friend if she'd been out in he last hour and she said she hadn't...

Another occasion I'd closed a gate in one of the blocks, which had a latch you physically had to lift, pull over and close. After my break I went back into the block and found the gate wide open. I asked my colleagues if they'd been in the block and they said they'd been in the staff room the whole time.

One work friend said she was working in a particularly noisy block when suddenly the dogs all went quiet. She turned round to see why they'd stopped barking and could see them all watching something moving along the floor, but nothing was there!


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1 October 2012
Scotland - where the sun never shines!
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Wow. Some of these have made me all emotional!

My livery yard where I keep my boy used to be a riding school (where I worked for the summer) and one morning I was in the block (which my boy is stabled in now) and I was mucking out after turning all the horses out. I heard hooves trotting on the stones. I panicked and ran outside thinking one of the horses had escaped, nothing. Checked around the all the stable blocks and couldn't see anything. Told the YM at the time and she had said that we used to have a riding school horse who was a Clydesdale called Rosie who was pts. It actually sounded like a big, heavy horse so I was seriously freaked out.

We have, unfortunately, had a lot of horses pts over the years at the horses and when it is very quiet and still you can often 'feel' them.

When my mum and dad were going through their divorce, there was one night my mum woke up to see her Grandma at the end of her bed - and she placed her hand on my mum's foot. She said she wasn't even scared as before she died, she told my mum that she would always look out for her. Now my family aren't very religious, nor believe in a lot of things. But this story warms us all, and is a nice reminder that we will always look out for each other.


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3 September 2012
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OOO i thought I saw/heard a ghost horse years ago but then wondered if animals could be ghosts and i dont even really believe in them but ill tell.

The yard i was at had four horses turns out over three adjoining fields. Me and my Mum went to bring them in one morning and they were not in the first field. As we got halfway across the field I could see a grey head looking over the hedge and thought it was Bo (Grey welsh mountain). as we reached the gateway we heard heavy thundering hooves and both moved out the way. the noise came up the hedge line but then stopped. I went through expecting to see the horses there and they were all grazing happily and the far end of the next field!!!! I then suddenly thought how Bo would not have been tall enough to look over the hedge, the hoofbeats were too heavy for a welsh mountain, the "grey horse" was not in that field and from where I was stood out of the way I could see the gateway through to the third field and nothing went through it. Spooky or what?


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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I've got one that really creeped me out.

We were in Paris 2 years ago for a school trip and there were 4 of us in the hotel room. it was an old hotel with huge rooms and was shabby and falling appart. Some how we ended up with the nicest room in the hotel.
On the 3rd night my friend woke up due to a caughing fit she had and that also woke me up. It was still dark and i was dozy half asleep waiting for her to stop to check she was okay.
Then she leapt out of bed to turn the light on as she said she saw a young woman sitting at the bottom of my bed looking out the balcony window. She has long dark hair and looked very miserable. That creeped me out for the rest of the trip.

Also the boys were given a room on the bottom floor and had litterally been in it half an hour when one on them yelled for a teacher to come. Blood had appreared on the bathroom mirror and the teachers were baffled. That was very very creepy. They then got moved to Room 13 and one got locked in the bathroom and teacher had to take it off the hinges to get in.


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18 January 2006
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I rode my old lad in my pregnancies. He's quite a lively ride normally but I swear he knows when I'm pregnant & turns into a beach donkey & really looks after me.
In my second pregnancy, I'd ridden quite happily up until 20 weeks. One morning I went to go out for a hack but my boy planted his feet & refused to go.
Now normally he is not in the slightest bit nappy so I thought it was odd,but his reaction freaked me out. He was getting quite distressed, breaking out in a sweat, heart pounding.
Thinking he was colicking, I jumped off & led him back to his stable. By the time I got him back he seemed fine so turned him out.
Later that day I started to feel a little unwell. I went to the hospital to be checked over by the midwife. It was there I found out my baby had died :(
To this day I swear my lad was trying to tell me something was wrong.


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18 January 2006
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We also used to have a stable on a yard that I used to be on. Over the course of 12 months every horse that was stabled in there ended up having to PTS or something happening that meant it couldn't be ridden.
We turned the stable into a rug room :D


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12 October 2012
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Up untill a few months ago i rented my own field before moving to a Friends field a few minutes from my house.The Lady i rented the field off,had a field which was at the bottom of mine where she kept her own Horses,one morning i was poo picking and out the corner of my eye i caught sight of a Bay Horse in the Lady's field,knowing she hadn't got a Bay in there i assumed she must have got a new one.When i saw her next i said''oh have you got another Horse?'' and she said ''no why''?so i explained that i had seen the Bay in her field so she asked me to describe the Horse,the description i gave her matched that of her old Bay Horse that she had found dead in the field.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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I shouldn't have started reading these...but I can't help but love these stories even though they scare the bejesus out of me!

I've been out riding and heard a man's voice to the right of me say "hello" in a bit of a creepy voice. The bridleway has open field to the left then trees/hedges on the right with a drop down to a pond. Was thinking there could have been a creepy man in there but the voice sounded like it was literally said next to my ear and there definitely wasn't someone next to me!

Been in my boyfriends house making a coffee in the morning and seen a man walk across the living room.

Love watching Psychic Sally on Pick TV in the mornings before work. She's amazing. And weirdly enough when I watch, sometimes an individual leaf on the plant next to my TV moves as if someone has brushed it. Could be a draft or plant naturally moving (as in the leaves falling in to place) but freaks me out slightly that it's only ever one leaf that moves!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2012
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I love these stories, in a way it's comforting - though I'm sure scary at the time! Keeping an eye on this thread :)


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23 June 2008
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My friend has an 'extra' horse that can be seen quite clearly on the CCTV on occasion, out grazing in the paddock.....they've been out to check that someone hadn't dumped a horse a few times, now they just accept thay have a ghost horse....

At least it doesn't eat too much grass:p

After my horses had to be suddenly PTS just over 2 years ago, I had the most vivid and him out riding, I could see his white neck in front of me....the sky was really blue, the rape fields bright yellow and the grass vivid green in the distance. So real I could smell him....quite comforting really, in a way.

When I was on livery, my stable block of 3 was in an old cow byre. Quite often the lights would switch themselves off, and sometimes all 3 horses heads would turn in unison as though they were watching someone walk down the length of the corridor....

Autumn sonnet

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24 March 2012
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I have to say , I used to be a card carrying cynic , BUT ...

Some years ago , I used to keep my pony at some stables where the fields ran alongside the A3 . Coming home from work at 3am one morning , and driving past , I looked across at the yard , as I always did , to see a large grey horse grazing out in the field . Now at the time , there was a grey horse there who used to let herself out , so with a sigh , I drove to the next roundabout , turned round , went to the yard , booted up, and walked into the yard , to find said escapologist laying down , fast asleep , securely bolted in and somewhat peeved at being woken at stupid o clock for no good reason . She was the only grey on the yard at the time .

I mentioned it the following day , and apparently I wasn't the first over the years to have seen it . Odd !


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13 September 2005
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Hillock was gifted to us from the TTT after his owner died very suddenly.

We had him for four years until he fractured his pastern while out in the field. We had no idea how he did it, the vet came and immediately told us to take him to Bell. The x-rays revealed a shattered pastern and surgery was not an option.

I was not allowed to be with him when he was PTS but I stayed at the vets and then went to say goodbye and gave him one last cuddle.

We went home and both me and Mr Worried were heartbroken. We drove back to the yard with an empty lorry and our yard owner swears she heard his neigh and thought we had brought him back. She didn't realise until the following morning when she went onto the yard and saw his empty stable and read my text.

The following day we began making calls to let people know we had lost him and we arranged for him to be individually cremated and returned back to us.

We received many beautiful cards from people, one of which was from Hillock's previous owner's, best friend. She extended her sympathy and thanked us for looking after him so beautifully, she also said it was fitting that he went the day he did, it had been his owner's birthday the day he was PTS.

I believe that she thought we'd had him long enough and wanted him back so they could be together again.

The next day his ashes were returned and we buried them under the oak tree in his field. As I finished up the yard that evening I took one last look along the yard and turned the lights off and I swear I saw him in back in his stable, I switched the lights back on but he'd gone.

I like to think he came back to say goodbye one last time.

Mr W says I'm a sentimental old fool but I'm happy to remember his silhouette illuminated for a fleeting second and that brings me some comfort.


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5 January 2013
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This is such an old thread I don’t know if any of you will pick this up. I’ve been so desperate with my horse I contacted an animal communicator this week. Not something I would normally believe in and I’m still very sceptical but she said the problems I’ve been having in school with my horse (she acts like she’s petrified of something in a particular part of the school - btw she’s good everywhere else) are because my horse is seeing a ghost of a horse that had a tragic accident and was pts. She said she has tried to send it on but to move yard. Deep down I’ve felt for a while she could be happier in another yard. I can’t find anywhere else suitable so what do I do? I feel I must sound like a mad woman saying all this but I’d explore any possibility if it means I can keep this horse (partner keeps telling me to sell her but deep down I know the problem is the school for whatever reason that might be). Can anyone help?


24 December 2017
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Oooh yes! We had 4 ghosts at the riding school I rode/worked the Drop Cottage -

If that school has a name to do with white stuff and spherical objects - I'm not surprised you were seeing ghosts!! There was so much gangja in the air and ket in the tea, when I dropped my daughter off I used to halucinate on the way home!


24 December 2017
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When I was a kid ( and that was sometime ago!) us gang of boys would sometimes go into an old church in the woods ( that should tell you how long ago this story is because the church was unlocked and not robbed) to tell each other ghost or horror stories - since then I've had occassion to be frit witless by several things that were alive but nothing undead. Maybe I'm an unfeeling old cynic or too clinical - I just can't get my head around where the power to conjure up noises, sights and smells come from. If you can see it or hear it smell it - it's using energy - where does it come from?
It's not for the want of trying either - I've been inside Stonehenge on my own on Dec 21st - on top of a mountain in a thunderstorm, graveyards, deep underground and my mare's old box sweet box - never a tingle. Oh sure, I felt a sense of occassion but nothing exteriorily tangible.