I have a few strange and idiotic names I call my mare, at the moment she is either Holls, Sausage or Hairy Mary - is it just me thats a bit batty or does anybody else call their horses strange names.
My old mare Megan is called Megan the moose, Celt is called Scaredy Celt as he is just such a massive wuss! Rosebud is called Buddy Mare, Maya is called 'That Wicked B****r' and Gwen is called Gwenny Toes because she has the tinniest little feet I have ever seen
Mckinnus normally or pezziekins these are normally first thing in the morning when I'm walking along the yard calling to him before the first cuddle of the day, yes I'm very soppy with him
Bella gets called Bells, Bellykins *my YO came up with that *, squidge,Bellabump and a range of other things. Puzzle is usually Puz, Puzkin or most often some kind of expletive