My dog Jamie, now passed on, was James ( he was a very formal sort of dog),if I was annoyed with him he was James Christopher. He was a rescue dog so no idea what his original name was. He inexplicably started ignoring ( pointedly) the name James at one point. I tried just about every name I could think of and the only one he would respond to was Percival. So for awhile he was Percival, until he started responding to James again a few weeks later-- and then of course he also became James Percival.
Sammy the polydactyl cat = thumbaginga. Actually I hardly ever call him Sammy, always Sam or Samuel (they're adopted so we didn't choose their names). Occasionally Samuel Thumbington if i'm being really posh
Simba his brother - Simmy or Simcat, sometimes Simbad
My little dog Poppy's main nickname is Jones but that sometimes deviates to John or Jonas ........................ oh and occasionally she's Sweetpea :tongue3: