Your ultimate horsey dream... What is it?


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Goodness, so many parts to my perfect horsey dream!

Most important part would be that our two girls would stay young, healthy and sound forever!

My girls sarcoids would magically disappear and never come back, she is also a grey so she would never get melanomas in my perfect dream.

We would still live near Ciren as I love it here. A nice detached house, say 4 bed and cotswold stone or old victorian red brick. A open fronted barn to keep the truck in (will keep oh happy!).

Proper old brick or stone stables, nice and large and airy, prob have 6 of them? All rubber matted out and sealed so no dragging them out to scrub! Lots and lots of well drained, undulating and varied pasture. Not rich and with lots of nice nibbly things in the hedges! I would set up a track system with lots of interesting things for them, different materials underfoot and a couple of big shelters.

A massive outdoor arena (perhaps I would pinch summerhouses outdoor!), with flood lights. A big indoor with lights too. A nice set of polyjumps and dressage markers set out.

A 7.5 tonne lorry that I could drive, stalled for 3 or 4, with nice living, and all with a massive payload (it's ok, I'm dreaming!).

An equisage or similar for oh mare, and a solarium and hot water wash stall for her. If she was human she would be a lady who lunches who does spa days, so I think she would love this!

I would like to breed a foal risk free from both of our mares as they really are one in a million horses with great talent and temperment. Oh would go to a CB, and mine would go to a ID.

I would also have ID and CB fillys to bring up.

Ah, that would just be total heaven!!!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2009
north cambs
to own a small island just off the mainland, so the horses can be turned out free with no fences to get themselves hurt on, a nice tidy yard with big stables like my gran has (16x16), indoor school, archery lanes & a house with enough bedrooms for the kids to have one each & still have a guest room.
any of my good friends could livery their horses here cheap or retire/recouperate here.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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For me it was actually riding my terrified boy! Then my wish progressed to hacking out...then hacking out alone...then jumping him...then doing a SJing comp..then showing...then what I thought was my ultimate limit XC...but this year I finally hunted him and now I will finally say we've achieved everything I need to!! I'm utterly utterly proud of my lad, I was told to 'get rid' by so many and now I love love love showing him off and saying WE DID THIS TOGETHER!!!!:D

I just read a little bit of your boys history via the post about the dealer advertising on Horsemart, well done you for being so dedicated, really glad it paid off. I know what its like when it all comes together and you see the horse enjoying life and doing well and know that you were their lifeline and believed in them. Well done you :)


Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
Wendover, Buckinghamshire
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To own a buying/breeding/training/sales yard near the coast in Spain, specializing in Brit Natives, Black Forest Ponies and some Iberians.

oh and if that fails, minus the coast and shift it over to Germany :D


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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I would love to ride at grassroots round badminton, as there's no chance I'll ever get to 4* badminton, so to be able to say I have competed there, even if it is only 90cm would be absolutely amazing :).


Well-Known Member
25 January 2010
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okay realistic one: that daisy is sold to an amazing home with a lovely little girl to give her cuddles and sweeties all day and pop out to the odd wee unaff sj comp. And for twiggy to get better and stop bucking etc so that i can have an amazing last year on ponies.

Right then, my dream world! - to have a nice little 3 box yard at my house made of brick with big airy stables, rubber matting, a roof so i could tie up to groom and not get rained on. A 40x80 indoor school with lights and andrews bowen surface and full set of jump for joys. Post and rail paddocks with just the right amount of grass and off road hacking in forests and on the beach. A little horse box with living. Horses wise i would have my two girls and then a 8yo 15.2 gelding who could do anything. And last but not least to ride in the main ring at HOYS on the sunday performance and be crowned supreme. I'm salivating just thinking about it!!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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He's dead isn't he?:(

Queenbee, I don't poo pick, I have a trusty harrow!:D I have cows and I am blowed if I am going to shovel that!;)


I saw your foals meet cows pics (they were yours weren't they?) very cute :):) OH is beef farmer but his bullocks are nutters! I have one of the fields for little man, he is my protector and keeps the bullocks away from me, they all think he is a scary psycho because he loves them and wants to herd them and stand with them. Its hilarious, if he ever gets in with them he runs to them and tries so hard to be with them and they scatter like bu**ery! So if I (30yr old) has benny (17month old foal) with me I can walk through their field, if not, I just can't do it!

OH brings me the chain harrow and I am happy to bounce around in the JD with it on the back but more often than not he gets his workers to do it now. I love it, my back loves it, but if I did have to poo pick I would most definately be finding me some of those pixies or bying a poo vaccum!


Well-Known Member
12 April 2009
Kent... South East
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Oh what it is to dream....

I would love an old english styled courtyard yard haha!!! Or a yard like Laura Bechtolsheimer's (probably be more practical in the winter haha)... with a large light indoor school with lots of mirrors... a large out door school, a HUGEEEE gallop track/hacking track round my land and through woods, a small cross country course (just so you could have a play) and have a wash room and a solarium

I would love to one day have my own small yard where I produce arabians undersaddle, so have a yard full of beautiful arabians both belonging to me and clients... along with a successful breeding program

And to have a nice big lorry (along with a smaller one and a trailer(not to be greedy now ;) )) and to be able to compete abroad!!!

Along with a nice farmer hubby with a large bank balance ;) HAHAHAH

That will do nicely... thanks santa ;)


Well-Known Member
13 August 2010
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hmm.. interesting post :)

Mine would be a serious one - to master my project horse, successfully hack him (we're nearly there :D) and hunt him (quite a while away :p)

Oh and because I'm ever so kind - make him suitable for my grandad to be able to have a days hunting with him (he's 80 and misses it dearly)

Simples, I hope :D


Well-Known Member
19 June 2010
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Having a horse that 'shouldn't do dressage' (eg cob, shire cross, unusual looking horse) winning at grand prix.... Terribly unlikely but this is my fantasy...

More realistic but still in fantasy realms... owning a show cob, hairy cob and ridden hunter all at HOYS... Again I don't aim high or anything.
