Recent content by HannaST

  1. HannaST

    Full or part livery York area?

    Would highly recommend Sport Horse Select in Stillington, run by Nicky Sutcliffe. It's a 25 minute drive from York centre (15 minutes from Clifton Moor) but definitely worth the drive. My boy has just left (due to me moving abroad!) so there should be space :) It has all you mentioned above and...
  2. HannaST

    Timbertops Equestrian Centre, Pontefract

    If anyone is thinking about buying a horse from Timbertops Equestrian Centre in Pontefract, Yorkshire, please read my blog post below. They are not bad people but please do keep your eyes open if buying from this dealer, as they have been rather unprofessional, taking no responsibility for...
  3. HannaST

    Hoping to write our first XC report but…

    If you're happy to stick to schooling - stick to schooling. :) Competing is too expensive, time-consuming and stressful to do it unless you love it!
  4. HannaST

    Hoping to write our first XC report but…

    If you feel it's too dangerous for you to enjoy it, don't feel like you have to. But if you do want to, maybe ask an experienced rider to take him round and see what they think - they are used to taking these risks!
  5. HannaST

    Hoping to write our first XC report but…

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with "not manning up"! The people who put pressure on you might think you need it, but we ride horses to enjoy it, not to worry. If you want to spend the rest of his life hacking out on 20 minute hacks and lunging him, do it! As I said before - the horse has no...
  6. HannaST

    Hoping to write our first XC report but…

    It seems like you've done all the right things so far, yet it's still not going your way. Question is, will you ever trust him enough to confidently do what you want to do? After what's happened? XC can be dangerous and at some point, I think you have to realise he might not ever go round...
  7. HannaST

    Help me get 'outline'

    Doing some work from the ground might help him. It sounds like he needs to become a lot more supple and balanced so that he can tackle his circles. If you can find a good book on ground work or long reining that would be best, but essentially, you can walk next to him instead of sitting on top...
  8. HannaST

    Bitting Help - Encouraging salivation

    That sounds like a very good plan. :)
  9. HannaST

    Bitting Help - Encouraging salivation

    I'll be honest - I wouldn't worry too much about the salivation. You say she's "indifferent" and has a still mouth - in my eyes this isn't really such a bad thing. My horse has a very active mouth, mouthing and gaping, and believe me I'd like him to be quieter! You mention that she normally...
  10. HannaST

    flat canter

    Like CharlieSC says it might be you! :) I would suggest finding an instructor who knows rider biomechanics - Ride With Your Mind (Mary Wanless), Alexander Technique, this type of thing. They should be able to spot any issues. You could also go to a good sports physio or similar. Good luck!
  11. HannaST

    Feeling SICK

    Well, in my first event, I had a very tense dressage (45), had a whirlwind disrupt our showjumping leading to 8 faults, and got eliminated at the water jump. But I still had a great day and really enjoyed it! It was worth the cost anyway. Does that help? ;)
  12. HannaST

    Over-reactive horse!!

    Physio told me he is pretty tense, he hasn't used himself correctly for a long time and now I'm asking him to, and he's finding it difficult. She said there's nothing seriously bad but I just need to keep working him correctly for short periods of time, and doing carrot stretches. We'll see on...
  13. HannaST

    Over-reactive horse!!

    Mine is very similar, I've only had him for a few months so trying to figure it out. He passed a 5* vet check though from a very thorough vet. He's having the physio later today so I'll be interested to see what she says!
  14. HannaST

    Xc training..... And bitting help please!

    Looking great!! :) I put a pelham on mine, but he backed off and became worried. It worked, but I wish I'd kept him more forward... If I were you, I would try a kimblewick, which is less severe, or a waterford. Waterford definitely my favourite "stronger" bit, seems to work well! My point is...
  15. HannaST

    Riding hall needed or not

    Thanks, me too :)