Recent content by Happy H

  1. H

    Legs filling in stable on box rest, bandages or stable wraps?

    My mares legs used to fill at night, particularly if excercised hard. Daily MSM has practically elimated it, think it helps imporove their lympatic drainage or something like that. Only took about a week or so to start working. xx
  2. H

    Tack lockers in the horse area of lorries...

    I dont like them as heard of a few horses getting up on them, pawing and damaging the locker and themselves and also less room for them to balance. Also don't like the rug racks in there as if there's an accident it's one more thing to cause injury. I prefer the ones that go under the...
  3. H

    Making Adjustments to trailer does it affect insurance

    Provided your trailer is designed to be used without the centre partition, then you will have no problems. If you have a fixed partition that is not designed to be removed, I would check with the manufacturer that it is safe to do so as it may form part of the trailers structural strength...
  4. H

    Experiences of equine acupuncture (kissing spines)?

    No idea, but my old doctor used to do electronic accupuncure (same as accupuncure but using an electric current rather than the needle, but all same accupuncture points used) and if I got to him when a migraine came on, it would disappear in about 30 seconds, so I can confirm it does work for...
  5. H

    How did you decide your horse was the one?

    I think you should trust your gut on this one - I wouldn't worry if she doesn't tick all the right boxes especially with build and sex, but you should always trust your instincts with horses! If something is telling you no, it's not worth the risk if it's gonna be your only horse. Last horse...
  6. H


    What eye drops are these? Thanks!
  7. H


    Thanks for replies so far! The tear duct one is interesting as she headshakes whenever there is bright light, rather than being polen related. I.e. in the winter, can school happily in the day, but with the school lights on at night, she headshakes. Can't wear a nose net as anything...
  8. H

    Full seat competition breeches

    Can anyone recommend me some nice comfy competition breaches for the summer? I have a small waist but largre thighs so something that doesn't show all my lumps and bumps required! Need to be comfy to jump in! Thank you!
  9. H

    White dots/flecks all over teats....

    No idea, but my mare gets them this time of year. I wasn't sure if fly related?? Don't cause any problems as far as I know tho.
  10. H

    Do heavier reins give a better contact?

    Not sure about the horse, but I find it easier to keep a steady contact with a heavier rein - just feel like I have more in my hand if you know what I mean - which in turn would give the horse a better feel I suppose. I have tried the new flexi reins and whilst i don't mind them SJ and XC, I...
  11. H


    Hi, Just wondered if anyone has tried anything new that's worked for a headshaker, or know of any new treatments available? Horse is getting bad again and wondered if there was anything else to try. Has anyone tried local anathetic creams with success? Thank you
  12. H

    People with young teenagers - HELP!

    I used to wear my school shirt, tie and blazer for local shows when I was a teenager and couldn't afford a jacket. No-one ever said anything! Little show would be amazing I'm sure!!
  13. H

    Who travels to competitions alone?

    Yep - I do. Can be easier at some venues than others as if the warm up is not near the ring, timings can be a problem! Best tip would be to put on your entry form that you are travelling alone and an emergency contact number should there be an accident. Horsey folkes are generally very...
  14. H

    Your thoughts on the HOYS hunter class dispute?

    I think HOYS are giving an appaling message by not letting SHB (GB) run the class due their hat rules. And good on SHB(GB) for not caving in! HOYS let the showjumping carry on when BSJA changed their rules and there was even more controvicy over that at the time... Oh yes, that's because...
  15. H

    Tom Conolly-saddle fitter

    I use him and have never had a problem with his work (touch wood!) Would recommend.