Recent content by JLav

  1. J

    preferring mares?

    I know just as many temperamental and difficult geldings as I do mares.....and just as many totally straight forward mares as I do geldings!!! Its funny how if a mare is difficult in any way its always 'because its a mare' whereas a difficult gelding is never referred to as 'because its a...
  2. J

    Any Eskadron Experts on here?

    Any Eskadron retailer should be able to order one for you. They are unlikely to hold them in stock I would think.
  3. J

    Experience with ridden shire horses

    Not Shires but Clydesdales.....check out these guys.....trail riding across Dartmoor on pure bred Clydes. They are fantastic riding horses.
  4. J

    Cartrophen, what is your maintenance program?

    Mine's only ever had the full course once then has a single jab every 6 months. He's 13 now so i'm going to increase it to every 4 months from now on.
  5. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    Same horse de-feathered on her 4th birthday. :-) :-)
  6. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    Clydesdale/Hackney cross
  7. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    Clydesdale/TB cross
  8. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    worked out the pic thing. :-)
  9. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    Don't know how to post pics on here.....any help? My Advanced horses facebook page is here with loads of pics/vids on there.
  10. J

    WB/TB/Clyde cross?

    I have a Clyde cross who is competing Inter 1 and training GP Dressage. He is amazing and because he is such a good horse I bought 2 Clyde cross foals 4 years ago. Just backed them both and they are wonderful....easy and straight forward but both look like they'll have talent as well. One is...
  11. J


    Hiya, my horse had a Keratoma removed July 2015 under standing sedation and has made a full recovery. I started up a group on Facebook if you're on there please feel free to join. There's lots of different stories on there and the one thing that becomes obvious is that no 2 are the same...
  12. J

    Barefoot Horses in Advanced Dressage

    My horse is competing small tour and training GP barefoot and a lot of the higher level horses I work with are unshod behind as we find the horses are better without shoes, finding the collection easier and having less soundness issues.
  13. J

    Shedding winter coat already

    No its not too late to clip!! I clip right up to May and the horses have amazing summer coats. Clip whenever you like.
  14. J

    Shedding winter coat already

    All the horses I've ever known start shedding their winter coats in January every year. Some more noticeably than others but both my youngsters who are out 24/7 and the stabled horses have started.
  15. J

    new book master dressage by Peter dove

    He is only a Trainee judge and appears to have only ever competed at Walk and Trot level......based on that I'm not sure I'd be recommending it to anyone.