Recent content by lavroski

  1. L

    advce wanted pls

    Hi all and happy new year. I am after some advice about re - breaking(kind of) a horse. He is a 9 yo 14.3 conammara gelding.I bought him a year ago and he was very nervous - he clearly had issues.I turned him out for a year as he needed a dental op (probably the source of his 'rider' problems)...
  2. L

    Help please - he a bucker..

    Will try a crupper.His saddle is extra wide fitting and he has no withers and has quite a sprung barrel.Theres nothing else to stop it doing that if real force is put in place.He is rather fat too though he is living out and gets no extra food / hay.This makes fitting a saddle to him harder.Does...
  3. L

    How fat does a fat horse have to be for RSPCA involvement?

    I can see you are very concerned about this mare.I guess the question is - is she dieting the horse?How much is she feeding her and what type fodder does she get?As for copd,thats an alergy created by dust and mould spores.In that case the vet would normaly treat it with ventapulmin or something...
  4. L

    Help please - he a bucker..

    Thanks for all you replies.He is inclined to be a bit sharp,but mainly in fear or panic than anything else.I have done lots of lunge work and loads of long reining.He responds great to vocal commands too.My friend was with me the second day I took him out aswell,but when he exploded they let...
  5. L

    Help please - he a bucker..

    Im looking for some advice from those of us who are mad enough to break in Ponies and Horses. Ive been working on a 5 yo 13hh very chunky coloured chap.Every step he has asked the question 'why' I have answered him as clearly as poss and he has accepted it and moved on.Generally hes been a joy...
  6. L


    Thank you for your replies I have just read that yards have been closed for up to 2 years because of strangles-I dare not tell her this.She is responsible and would shut down if need be.She disinfected her lorry with jeyes fluid last week when she suspected an animal that may have the disease...
  7. L


    I am quite worried about this. A good friend of mine went to an auction and I bought a pony last month.Someone else asked for a lift home with a pony they had brought which she did.About 10 days later this chap asked if she could take could take the pony they had brought to the vets in her...
  8. L

    tendon re-injury

    Many years ago I read an article on the benefits of marigold oil.When it was used on a horses that had broken down they showed massive improovement in a very short time(within a week).Marigold oil is also known as calendula,and in a potent form it has been found to be very affective for healing...
  9. L

    RSPCA At It Again, Red Faces All Around.

    I also agree that the police were at fault.There either was a case or not one.If the original officer had let them know that this could be breaking the law they should have been informed.Therefore the event could have been brought into line with the law or not run,or run with them knowing it was...
  10. L

    Encouraging hair growth......

    We are using marigold oil(in a carrier oil) at the momnet for the same reason.Its very gentle on the skin and claims to encorage hair growth.My friend bought it off the internet and I think she just googled it.
  11. L

    Horses that bite their chest

    this is intresting. My anglo does this sometimes when being riden.He suddenly stops and has a good nibble at his cheast or top of his fore arm. I weaned him at 7 months(he was homebred)which was not too early so I think its a bit of a old wives tale. Horsegroupie,I have only ever seen lip...
  12. L

    Hi all,I am new on here

    I just thought I would introduce myself. I live in Devon and have a small collection of horses,ponies and donkeys. I am always on the lookout for helpful advice and different veiws so will enjoy browsing this forum. Oh,and how the hec do I send a pm??