Recent content by olderthanshelooks

  1. O

    Ideas for Feeding Hay in the Field?

    I use a free standing cattle feeder/ manger/ hay rack/ or whatever you want to call it, not very movable but I put wood chippings round. That and the bit of hay that does get wasted on the floor trample in to make fairly decent standing
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    Getting jackets clean

    Does anyone have any good tips to get your hunt coats clean. So 5 meets into main season and my new jacket looks like it's done half a season already!!
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    Would anyone like to ride my horse for 6 months? East Devon.

    Jorrocks is the tack shop near the Donkey Sanctuary
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    No more 'Thruster of the Week' articles?

    They did the same at the end of last season
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    Trailer test

    Shows how long ago I did the test!!!!
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    Trailer test

    Don't forget the emergency stop. Found the trailer test the most scary thing I have done, although it was 8 years previous that I had taken my car test. Would highly recommend to anyone learning to drive a car - do your trailer test as soon as possible after, before you have to many years of...
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    is 16 really that old?

    Definately not. My Sec D is 20 in June and acts like a youngster most of thetime. In fact her behaviour has got worse the older she has got. She will still hunt twice a week although I do go home now at 2/3 pm rather than stay out til the end of the day. TBH I think she feels better than the 11...
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    Anyone else scared?

    I have been walking out my 15hh Tb and 15hh Sec D in hand as I have just had 4 months off riding due to injury. The Sec D has been in light work the whole time the TB has been off work since July through injury of her own. I am due to start riding again next week but have been walking the pair...
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    Snow balling

    Goose fat, slap it on liberally it works wonders. I only needed to apply it once a day. Fab for protecting against mud fever to
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    ferret people, help, concerned about my fuzzies health!

    My castrated hobb get's so fat in the winter that you can't even put your fingers round him to pick up. It's like blubber. But come the spring it will literally disappear over night
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    Why clip? I can't understand it when ...

    I clipped my cob full clip in Sept as she struggles when the weather is warmer and ready for autumn hunting then 2 weeks later broke both my wrists!! Since then she has only been exercised at weekends with my friend. She is now starting to get sweaty when excercised, I'm due to start riding...
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    Weather and hunting......

    Due to injury I'm not allowed to ride this season, back during autumn hunting I was gutted to be missing out but must confess as the season is going on and the wet weather continues I'm glad I can't ride! No wet muddy horse and jackets to have to clean and dry at the end of the day!! And...
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    Cut on coronet band - any experience/advice?

    I found my mare in the field like this back in July after getting caught in stock wire. We had to bandage it every 2/3 days for 9 weeks. First 2 weeks she was on box rest. Had healed up lovely then on bonfire night she over reached and cut it open again. Another month of dressing and it's healed...
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    Who is excited for boxing day meet

    This is going to be the first mounted Boxing day meet in 10 years that I WON'T be mounted :( absolutley gutted will be there on foot and will follow all day but just not the same as riding :(
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    Christmas - to ride or not to ride - what are you doing?

    I normally clean my tack xmas day morning ready for boxing day hunting and give the horse a good groom in the hope it saves me a bit of time the next morning. I used to ride aswell but time doesn't allow any more as me and my boss both do both milking's on xmas day to give the rest of the staff...