Well-Known Member
Thats only if people dont look for alternatives. Horses dont need acres of lush pasture. Its not good for them.
Thats just one way, others have barns or all weather turnout pens.
In principle I don't disagree and but it is a fairly idealistic view in some aspects. Your setup wouldn't have worked where I was in South Essex on pure clay in the winter. Any small areas would turn to mud in a blink of an eye and even giving a horse an acre would turn the ground into a bog quickly. Also you would have to find a yard with enough grazing per horse to do so. In the south east land is scarce and you rarely get an acre/horse.
Another example back home where the ground is frozen with thick snow 3 to 6 months of the year a horse will pretty much stand still eating hay in a field and not for that long. All weather turnouts would be pointless as they would just be covered in snow. In reality I don't know how different it is to standing in a well ventilated stable eating hay v not moving in a field eating hay? Happy to be proven wrong.
I think we would all love enough space on sand based soil with field shelters, it just isn't that easy to find in some areas.