absoloutley disgusting


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
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the topic is a topic of MANY oppiniosn and at 17 i fell i have alot to learn but its a topic i feel so strongly about! I feelnthat animals are abused and humans take advantage of their power to dominate the animal race, animals could naturally take us, we coudl not without guns, knives and lethal injections take a tiger or a group of dogs so its unfair to animals to take advantge of them just becuase we can lock them up or make them fight or struggle until they brake a leg!
I really dont know what the answer is other than to ban thses souces of entertainment but how far do we go, should we alow horse rcaing but not rodeo or fox hunting but not dog fighting, what abot zoo's! what are the limits?


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14 November 2005
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what you 'expect' and what is reality are different things.
Look upon it from an anti's point of view. They say the 'poor' fox is chased and torured (it isnt, but they think that) so how hypocritical would they see it?
I am not about to get into a hunting debate with you, my point was simple, to make people think.

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But antis know jack sh*t! They say we chase a fox for hours...how would you suppose my 24y.o mare is in her 16th season hunting if we hammer our horses for 3hrs of flat out galloping twice a week? I know I'm good at leg care from working at Matts but I'm not a bloomin miracle worker.

There is a difference between baiting a bull with two or three dogs and humanely dispatching a small fox with a pack of hounds.


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5 December 2005
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precisely (sp?
personally? i found it sickened me, but others won't have the same view.
At the end of the day life goes on, and different countries have different ideas about what is acceptable and what isnt. This video wasnt shot in NY or anything, it's probably from somewhere where this is a way of life. We cannot change that. Animals rely on us so much for things, we have domesticated them, bred them for our own purposes and then to see people taking advantage of that breaks my heart. But as you said, banning these sports how far would it go? if you ban one, you ban another, and so many people have different ideas about what is 'cruel', that it would just go crazy....


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14 November 2005
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yes sorry, iam sorry, too many late nights and early mornings, 6th year at school is exsuasting with asl these free periods and common room periods! lol

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Lazy bum

Enjoy it, those are the 'good old days'....god I sound old!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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what you 'expect' and what is reality are different things.
Look upon it from an anti's point of view. They say the 'poor' fox is chased and torured (it isnt, but they think that) so how hypocritical would they see it?
I am not about to get into a hunting debate with you, my point was simple, to make people think.

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But antis know jack sh*t! They say we chase a fox for hours...how would you suppose my 24y.o mare is in her 16th season hunting if we hammer our horses for 3hrs of flat out galloping twice a week? I know I'm good at leg care from working at Matts but I'm not a bloomin miracle worker.

There is a difference between baiting a bull with two or three dogs and humanely dispatching a small fox with a pack of hounds.

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And I am in full agreement, BUT alot of people would beg to differ. LACS certainly don't agree with that point. What is cruel to one person isnt to another. This is a totally different country.


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18 February 2006
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i think that over time that we will progress to banning more and more, deoending on who is in power but the way we are going and all the media power and also vip power the banning of fh in scotland and proposal of banning the docking of tails in scotland just shows that banning will be happening alot in the future! things liek animla fur i am not to sure as then we can easily go onto leather but things liek the rearing of animals, transporting them and i hope in more countries the fighting of animals is banned


Well-Known Member
20 June 2006
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I could not watch all of that it was horrible. And they go on about fox hunting!!! Do people not see this is a lot worse!?

Did anyone see that programme about the animal fur trade? with the McCartneys a couple of months ago? I cried and cried when that GSD was skinned alive.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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And I am in full agreement, BUT alot of people would beg to differ. LACS certainly don't agree with that point. What is cruel to one person isnt to another. This is a totally different country.

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But the LACS would rather starve their deer at Barronsdown!

I see where you're coming from though


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
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But antis know jack sh*t!

is this really the case, i agree so many ANTI'S do make the rest of look liek idiot with nothign else to do but complain but beofore i went against it i researched fh etcetc! i do agree though that alot of antis just talk nonsense for the sake of it and not the welfae of their case! But bit strong SevernMiles, i know i will def enjoy this year, gap year then uni! then into reality, golly gosh i cannot wiat, siad with sarcasim as from what i have heard the real world aint so real!


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14 November 2005
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I could not watch all of that it was horrible. And they go on about fox hunting!!! Do people not see this is a lot worse!?

Did anyone see that programme about the animal fur trade? with the McCartneys a couple of months ago? I cried and cried when that GSD was skinned alive.

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I know! That is awful!!! They should skin the b#stards that do it alive! I'm happy enough to meet my death with a pack of hounds but I doubt they'd be so happy to be skinned alive! Cruel, cruel world! How anyone can do that is beyond me.


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18 February 2006
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i saw the gsd skinned alive, now do we educate these people so that they learn that what they are doing is wrong OR WHO they are working for are wrong. I also watched a video on Peta animals bured alive, skinned alive, hanged alive the list can go on! Who is in the wrong the workers , the company, the goverment of the nation for not abanding the barbaric companies1


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I could not watch all of that it was horrible. And they go on about fox hunting!!! Do people not see this is a lot worse!?

Did anyone see that programme about the animal fur trade? with the McCartneys a couple of months ago? I cried and cried when that GSD was skinned alive.

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I didnt see that, but I heard about it. I purposley didnt watch it as I'd be too upset.


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14 November 2005
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How much did you research though?

Not being funny Tophorse but...

Did you read the Burns report front to back? Read up on the different PM's by pro vets (who found in favour - theres no surprise) and anti vets (who found against...wow shock of the year!)?

Go and see hounds kill a fox live, with your own eyes to assess the speed and accuracy of which a fox is killed.

Talk to pros and antis?

Look at the alternate methods?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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i saw the gsd skinned alive, now do we educate these people so that they learn that what they are doing is wrong OR WHO they are working for are wrong. I also watched a video on Peta animals bured alive, skinned alive, hanged alive the list can go on! Who is in the wrong the workers , the company, the goverment of the nation for not abanding the barbaric companies1

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Perhaps get the company bosses and skin THEM alive in front of the workers, kill two birds with one stone.....


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18 February 2006
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Well event though heather is screwing Paul for all he's worth she did show some excellent coverage to viewers that what goes on and what we maybe buying as fake fur may actually be dog fur here in GB!


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14 November 2005
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Perhaps get the company bosses and skin THEM alive in front of the workers, kill two birds with one stone.....

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Love that idea! If I was poor I would NEVER in a million years work for a company that do that, to animals, I would rather starve to death.


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18 February 2006
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i have witnessed foxhunting with my own eyes, i dont agree with it and i belive other methods shoudl be tried, thats my oppinion but i dont voie it much as we all know that it coud get hot so for that matter i just tend to leave that for a druken night with my friend who is all for hunting! I can understand if you are with it becuase if people were trying to stop me from stabling my horses, eventing them etc i would be crazy but we are all entitled to our opinions and unnlike a few i have justfication etc!


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
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It woudl be great to have a few bosses and leaders silenced for a day, no rights, no freedom of speech, movment(sounding bit liek the old china) but caged up in cages then made to fight to death, prodded with electric sticks and then boiled and skinned alive, what about getting a few ladies to give birth , never see their newborn, touch or move when in pain just like so many pigs etc!


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14 November 2005
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thats what i thought SM , as poor as i was i couldnt do it, to kill any animal or person alive like that is not right and should be punished!

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Yep they should! I even save flies and bugs from the water butts....sad or what?! lol

I thought you lived deep in Scotty land? They don't hunt up there, well not with a pack of hounds anyway.


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18 February 2006
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yes in sunny scotland yes no hounds here hunting but few rebel old men who seem to think they wont get cought yet on film and camera! lol just wanted to point out that its so easy to be against something when you know very little about some thing , dont you think but somehitng you participate in you feel strongly for?!


Well-Known Member
10 March 2006
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What is best for any animal is the question. Some people my say keeping a horse in a 12 foot by 12 foot box for any time is cruel. Smaking a horse with a whip cruel? Making it carry or weight, cruel? Making it travel in horse boxes and trailers, cruel?

Yes I stable my horse but only because she wants to come in during the winter, she lives out in the summer. No I don't use a whip as I don't ride her any more and I didn't use a whip when I did ride her. I stopped riding her as she had a bad back when I bought her and somtimes she behaved like the rodeo horses and no one stopped on her. People told me I should sell her. I knew if I did she would be beaten to except the rider or end up as dog meat.

Yes my horse travels in boxes because she loves to travel she gets excited when there is a box on the yard. How many of you have forced a horse onto a box with a whip or lunge lines ect. I have seen many horses ruined by well meaning people who don't think they are being cruel. A horse isn't born to jump or race its born to be a horse. I am against animal crulty but something I may do with my animals someone else my not like it.

Those of you who eat meat do you buy free range meat eggs ect or the factory farmed stuff that donn't see the light of day.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Oh this is utter RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I put together clips of horses falling over at XC you'd all be up in arms saying how cruel it was.

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Quite right. In fact PETA also makes videos of other equestrian sports highlighting all the tragic deaths.

Horses break legs during SJ, XC and racing - so why is that FINE and this disgusting?????

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I don't think it's fine, it's horrible to watch any animal suffer, but I get your point.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Thats bludy digusting!!! i dont support peta but it is video EVIDENCE of this time of cruelty!! It doesnt fairly represent normal rodeos (at least not the ones i've seen) but this goes on and im appalled those poor bulls espesh the first one with two broken back legs being attacked by dogs!!! its just not on however way you look at it!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Well, I only watched the first bit with the bull and the dogs chasing it, and I couldn`t watch any more. It is horrible. I am appauled at the cruelty.
If you were just going to fetch your horse in from the field and there were a few youths cornering him/her and they were throwing darts and stones at your horse, and trying to jump on his back, how would you feel. Angry, sick, disgusted??? I know what I would do.
As someone above has mentioned carrying a whip is cruel and letting a horse carry our weight is cruel, that is not correct, as if a horse didn`t want to carry you, it wouldn`t.
The horses whose riders carry a whip, do they look like they are in pain? No.
When horses are being ridden, do they look like they are being tortured? No.
When horses are being ridden round the x-c of an event, or anywhere, do they look like they are enjoying it? Yes.
I hope that my point is coming across. Our horses who are our pets, aren`t treated cruelly, my mare for one, is spoilt and my hubby is always complaining about how much money I spend on her.
I don`t know how long the video is or what else is on it but I think that some people are missing the point. These animals are being put through pain and torture for the enjoyment of humans. I for one, will always say that it is disgusting, and no-one will make me think otherwise. I am a total animal lover. I too pick bugs out of the water and I once stopped a whole football team coming out of the changing rooms as there was a big fat worm wriggling on the path. So many times have I rescued a bird or mouse from the clutches of the farm cat and looked after injured birds before returning them to the wild. I felt sick just within the first 2 seconds of watching this video.



Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
Well said!!
and for those ranting about the above, i do not let dogs loose on my horse, and i assume none of you do either???point made maybe?? that is cruel, end of, no one and i mean NO ONE can ever argue against that. Setting dogs on that bull which already had a broken leg, that is CRUEL. end of.