Angry, disgusted, no one!!!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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A sad story

I guess it could be argued that the YO shouldn't provide full grass livery if asked to keep an eye in the horse but the fact remains that one person stood by and watched the poor horse starve to the point of no return and that was the YO

They could have texted/phoned/written to the OP at any point and said 'your horse is deteriorating daily, get your arse over here and remove it or pay me the full amount and I will deal with the situation'

But no. They chose not to walk over to the horse and stick a hand under the rug because they hadn't been paid to.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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As for moving the mare in such a state, she went 5mins down the road to a friends place who we trusted, where my OH was staying and somewhere where we knew she would get looked after. After the state she was found would I really let her stay there any longer?

Can I just ask why you didn't check on your horses when you went to pay your bill?! I certainly like seeing mine if they mean so much to you?!

Hmmm, funny how you know these things "farmerone" when apparently you keep your horses 200 miles away on grass livery...TROLL alert springs to mind :rolleyes:

To be honest, you can back the YO up all you like, it doesnt deny the fact they ignored my horse when she was suffering.

Setting up your own livery yard and business is quite a time consuming, financially draining and stressful time, all of which the YO should be able to relate to. So as a friend, the least they could do would be to check my horse.

Put the shoe on the other foot. What if I was looking after their beloved stallion whilst they were on holiday/moving etc. And he ended up having to be pts in my care. I for one would never ever let a horse in my care get in to that mess and two I certainly wouldn't be spouting my innocence on here when I haven't even had a text or a phone call to say sorry!

I would be ashamed and embarassed that it had happened on my yard and I'd have to live with a cloud of guilt over my head for a very long time.


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10 January 2006
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Hmmm, strange farmerone has the same tendency not to use paragraphs and to use the abbrevation HO :rolleyes:

Also farmerone, do you travel the 200 miles twice a day, if not who looks after your horse inbetween your visits, obviously you dont think its the YO. Sounds like anything could happen to it, and in those circumstances it would be your fault.


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14 January 2008
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A horse has died that had become so ill whilst on somebodies property and nobody on that property saw fit to attend to this horse and stop its suffering....Its a disgrace!! How can any person stand by and see any animal suffer without doing something (anything) in their power to stop its suffering!

Absolutely. That poor horse.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Well, it was only a matter of time before the island knew about this thread. So, just to clear a few things up for the newbies...

As for all the text messages I could easily just screen shot them and post them on here to show that every message was replied to, but I'll save the YO more embarassment.

As for you saying I never asked for you to bring the horse in and wash her legs etc. No I didnt ask for this. You expect a bit of mud fever living out buy I dont know why everyone is saying she was prone to it? Shes actually never had it before!

My point being as the YO was responsible for updating us on both mares condition, when you're being told they're both doing well then why would I ask for them to brought in if they were both fine?

As for getting the vet 48hrs after that is a complete lie as my OH got a phone call at 9pm on the friday night. He went down to find the mare in that state and the YO was p****d!! She was very reluctant to ler my OH take her rug off as she would get cold....then said she couldnt be blamed for the state she was in kept saying she wasnt happy about it.

As for moving the mare in such a state, she went 5mins down the road to a friends place who we trusted, where my OH was staying and somewhere where we knew she would get looked after. After the state she was found would I really let her stay there any longer?

She was made comfortable in a nice stable with hay and water and the vet attended first thinh sat morning. Not 48hrs later as stated by the YO.

All rights and wrongs aside my horse was suffering and went un noticed by an experienced YO. Regardless of whether I was 5 or 500 miles away, I was paying for a duty of care to my horse and this wasnt given. And regardless, a horse should never have allowed to get in this mess.

I have certainly learned an extremely hard lesson and now I have to live with the fact I will never see my mare again.

If I found my mare in that state I would have been getting the emergency out of hours out, not moving down the road and waiting until the next morning.

Hopefully everyone concerned in this sorry incident will have learnt a very hard lesson. It appears that there is blame to varying extents on all sides.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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If I found my mare in that state I would have been getting the emergency out of hours out, not moving down the road and waiting until the next morning.

Hopefully everyone concerned in this sorry incident will have learnt a very hard lesson. It appears that there is blame to varying extents on all sides.

Yes, I wasn't there and asked for the vet to come imediately, but who said for them not to as she was eating and drinking fine.....the YO.

If I had been there things certainly would have been different. But when you receive a phone call from your OH crying and you're hundreds of miles away there is only so much you can do on the other end of the phone :(

But its all in the past now, what was done was done and unfortunately can't be undone. I'm sure if we could go back in time, myself and the YO would have done things a lot differently.


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13 March 2012
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The YO and other liveries had a moral duty of care to that horse.

That said, owner isn't absolved here. I wouldn't be leaving my mare without a written agreement, I would have found the time to visit her within a period of two months whether I was 500 miles away or not. I would have requested a weekly update, perhaps a photo (not hard these days) and if these things weren't forthcoming I would have wondered why.

I believe the responsibility lies equally IF there was a clear agreement of care expected.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2012
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Having now read more of the thread it is obvious that there wasn't a clear care plan that had been agreed.

Responsibility falls to owner. Shame falls to YO.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2012
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Agreement was verbal. Learnt a hard lesson and will never do it again :(

I am sorry you had to learn it, the guilt will lessen and so will the pain of losing her.

I learnt my own very hard lesson in a similar way, I had a dog who suffered with some conditions that were well managed but he would go up and down and each time they said - he is getting worse but he is happy and keep doing what you're doing, nothing we can do at this stage blah blah blah. When he showed his usual signs of going through a 'poorly stage' with exactly the same symptoms presented before, I didnt take him. He died and I regret it every day :(

Sorry for your loss x


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6 December 2009
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Verbal contracts can still stand if there is a clear indication of responsibility, i.e. you had to pay for the service and in doing so you can prove she had to provide it. Its tricky to prove but doable.


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4 March 2008
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"So believe me if I had a sooner opportunity to go we would of. But thanks for sending my guilt trip on an even bigger trip."

So you wanted me to back you up and completely blame the YO for something that is equally your fault!? We're we all supposed to ignore the fact that as an owner you could have done more?
You're on a public forum, don't chuck your toys out of the pram when people disagree with you.
For what it's worth I did have a degree of sympathy for you. I don't now. The only one I have sympathy for is the horse and I hope she gets better.

What a nasty post. You didn't even spot the horse was dead before you launched this vitriol at the owner.

when I moved I did a 160 mile trip daily to sort my horse out, muck out, ride, groom and do haynets and feed buckets. This was for a full week.
So don't say in 8 weeks she couldn't have made 1 trip!

I'm not 'digging the knife in deeper' I'm merely playing devils advocate on a thread where she is openly trying to lay all the blame on the YO.
It's a sad lesson learnt but we all need to walk away from things with our eyes opened. I'm sorry this has happened to the OP but I'm more sorry that this has happened to the horse!

And then rub it in, why don't you?

Lack of due care and attention from both sides. Livery yard owner should have been honest about the horse and arrange with the owner suitable care. Owner should have found means to check on horse, or had another friend just check up on the horses.

Do people read? The yard owner was a trusted friend! How many friends do you want to check the horse?

Agreement was verbal. Learnt a hard lesson and will never do it again :(

Silvershoes I am only posting because I am known for being extremely judgemental on this forum, and for good reason.

I believe that the criticism of you, particularly the ones I have quoted, is completely unjustified and out of order.

I've had a horse 400 miles away who got starved with someone that I also trusted, and it simply isn't always possible in normal people's lives just to take a 1,000 mile drive to keep a check on a horse so far away. I also rang and was told he was fine. You left her with someone who you thought was a reliable friend, paying fees for her care. What were you supposed to do - get another friend to check on that friend? And who was going to check on that friend in case s/he was also unable to spot the problem? I would have done exactly what you did, leave my horse on paid livery with a trusted yard owner while I sorted out my own, probably extremely personally disruptive, move.

Please try to let the feeling of guilt fade - this was not your fault.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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Actually CPtrayes, me and OP have spoken on PM. I have offered her some comforting words. No matter the wrongs and rights she did nothing wrong to the extent that she deserved this. She couldn't predict this, no one could.

However thanks for bringing up things that was said before the mare died, very constructive!

patchwork puzzle

Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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Why oh Why is everybody still intent on throwing blame back and forth.
OP, no amount of your trying to justify yourself to some people will make a blind bit of difference. The majority made their views felt before your mare was PTS and they are too set in their views to do anything but continue to stick to their initial opinion. The respectful thing for anyone that still blamed (be it in part or whole) the OP would have been to bow out after she lost her horse. It is spiteful and callous to continue to drag the accusations on.
Op, I agree with Delicious D, you should now step back and take the situation through the appropriate channels to get justice for your mare and hopefully stop this happening again. Unfortunately you are not helping yourself (sadly you are stoking the fire of those who blame you), and your mare deserves more than to be the subject of such a thread as this has become.

For the sake of the mare that lost her life, can everybody just think about exactly what you are writing and exactly what you think it will acheive before posting


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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Why oh Why is everybody still intent on throwing blame back and forth.
OP, no amount of your trying to justify yourself to some people will make a blind bit of difference. The majority made their views felt before your mare was PTS and they are too set in their views to do anything but continue to stick to their initial opinion. The respectful thing for anyone that still blamed (be it in part or whole) the OP would have been to bow out after she lost her horse. It is spiteful and callous to continue to drag the accusations on.
Op, I agree with Delicious D, you should now step back and take the situation through the appropriate channels to get justice for your mare and hopefully stop this happening again. Unfortunately you are not helping yourself (sadly you are stoking the fire of those who blame you), and your mare deserves more than to be the subject of such a thread as this has become.

For the sake of the mare that lost her life, can everybody just think about exactly what you are writing and exactly what you think it will acheive before posting

The voice of reason.
After the mare died, the ins out and outs didn't matter. OP clearly never would wish any harm on her own horse.
People can bat back and forth forever. It won't bring the mare back and certainly won't help anybody. It's clear OP is devastated and I think we should all bow out of this thread.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2009
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Why oh Why is everybody still intent on throwing blame back and forth.
OP, no amount of your trying to justify yourself to some people will make a blind bit of difference. The majority made their views felt before your mare was PTS and they are too set in their views to do anything but continue to stick to their initial opinion. The respectful thing for anyone that still blamed (be it in part or whole) the OP would have been to bow out after she lost her horse. It is spiteful and callous to continue to drag the accusations on.
Op, I agree with Delicious D, you should now step back and take the situation through the appropriate channels to get justice for your mare and hopefully stop this happening again. Unfortunately you are not helping yourself (sadly you are stoking the fire of those who blame you), and your mare deserves more than to be the subject of such a thread as this has become.

For the sake of the mare that lost her life, can everybody just think about exactly what you are writing and exactly what you think it will acheive before posting

The voice of reason.
After the mare died, the ins out and outs didn't matter. OP clearly never would wish any harm on her own horse.
People can bat back and forth forever. It won't bring the mare back and certainly won't help anybody. It's clear OP is devastated and I think we should all bow out of this thread.

Agreed. Any way we can get this thread locked?


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4 March 2008
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No I don't think some people do. The horse was not dead when Elsiecat made those comments...

Actually CPtrayes, me and OP have spoken on PM. I have offered her some comforting words. No matter the wrongs and rights she did nothing wrong to the extent that she deserved this. She couldn't predict this, no one could.

However thanks for bringing up things that was said before the mare died, very constructive!

Got me there, fair and square. Doesn't make your blaming of the OP in the first place fair in any way, in my oh so humble opinion. Though I am glad that you offered her support by PM, belatedly.

Indeed, the irony is, CPT is accusing people of being rude, when her own tone is just that....

Oh, fine to blame an owner who tried her best for the death of her own horse at someone else's hands, is it? Compares with me saying that I think that's unfair, to blaming someone who hasn't just lost a horse to starvation for it happening, does it? Your opinion, I don't share it.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2009
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Oh, fine to blame an owner who tried her best for the death of her own horse at someone else's hands, is it? Compares with me saying that I think that's unfair, to blaming someone who hasn't just lost a horse to starvation for it happening, does it? Your opinion, I don't share it.

Wow...where the hell did i say that cpt? Quite a leap you have made there. Maybe menopause isnt suiting you? Evenign primrose, thats the key. :) ;)

Please, for the sake of the OP, let this thread die. No one ever wishes any suffering to come to any animal. But having successful sued in the past, this thread will cause more damage then good.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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I never blamed her. I always said the yard owner can't be excused and that OP should go to the RSPCA. The only thing I did say was that not seeing her horse in 8 weeks was wrong. OP didn't starve her horse, she isn't at blame. However she didn't monitor the mare (which I did think ill of with duty of care and all), which shows how much she obviously trusted the YO.

No one deserves to lose their horse, let alone someone who put their trust in the wrong person!!!!

Lets put this one to bed. This is my last post on the matter.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I never blamed her ......... the only thing I did say was that not seeing her horse in 8 weeks was wrong. OP didn't starve her horse, she isn't at blame. However she didn't monitor the mare (which I did think ill of with duty of care and all), which shows how much she obviously trusted the YO.

No one deserves to lose their horse, let alone someone who put their trust in the wrong person!!!!

Lets put this one to bed. This is my last post on the matter.

Yes, let's put it to bed with the opinion that the owner did nothing wrong in leaving her horse on a paying basis with a person that she trusted absolutely to do the right thing, when for personal reasons she had moved 500 miles away, probably with considerable disruption to her own life.

Plenty of people who work abroad for spells, or for a multitude of other possible personal reasons have to do exactly the same thing.