Well-Known Member
And almost the worst things about so many new devopments is their total lack of standards in both design and build quality. Some developers are seemingly building the slums of tomorrow. Many seem totally unfit for the housing needs of a changing sociatal/economical base not to mention the seemingly lack of concern/indifference to the obvious necessity of providing a sustainable infrastructure to support the increase in population that a new development will require. Why do we still build houses that do not support multi- generational living whither it be boomerang children or older relatives that require a bit of support? And ask an unaffordable amount of money for them? The 'affordable' housing part of some new devopements is a joke and is utterly unaffordable for most young first time buyers. This is not to mention the horrible damage these devopements are doing to the local environment. There must he a better way to provide affordable housing for our young people and other people who have either sought sanctuary in our shores or have moved here to support our economy.