Up in the clouds
Can't help in any way but thinking of you, having been in a similar position. It is unbelievably stressful. Sending <<<<<vibes>>>>> for you both
This, it's certainly worth asking. They might be able to swing a last minute afternoon off. Of even know someone else they could recommend.I'm so sorry things aren't going so well. But I wouldn't feel bad about asking friends for help with transport. I'd sure they'd be happy to help you. If someone I knew need help moving their ill horse I know I'd be glad I could be of some practical use.
Oh my actual goodness
I've just arrived home to the biggest surprise from, I'm assuming, posters on this thread.
I'm completely blown away. You are all far, far too generous and extremely kind. In a surprise to absolutely no one I'm in tears again.
I guess the diet is on hold for yet another week
It might make you chuckle to know that the "I hate everyone too" socks with the horse, is now the fourth pair of them I have. I wonder what that says about me
If you'd like to out yourselves or PM so that I can thank you personally I'd appreciate it.
There was really no need but thank you so much. It is really appreciated, even more so just to know that you're all rooting for Chip.
Thank you so much xx
Oh my actual goodness
I've just arrived home to the biggest surprise from, I'm assuming, posters on this thread.
I'm completely blown away. You are all far, far too generous and extremely kind. In a surprise to absolutely no one I'm in tears again.
I guess the diet is on hold for yet another week
It might make you chuckle to know that the "I hate everyone too" socks with the horse, is now the fourth pair of them I have. I wonder what that says about me
If you'd like to out yourselves or PM so that I can thank you personally I'd appreciate it.
There was really no need but thank you so much. It is really appreciated, even more so just to know that you're all rooting for Chip.
Thank you so much xx
Glad it got there, I'm calling out DabDab for her stella organisation and having the idea in the first place, a good egg!
Glad it arrived ok and well done DabDab for organising it hope Chip is continuing to improve?!
I've lowered my expectations and now apply my "success factor" to him. Did you die? No= success. So far he's not dead so I'm counting that as a win.
He's brighter in himself but we're not having much luck in the putting on weight category (him, not me! I'm winning that).
So yeah still just hoping
DabDab is a star. I was thinking about you earlier hoping no news was good news - bright in himself is a good sign.
My Appy has enough blubber for two. Liposuction?
He is beautiful - absolutely beautiful! He looks shiny and has a lovely relaxed and bright eye so hoping that he IS on the mend. You are doing a fab job of helping him mend.