Well-Known Member
Are rope halters much of a muchness? I have never bought one before. Is there anything that I should be looking out for? Thanks
I would never tie up in a halter, recipe for disaster if you ask me. I'm afraid that the phrase 'natural horsemanship' turns me right off. I really dislike those multi-strand halters.
I bought a Parelli one 8 years ago and still use it daily. It's been used as a headcollar, used for groundwork and ridden in. Still got tonnes of life left in it! I'd say good as new but it currently looks a bit muddied ?
I do tie up in it but use a quick release clip on the headpiece. Added advantage of it doing up like a headcollar so no need to tie the loop each time.
I bought two of these over two years ago as I wanted to have more control as needed to lead two horses together to and from the field. They’re still in great condition even though they hang on the field gates all weathers. They’re thinner than some. I don’t tie up in them usually in case they pull back.
that's an interesting designI use one of these:
I use one of these: