tb gal
Well-Known Member
I live in an area where little/no winter turnout is the norm. Pony had cortisone hock injection in July after a lot of dithering on my part. Vet couldnt offer anything else as hock nearly fused its the small (tarsal?) joints. She was sound and done some pleasure rides and polework clinic. this month the horses are in during the night and due to work pressures mines on livery so out about 9 back in at 13.00. She has really stiffened up, today she was not right but I caught her interest with walking over and round poles based on a pole app which she liked but she didnt want to trot. I am really worried as winter she will be out a few hours. The nearest places with all year turnout have little or no hacking and the ones with hacking would take me so long to reach that I wouldnt have time to ride. Not sure what to do next really, vet is out next week and am considering taking her for more hock injections. has anyone coped successfully with arthritis and limited turnout over winter?