As you get older what is the most important thing you have learnt


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11 June 2019
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You’re not fat - you HAVE fat

Actually being aware that you know less than you think you do.... I think that’s all teenagers for you and I’m glad I can profess my ignorance as It makes me open to learning.

your animals are not deliberately trying to p*ss you off

don’t dwell and just crack on. I’m a perfectionist and it has stopped me doing anything rather than trying SOMETHING.

clichéd but... love many, trust few, do no wrong/harm to anyone.

being young you make mistakes and kind of crash through life, (well I did) id glad I’ve been able to reflect and improve.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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that everyone (else) is not an expert!
It’s ALL about self belief!
Once you show a chink or weakness or self-doubt horse people will swoop in like vultures and take over your life.
Trust your gut feeling.
You know your own horse.
Each one is an individual, you can’t force them to enjoy doing dressage /jumping/whatever just because you do.
That if you ask a vet to find something wrong with your horse, they will find it and it will cost you thousands to be told you have a broken horse when it probably wasn’t even that broken in the first place and a change of career or management would have meant a happy life together or with someone else.
That there are other people out there who can love and care for your horse as well or even better than you can, but be very careful to find them before parting.
Oh yes, and finally, being a one horse owner is bloody miserable, too much emotion and happiness invested in that one poor creature, better to have several!!


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
North East Wales
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Despite thinking I was quite a good rider as a child/teenager, I actually can't ride one side of 95% of horses available today.

(this hasn't stopped me hankering after a beautiful 5yo ID which is currently being advertised, which is UTTERLY UNSUITABLE for me by any stretch of the imagination).


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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That no matter how bad things seem their is almost always a solution. It may not be immediately obvious, and it often requires you to take a step back and give yourself time and space to think it through, but their will be a way through.

To forgive quickly. Holding on to grudges and bad feelings can make you very unhappy. Better to draw a line under it and move on.

My motto in life is: one foot in front of the other. If you're moving you're winning however slow progress might seem.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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yeah, got a problem, want to know where to get something,? well ask on horse and hound.

that the best thing in is the world is sitting on a great horse in the morning, with sun on your face, and thinking, this is the place of happiness