Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
I think it is immune as his gut is a bit hit and miss. Sometimes he is fine and sometimes he is not with how his droppings look, nothing to concern you too much but stuff I have noticed that I would like to get more consistent. Will look at L94 as not heard that. Was going to get some Max Gut for him as well. The vet said some definitely didn’t look like sarcoids and he has suddenly popped loads of tiny little lumps everywhere underneath. Was muttering about giving him a month off but October is a good time for young horses with stuff to do so will give him a break in November, let’s be honest being a ridden horse is stressful at times and he is one who calls a bit travelling etc . The other Irish one had them worse but being turned away over the winter solved them. Anyway will spend some money on improving the inside and see what happens.
They can throw out juvenile warts at that age - which go as their immune system sorts itself out. I took a risk on buying one with a few but a course of Trinity's L94 sorted them out.