Backing 3/4yr olds


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19 July 2012
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He is by Escape Z and dam is by Fleetwater Opposition, with a good dash of New Forest pony in there.
I chose the stallion to put a bit more power in the jump and try to iron out some of her (many) conformation flaws. I'm really pleased with what they made, he went Elite at the futurity and he's just the type I love to ride.
He has got a fantastic hip, hindleg and shoulder, he will be a good dressage horse if you decide you don't want to leave the ground anymore ;)


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14 October 2009
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Update number 1.....

Nova has been taking a few steps under saddle this week and been very relaxed so today we ventured out on a little hack, starting on the lead rein from his mum and then a little alone. He was ace


The mule is getting really good at long lining- I may brave venturing out onto the tracks next week



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27 January 2009
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They're adorable, aren't they?! I'd love to take her to Spain to do a long trek through the hills one day.
Is he PRE? Can I ask why you decided to send him to Spain to be started?

Yes, he's a PRE and nephew to my now retired PRE, Indio :) He's a far more practical colour though, I didn't want a grey in the first place!

And of course you can ask! There are a couple of reasons. Most importantly, both horses that I have had from my trainer in Spain have been ideal for my situation (a not-very-talented amateur who needs to keep them on livery). They've been very happy in their work, great fun to ride, and happy to turn a hoof to absolutely anything. Confident without being strong, if you know what I mean. And also any yard manager's dream as they're happy to be in or out and can be handled by anyone. I know plenty of other horses from his yard, both here and Spain (and not just PREs) and they're all similar! He's also trained a few horses from Indio's / Chilli's stud and loves them, whereas some trainers aren't so keen as they need to be worked with rather than told what to do.

Second reason, which made it all doable, is that despite having trained Spanish champions my trainer's full training livery prices in Spain are about the same per month as you'd pay an equivalent trainer per week over here. It means that, even with the transport costs, I can afford to give Chilli a really solid start.


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14 October 2009
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Yes, he's a PRE and nephew to my now retired PRE, Indio :) He's a far more practical colour though, I didn't want a grey in the first place!

And of course you can ask! There are a couple of reasons. Most importantly, both horses that I have had from my trainer in Spain have been ideal for my situation (a not-very-talented amateur who needs to keep them on livery). They've been very happy in their work, great fun to ride, and happy to turn a hoof to absolutely anything. Confident without being strong, if you know what I mean. And also any yard manager's dream as they're happy to be in or out and can be handled by anyone. I know plenty of other horses from his yard, both here and Spain (and not just PREs) and they're all similar! He's also trained a few horses from Indio's / Chilli's stud and loves them, whereas some trainers aren't so keen as they need to be worked with rather than told what to do.

Second reason, which made it all doable, is that despite having trained Spanish champions my trainer's full training livery prices in Spain are about the same per month as you'd pay an equivalent trainer per week over here. It means that, even with the transport costs, I can afford to give Chilli a really solid start.

Certainly all the Spanish and Portuguese horses we had have been very straightforward to do, so that does make sense. If you find a good trainer and system that works for you that's worth a lot.
Fingers crossed you can have him home soon!


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14 October 2009
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Update number 2....

The mule did her first little hack today and was just so sweet. She's odd to ride- she has a very 'pacey' walk so rides a bit like a camel?! But she is really enjoying her little excursions


Nova has done a few of the hacking loops, has advanced to 2nd gear and has done a couple of little rides in the arena


They will each do 2 more rides and then be left alone until July. I'm delighted with how quickly both of them progressed and how well they took to it all


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19 July 2012
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Capture d’écran 2020-04-30 à 22.16.29.png

Capture d’écran 2020-04-30 à 22.18.28.png

My youngster has arrived at the yard where I keep my other horses so we can start some work. We are quite behind you TheMule as she has been left a bit feral so we will be working on picking feet to start with.

My gelding is wondering why he is not in the spotlight anymore so gratuitous pic of him discovering his new field and fieldmate. He is 5 now and really starting to mature.

Capture d’écran 2020-04-30 à 22.16.50.png

ETA: headcollar has been swapped to a field safe one.


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14 October 2009
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View attachment 45895

View attachment 45901

My youngster has arrived at the yard where I keep my other horses so we can start some work. We are quite behind you TheMule as she has been left a bit feral so we will be working on picking feet to start with.

My gelding is wondering why he is not in the spotlight anymore so gratuitous pic of him discovering his new field and fieldmate. He is 5 now and really starting to mature.

View attachment 45900

ETA: headcollar has been swapped to a field safe one.

Oh she is lovely! How is she settling in? Your boy is gorgeous too- what's his breeding?


Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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Update from me....

Both the 3yr olds hacked a few times and are now turned away again until July. Really pleased with where we got to, it was an ideal start. They're grazing a friend's fields at the moment so I took advantage of having her arena (which is more enclosed than mine) to give them a loose jump today and was really pleased with how they have both matured.
I'm really hoping the BEF Futurity series can run this year- Nova was an elite foal and I think he'd show himself off quite nicely, though he's much too small for what they want (may just about sneak in as a pony....)



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19 July 2012
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Oh she is lovely! How is she settling in? Your boy is gorgeous too- what's his breeding?

She is progressing well, today she let me groom her fully and pick all 4 feet although she managed to break her field headcollar by pulling on it as soon as I had a hold of it. Catching is not the strong point.

My gelding is a French trotter, bred for racing. He didn't make the time as a 3 years old so he was heading for slaughter. There are a lot like him for rehoming. They are a very undervalued breed.

Your two have a really nice jump. Did you canter them under saddle? If so, did you ask for the first canter in the arena or while hacking out?


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14 October 2009
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She is progressing well, today she let me groom her fully and pick all 4 feet although she managed to break her field headcollar by pulling on it as soon as I had a hold of it. Catching is not the strong point.

My gelding is a French trotter, bred for racing. He didn't make the time as a 3 years old so he was heading for slaughter. There are a lot like him for rehoming. They are a very undervalued breed.

Your two have a really nice jump. Did you canter them under saddle? If so, did you ask for the first canter in the arena or while hacking out?

Oh the fun of baby horses! I must admit it's nice having 2 where I know the handling is totally sorted before backing.

I haven’t cantered these two yet but when I do it will be behind another horse out hacking- we have a nice uphill stretch that I use

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Missed this thread in April. What lovely updates. They seem to have taken it totally in their stride - so you have done a great job in preparing them! Looking forward to seeing how they progress. And yes we DO need an eventing mule!!


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14 October 2009
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Missed this thread in April. What lovely updates. They seem to have taken it totally in their stride - so you have done a great job in preparing them! Looking forward to seeing how they progress. And yes we DO need an eventing mule!!

Thank you ?
I think an 80 one day won’t be out of the realms of possibility so I may have to get a petition going!


Well-Known Member
8 December 2012
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Gosh, everyones look so lovely! This is my rising 3 year old, he was bitted and led from another horse last year. I hope to back and ride him away this summer.

Edit apologies for the massive watermark. Not sure how to upload anything not by photobucket



Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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Gosh, everyones look so lovely! This is my rising 3 year old, he was bitted and led from another horse last year. I hope to back and ride him away this summer.

Edit apologies for the massive watermark. Not sure how to upload anything not by photobucket


He looks a lovely sort, and like he still has a bit of growing to do! How is he bred?
I'm such a fan of leading them from another horse, I really think it's a great way to teach them about movement up above them, going forwards, voice commands and traffic, if you have somewhere suitable


Well-Known Member
8 December 2012
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He looks a lovely sort, and like he still has a bit of growing to do! How is he bred?
I'm such a fan of leading them from another horse, I really think it's a great way to teach them about movement up above them, going forwards, voice commands and traffic, if you have somewhere suitable

Thank you! He is by Cos Me Is Black out of a point to point mare. Same, I am also very lucky that the yard he is kept at is in the middle of 200 acres of woodland tracks so he can all over without worrying about traffic. Also, the woods are used for logging so heavy machinery is his norm!


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14 October 2009
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Thank you! He is by Cos Me Is Black out of a point to point mare. Same, I am also very lucky that the yard he is kept at is in the middle of 200 acres of woodland tracks so he can all over without worrying about traffic. Also, the woods are used for logging so heavy machinery is his norm!

Really nice breeding, I'm a big fan of that stallion and that tradition ISH mix is always a winner


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14 October 2009
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TM - a tad jealous of how yours is coming along , Frank is still very hairy and doing nothing . Managed to get a half decent photo of him today. He’s definitely filled out a bit. He will be sent for backing at the end of the summer . He turned 3 in April View attachment 46189

He's a really nice sort- luckily there's no harm in being hairy and doing nothing at this age! I was never going to start mine so soon but circumstances just made sense to do it.


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25 February 2012
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He's a really nice sort- luckily there's no harm in being hairy and doing nothing at this age! I was never going to start mine so soon but circumstances just made sense to do it.
Thanks, he’s my last WB, all others are Irish draughts . He’s definitely ready to do a little of something, as he’s showing me he’s a bit bored ? will enjoy watching everyones progress ?


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14 October 2009
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Dont worry Asha, my three yr old WB looks a lot more like yours,mine is currently having a growth spurt, and he looks hairy, gangly and daft, mine is well handled and has had his first session on the long reins and was very good, so I forgive his unfortunate looks at the moment.

Nova came out the womb looking mature and has never gone through that gangly stage. Strange how they all grow differently!


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12 August 2011
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Nova came out the womb looking mature and has never gone through that gangly stage. Strange how they all grow differently!

You are so right, I have this three yr olds half brother, who is five now, and he has looked exactly the same throughout, he has just every now and then taken a deep breath and got bigger, but never changed shape at all. But the three yr old, he changes shape every week!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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You are so right, I have this three yr olds half brother, who is five now, and he has looked exactly the same throughout, he has just every now and then taken a deep breath and got bigger, but never changed shape at all. But the three yr old, he changes shape every week!
I couldn’t have posted a photo of Frank a few weeks ago , he looked horrendous.
it will be interesting to see them all again next year . We must keep this post going and watch the changes .?


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Update from me....

Both the 3yr olds hacked a few times and are now turned away again until July. Really pleased with where we got to, it was an ideal start. They're grazing a friend's fields at the moment so I took advantage of having her arena (which is more enclosed than mine) to give them a loose jump today and was really pleased with how they have both matured.
I'm really hoping the BEF Futurity series can run this year- Nova was an elite foal and I think he'd show himself off quite nicely, though he's much too small for what they want (may just about sneak in as a pony....)

View attachment 46001
View attachment 46002

I think no one told the mule that he s not a horse! Amazing jump!