Boggle- USA bound!


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28 May 2013
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I’m very sorry @Michen that is absolutely horrendous.

I would say, from my own experience, that trauma is something quite separate to either grief or shock. Having done both grief and shock a few times, proper trauma, with a graphic element, was the thing that made me feel psychologically wobbly. Do take care of yourself and get as much help as you need, it is a very tricky beast.


Well-Known Member
17 January 2009
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So sorry to read this Michen, what an awful year you’ve had. I echo the others it would be good to be able to talk things through with an experienced pro. l hope Bog is pleased to see you and provides plenty of sensible distraction to help you make sense of everything. Nothing wrong with having a quick trip home if you think it would help, l’m sure everyone will understand.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Posted on other thread, but Bog better be bloody happy to see you. Don't feel it's inappropiate to sob into his mane for an evening either - tis what he's for!

He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.

That’s an excellent plan 👍🏻


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14 April 2011
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I swear if you ever wrote a book about the year you’ve had everyone would think you were making it up as it’s so unbelievable. So so sorry you’ve been witness to something so tragic on what was supposed to be a chance to reset yourself.

Boggle definitely owes you some affection, however grudgingly he may give it!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2012
South West
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Oh Michen, just catching up and can’t believe what you’ve been through in the last few days and I so wish someone was with you on your current journey home to hold your hand and tell you you’ll be ok. I think the whole if this forum are thinking about you atm. You have dealt with so much over the last few months. Getting some counselling to help you through this trauma and to process whats happened, so well done for booking it - please do go. Events of the last few days can resurface when you least expect it and your experiences over the last few days are something many of us cannot even begin to comprehend being witness to. Having had a family suddenly become very ill with mental health issues this year, I cannot stress how important it will be to talk to someone about what’s happened. Someone who can give you tools to cope. I think many of us here are so worried about you and what you’ve had to deal with. Go hug your pony, cry into his mane and take comfort from him. Then go talk to the therapist, and your GP. If you can, take some compassionate leave. And if you need to, jump on a plane and come home for a few days. The familiarity of home will be a comfort and if you are happy Bog is ok, a few days being cared for by family may not be a bad thing to do. We all are thinking of you xx


Well-Known Member
30 March 2014
exiled Glaswegian
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Please go and bury your face in Bog’s mane. While “proper” therapy is invaluable in helping you come to terms with such horrific events, Bog therapy is more immediately available and also priceless because he is part of your family and home environment.

He’s a damn good listener.

Hugs girl, we’re still here.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Oh god I’m crying on the plane reading your messages. They are very kind.

It’s nothing compared to what her husband and family is going through it’s just horrendous beyond anything most of us can imagine.

I’m so tired of this year and at the same time grateful to even be here.


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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How do I even explain this. Boggle is good.

It’s in the news and maybe will reach UK soon enough but there was a fatal shark attack with one of my fellow divers on the boat.

What happened will remain ingrained in my memory forever and I just obviously do not wish to share the details other than what happened was no one’s fault. Despite the thousands of hours that have been spent under water with these apex predators we know it’s not without risk.

It seems utterly silly to have ever felt such distress from the Boggle situation because that was nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to the last 4 days.

I hope one day I can love the ocean again but for now I’m heading back to Colorado to spend, I imagine, many hours with my face buried in Boggles mane.

Im sorry to read this. Life's for off
He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.

Don't rush it.
So much is fresh in your mind and not just about the trip but all the emotional stuff with boggle to.

Councillors largely aim to change the way you percieve things and I'm not sure it's not a bit to early for that.

No body can change what you saw, but months down the line how you see it amd how you feel about it will be different

He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.
He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.

Don't rush it.
So much is fresh in your mind and not just about the trip but all the emotional stuff with boggle to.

Councillors largely aim to change the way you percieve things and I'm not sure it's not a bit to early for that.

No body can change what you saw, but months down the line how you see it amd how you feel about it will be different.

You mentioned earlier about the persons family...its natural to think that way but sort of my point.
You saw it you need to allow your self time deal with the shock first.

I'm.sure I speak for many when I say we've all followed this thread and your journey with bog, we've all got your back and whilst most of us are strangers there will always be someone awake to talk to.

In this instance the " hide behind a screen " sentence may be your friend
Talk. Cry. Scream we can't see but we can be here for you. Xx


Well-Known Member
14 June 2022
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Oh my god I am so sorry to hear about everything and that you had to witness something like that.

I strongly recommend speaking to someone as I live with PTSD. It helps to sort through the trauma portion.


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11 November 2008
Down the road,up the hill,second gate on the left
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He kinda owes me 😂.

Just about to take off to Denver where the high today is -5 Celsius. But yeh, looking forward to kissing his cross face.

Pepper is busy on holiday with her American family on the mountains, living her best life!

Thank you everyone AGAIN for your very kind words and sensible advice. I did book an appointment for next Thursday but I’ve never done the therapy thing and am unconvinced I’ll go, I guess I’ll see where my head is at nearer the time.
I’m an old fart on here at nearly sixty and I have only recently started therapy. OMG I really wish I had had the opportunity to start thirty years ago. Please go and just see what happens. Sometimes there’s a eureka moment and other times you think WTF but gradually it all starts falling into place. Everyone please go if life offers you the opportunity, just talking to a neutral person helps.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Ah well that was weird landing in Colorado and ffs the tears wouldn’t stop but my awesome friends (both doctors and British) scooped me up at the baggage carousel and fixed me up- so I’ve eaten a full meal finally!

I’m glad I came back to Colorado and can’t wait to see Boggle tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Im sorry to read this. Life's for off

Don't rush it.
So much is fresh in your mind and not just about the trip but all the emotional stuff with boggle to.

Councillors largely aim to change the way you percieve things and I'm not sure it's not a bit to early for that.

No body can change what you saw, but months down the line how you see it amd how you feel about it will be different

Don't rush it.
So much is fresh in your mind and not just about the trip but all the emotional stuff with boggle to.

Councillors largely aim to change the way you percieve things and I'm not sure it's not a bit to early for that.

No body can change what you saw, but months down the line how you see it amd how you feel about it will be different.

You mentioned earlier about the persons family...its natural to think that way but sort of my point.
You saw it you need to allow your self time deal with the shock first.

I'm.sure I speak for many when I say we've all followed this thread and your journey with bog, we've all got your back and whilst most of us are strangers there will always be someone awake to talk to.

In this instance the " hide behind a screen " sentence may be your friend
Talk. Cry. Scream we can't see but we can be here for you. Xx

Thank you. X


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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There are no words. Be kind to yourself and don’t discount counselling - life doesn’t always equip you to deal with all its challenges (and you’ve had a few) and you might be surprised how it can help.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I'm so sorry Michen just take care of yourself go give Bog a big cuddle when you can.

I would really try and do the counselling I've never had any before now and I'm 52, I can honestly say it's helped me with all my confidence wobbles and anxiety. X


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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So glad you are back with your (very competent sounding) friends and that you decided to push on back. Comforting though the UK may have been there would still have been that other homecoming to get through.

I don't think most of can even imagine the horror of what happened. What I do know from my military past is that battlefield shock - which is what you experienced - needs to be taken very seriously. You may feel you are coping and adjusting in the weeks ahead but PTSD is an insidious enemy which creeps up unseen. Even if you have doubts about talking to someone - and understandably feel that you just never want to have to think or talk about it ever again - you really have nothing to lose by giving it a chance. If you feel you are not connecting with the first person you consult, look for someone who has experience of counselling military veterans.

You will get through this horrendous year - but it will be easier with help.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2010
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I am so very sorry for what happened, how utterly horrific, words just aren't enough.

Be as kind as you can be right now to yourself. You've been through utter hell and this on top of previous trauma.

Other posters have recommended counselling, I personally wouldn't recommend it for something as traumatic as this as talking about it can be retraumatising and can reactivate the trauma especially if the brain has maladaptively processed the event. It's worth looking into Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR therapy) if you're experiencing PTSD like symptoms such as flashbacks/intrusive thoughts or images, hyperarousal or hypervigilence as EMDR can help the brain to reprocess the trauma.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2010
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Oh Michen I am so very sorry you had to go through all that. To think that a week or ten days ago, we were all saying yeah go and enjoy yourself, let your body and mind heal from the horrendous time you'd had with Boggle and then this happens. There are just no words. I can offer no advice on the pros and cons of counselling, as I have no experience. I just know it wouldn't be something for me, but that it has probably helped millions! For what its worth, I think you probably did the right thing going back to Colorado rather than back to England, though that must have been a great temptation. You would just have doubled the 'going home' bit with seeing everybody and coping with their reactions. I suppose everyone will want to give you a hug and say 'there there' but it doesnt always help. does it. Everyone will mean well but I guess just won't know what to say. Just look after yourself the best you can, take it one day at a time, cry into Boggles neck as much as you need and remember we are all here for you.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Thank you. Got a solid ten hours sleep and just watching the snow dump outside, feels totally surreal to go from tropical to this. Normal life just resumes now I guess, whatever that is.

Need to get my car and go see Boggle but the roads to get to where he is are soooo windy and much more difficult than his previous barn, I wasn’t organised to have my snow tires switched before I left!


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I am very sorry to hear what has happened. I hope Boggle can help you get through this, as you helped him get through his problems. A good cry in to a horses mane is good therapy.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Just caught up again. I cannot offer any real words of comfort but you know everyone on here has your back and it is a good place to let yourself say whatever you want or need to x hugs x