Boggle- USA bound!


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22 January 2014
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Wonderful photos of fabulous memories!

I look forward to hearing of your new adventures. For a few years, I went annually to near Denver (within an hour) annually for a good few years, it was a wonderful place. Are you in Denver itself, or nearby?

Strangely, I found that everyone loved the English accent and I had invites from everyone to come join them for meals, for days out, for visits... It was very different!

You must get to a rodeo, that is a sight to behold. I'm sure Boggle will soon be fitted up in western kit too.

Such lovely areas nearby. I was but a visitor but went walking in the mountains, riding, white water rafting and oh so many other things. I hope you get a chance to be a tourist too.

Ill be in Denver itself or rather the suburbs so 15/20 mins from centre.

I hope so too! It looks amazing. Also will be travelling around Arizona and Utah a fair bit too and have a trip to North Carolina in a few weeks on the cards!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Ill be in Denver itself or rather the suburbs so 15/20 mins from centre.

I hope so too! It looks amazing. Also will be travelling around Arizona and Utah a fair bit too and have a trip to North Carolina in a few weeks on the cards!

Arizona is the other place I spent time in. Again, amazing. Don't know Utah other than to drive through. It seemed very... sandy ?at least the road I was on.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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You'll figure it out, Michen. With regards to turnout etc. It'll be OK.

Safe travels to you and Boggle and little Pepper when it is her turn. x

Thanks PF. Not sure why I’m suddenly having a meltdown I knew the situation but suddenly it’s hit home and I’m so used to seeing him in a big grassy field. Think I’m just overtired and it’s all got a bit much!

I think I just need to get him through the winter and for that I think heated barn etc will be good for him, keep him warm and fed and relaxed.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Thanks guys I’m having a bit of a mental crises about the turnout after some insta stalking of potential barns. I feel a bit criminal subjecting him to the 1/5 acre dry lot situation :( though there are bigger herd type options if I want him to go more au natural. Need to see how he does with Colorado winter temps.

I guess I’ll just have to see how he gets on.

But really nervous I’m being selfish. That said, he is a pain in his Boggle way, so do kinda think he’s better off with me ?
It was seeing how happy they were in their little stable lots that made me build Rigs one outside his stable. He loves his too. It means they don't have to be locked in, at least.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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It was seeing how happy they were in their little stable lots that made me build Rigs one outside his stable. He loves his too. It means they don't have to be locked in, at least.

Yeah to be fair I’d prefer him out in what he’s going to have than a deep muddy field. And he does spend a fair bit of time in the winter hanging around the gate despite the field doing pretty well!

I think it’ll bother me more than him.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Yeah to be fair I’d prefer him out in what he’s going to have than a deep muddy field. And he does spend a fair bit of time in the winter hanging around the gate despite the field doing pretty well!

I think it’ll bother me more than him.

When I was there, the hay was very rich (and expensive) and it bothered me more that they didn't get much. That said, probably because it was richer, they didn't seem to go hungry.

In summer, the sandy paddocks were easy to pick 'horse apples' out of. The sun baked them hard and they sieved straight out with a shavings fork!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Can't believe you're going to the USA!! So excited for you and that you're able to take the Boggly legend to continue to be your equine wingman stateside.

Safe travels to you and Bog x

You said on a thread I posted back in January something along the lines of think of the adventures you guys could have in a country like the USA, I always remembered that sentence! (Along with various hoof related things ??). Xx


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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You said on a thread I posted back in January something along the lines of think of the adventures you guys could have in a country like the USA, I always remembered that sentence! (Along with various hoof related things ??). Xx

Haha, ah well you always seem like the sort of person who knows how to make the most of an adventure. So you have only yourself to blame ? x


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23 October 2010
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I'm so excited for you, and thrilled that your heart horse gets to accompany you on this new journey!! Please keep us updated!!

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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The winters aren't as miserable as the ones here. You won't come back. You'll get a bit of snow, but it does not snow nearly as much on the Front Range as it did when I was a kid (which is nice for you but a worrying harbinger of climate change). There will be some days of heavy snow, for sure, but there will be plenty of dry, cold sunny days. You don't get the relentless horizontal rain and grey, grey, and then more grey. Or maybe that's just the West of Scotland.

I thought the dry lot system was absolutely fine. Most horses at my barn were happy and settled. They had ad lib hay, and I had no trouble with weight management. Most people didn't. Gypsum was happy and settled. But she was horrified by British/Scottish turnout. And mud. And weather. And midges. And cleg flies. Never stopped being horrified until the day she died. It's probably easier to go the other way, though, because CO is really nice, whereas the West of Scotland is pretty hardcore. I bought a native and a Glasgow-bred PRE for a reason. Whatever one might say about Hermosa's breeder, at least she is here, and those horses have no clue that there are places in the world with sun and good weather (unless their dad told them bedtime stories about Spain).
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Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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OH and I always said that Gypsum would have been happier in Lincolnshire (where he is from), as it's sunnier, drier, and the midges are less vicious. But it is too flat and too cultivated, and we like being able to drive to mountains and wild places in an afternoon (you can take the Coloradan out of Colorado...). Plus, OH has zero desire to be within an easy drive of his family.


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1 June 2021
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Best of luck @Michen and Boggle. Hope you both get up to lots of exciting things to update us with. I’m also going to miss Bog eventing updates but look forward to hearing what you get up to.


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11 June 2019
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Wow - I can’t believe you’re taking bog with you..but how could you not?! He’s seriously one of my fave HHO ponies to follow.

we’ve had chance to move to Canada, Aus and Southern states (Texas) with OH work but I’ve always flapped it because I don’t think I could adjust to their way of horsey life over there…I like our wet misery ?

safe travels and keep us all updated, this is exciting!!! ❤️


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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The winters aren't as miserable as the ones here. You won't come back. You'll get a bit of snow, but it does not snow nearly as much on the Front Range as it did when I was a kid (which is nice for you but a worrying harbinger of climate change). There will be some days of heavy snow, for sure, but there will be plenty of dry, cold sunny days. You don't get the relentless horizontal rain and grey, grey, and then more grey. Or maybe that's just the West of Scotland.

I thought the dry lot system was absolutely fine. Most horses at my barn were happy and settled. They had ad lib hay, and I had no trouble with weight management. Most people didn't. Gypsum was happy and settled. But she was horrified by British/Scottish turnout. And mud. And weather. And midges. And cleg flies. Never stopped being horrified until the day she died. It's probably easier to go the other way, though, because CO is really nice, whereas the West of Scotland is pretty hardcore. I bought a native and a Glasgow-bred PRE for a reason. Whatever one might say about Hermosa's breeder, at least she is here, and those horses have no clue that there are places in the world with sun and good weather (unless their dad told them bedtime stories about Spain).

Yep Bog does suffer from mild sweet itch and he hates the rain and wet so hopefully he will be happy enough. They do get turned out all day 7-3 so that’s pretty good too.

Thank you, cheered me up! ?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Aw, safe travels both of you!! :) I have loved reading Boggle and your adventures and hope that there are more to come Stateside. :) :) Wishing you all the best with all journeys and settlings in all round.