Boggle- USA bound!


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27 January 2009
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Those photos speak to the wonderful care you give him and the work you've put in - it's great to see that he can go with you! I'm sure he will travel absolutely fine and the dry lot option sounds ideal. Will you have a luxurious heated indoor for winter too..?

Another who is looking forward to following your adventures over there!!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Those photos speak to the wonderful care you give him and the work you've put in - it's great to see that he can go with you! I'm sure he will travel absolutely fine and the dry lot option sounds ideal. Will you have a luxurious heated indoor for winter too..?

Another who is looking forward to following your adventures over there!!

Thanks J1ffy that's very kind! Omg I am such a mess! There is so much to do this week. I've been super chilled up until now... a trembling wreck :D

Yep heated indoor. My main thing was wanting him somewhere close as I'm renting a colleagues air b and b basement let until I find a proper house probably next year. The traffic around Denver is terrible but there's another barn I think will be more suited to us long term, I just need to be more on that side of the city otherwise it can be an hour each way which I just don't think will work with a very full on new job, I wanted to be able to see him lots especially initially.


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14 August 2011
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What an incredible journey you’ve had so far together. And a lovely partnership. Looking forward to hearing about the next stage in your exciting adventure together.

I love the pic of you both on the ground, he’s so pretty!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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You are one brave girl, but, it you can cope with horses and sharks (both kinds!) then you can cope with any thing. Very best of luck both at work and play.

Brave or mental. I did have to do some serious soul searching about whether I was just uprooting my very lovely life here for no reason but... I can come back. And I cannot sit here all winter thinking what if I'd just taken the opportunity.

It's an absolute privelege to get a visa to work there, the company have moved mountains. I think I landed on 120 ish emails back and forth with the company immigration lawyers and it is not easy to get anymore (well it never was for America) so I think I have to grab it and make the most of it!


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29 September 2013
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We have had the most amazing summer! Lots of placings at 90 eventing, holidays, beach rides, camps, pub rides, pairs hunter trials with Bear. Just endless fun and Boggle is on the best form of his life. He’s so full of buzz, happy and knows he completely and utterly owns me in every way possible whilst at the same time always being 100% generous and on my side.

We never made it around our BE100 after two disastrous attempts. One where I fell off SJ (totally my fault, didn’t have a stride and did nothing resulting in.. the below!). One where I got my finger wrapped around the rein during a bad jump in a warm up and busted it, there was no way of going XC. But we finished on a 27.5 dressage at Calmsden champs where we would have been second but were apparently a minute under the optimum time ?‍♀️?.

Next week begins a whole new adventure for us both.

We are off to America! Specifically Denver, Colorado. My visa got approved at the embassy last week so I’m just waiting for my passport to be returned with it in. Boggle is leaving earlier than I thought, the 14th, to get to Amsterdam and then he flies to LA on the 18th. Three days quarantine then a few days overland to Colorado. So he’s actually going to be leaving before I am which is weird, though if all goes well he should arrive on a Sunday so I can be around to receive him.

It’s so strange to think this little runty, pain in the backside of a horse that I bought off Facebook has become such a huge part of my life that there is no way I’d go without him. Very excited to see what adventures the USA offer although I imagine they will be lacking for the first 6 months whilst I get my head down and work as I’ll be travelling a lot. So many different emotions about leaving and packing up, saying endless goodbyes and lots of tears but it’s all made much better knowing my biggest comfort will be there with me.

Here’s to the next chapter with my one in a million side kick!

Thanks HHO for half a decade of Boggle support when things were not quite so easy ?

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I'm completely full of admiration for you M. You are so brave just packing up and starting a new life overseas!

I have no doubt you will both have an absolutely amazing time, and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Colorado.

Hope the move goes as smoothly as possible for you and Boggle. ?


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5 February 2008
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Fabulous transition photos and all the very best for both your journeys. Look forward to the updates in due course. Heated barn - I fancied one of those this morning and it's not even cold yet. It sounds the most amazing opportunity.


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31 January 2018
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Wow - what an adventure! I hope you both have fun.
That first photo is amazing - he has grown into such a beautiful beast of a horse!


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I'm completely full of admiration for you M. You are so brave just packing up and starting a new life overseas!

I have no doubt you will both have an absolutely amazing time, and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Colorado.

Hope the move goes as smoothly as possible for you and Boggle. ?

Thank you SC that's very kind! I don't feel particularly brave at the moment but I think I'll feel much better when I'm actually on the plane and have said all the dreaded goodbyes


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25 February 2016
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Brave or mental. I did have to do some serious soul searching about whether I was just uprooting my very lovely life here for no reason but... I can come back. And I cannot sit here all winter thinking what if I'd just taken the opportunity.

It's an absolute privelege to get a visa to work there, the company have moved mountains. I think I landed on 120 ish emails back and forth with the company immigration lawyers and it is not easy to get anymore (well it never was for America) so I think I have to grab it and make the most of it!
I disappeared off to Australia just before I turned 30 and I still think working out there was one of the highlights of my life. Lots of people told me I was brave but I just thought I can always fly home if its really awful. It wasn't! You'll have a great time.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I disappeared off to Australia just before I turned 30 and I still think working out there was one of the highlights of my life. Lots of people told me I was brave but I just thought I can always fly home if its really awful. It wasn't! You'll have a great time.

Thanks! Just a bit expensive to get Bog back. I know a lot of people on this thread will be wondering why the heck I'm not waiting 6 months before taking him. But I think I need to go and embrace it and ensure I'm there at least a year before deciding if I didn't like it. And to me, the 30k to get him there and back is worth it for a year. He grounds me and I think it's just better we are together. Genuienly for him too, he's complex medically and I am incredibly specific about how he is looked after to ensure he's kept in the best nick possible.

Though obviously I hope I'm there for many!

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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Pepper staying here for a few months whilst I get sorted and find a permanent house :)

Of course I won’t. Couldn’t have survived horse ownership without you all!

I was wondering about Pepper ?

Sounds an amazing adventure, do you mind me asking Michen. What do you do for work? Please ignore if you can’t or don’t want to answer.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I was wondering about Pepper ?

Sounds an amazing adventure, do you mind me asking Michen. What do you do for work? Please ignore if you can’t or don’t want to answer.

No issue! At the moment I run a sales team for a big software company in the UK. The company I'm moving to I used to work for (in the UK) previously. Again, sales but not software- services.


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30 July 2010
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Amazing photos! I completely understand you taking Boggle straight away. As well as all the reasons you've stated it will give you the opportunity to meet like minded people outside of the work environment. It all sounds amazing. Enjoy the USA and keep is posted on how you all get on.


Well-Known Member
26 September 2012
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Wow what an amazing opportunity and adventure for you! How exciting, wish you the best of luck. Boggle looking fab as always...apologies I must have missed, have you sold Bear on now?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Wow what an amazing opportunity and adventure for you! How exciting, wish you the best of luck. Boggle looking fab as always...apologies I must have missed, have you sold Bear on now?

Yes I sold Bear to one of my best friends, whose been loaning him for a year (and loving him since he arrived!). They are a perfect match and it helped fund some of Boggle's flight


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17 July 2008
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Enjoy! I understand the devotion to a horse that means you don’t want to be apart from him for long, and it would be too easy if you had 6 months apart to slip into a comfortable normal life in the states that would be harder to then fit him into later.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Enjoy! I understand the devotion to a horse that means you don’t want to be apart from him for long, and it would be too easy if you had 6 months apart to slip into a comfortable normal life in the states that would be harder to then fit him into later.

Yep I hadn't thought of it like that. I'm worried that's what may happen with Pepper :( Will just have to see, she has plenty of offers of a permanent home and think equally I could wait until spring to get her over although current plan is Jan.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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January will soon be here.

In any case, you have raised her to be happy and confident so I think she will happily adapt to whatever situation she is in, as I know you would only ever organise a happy, fun place for her to be.