CAP Payments to the South Dorset Hunt from the European Union


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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Well popsdosh, I trust the result of the EU Referendum is a sufficient Armageddon for you?

The Prime Minister has resigned, the pound has plummeted from $1.50 to $1.35 and the Stock Market has fallen dramatically.

In all probability farmland values will fall by about 90% without EU subsidies.

Already made money taking advantage of the short term situation thank you. Hope you did . also. By monday we will most likely be back somewhere near where we were!
Also thanks to the south dorset hunt for bringing that for me.LOL
If you think land values will collapse you really are deluded but then we have already seen how good your predictions are!!


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18 June 2010
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Already made money taking advantage of the short term situation thank you. Hope you did . also. By monday we will most likely be back somewhere near where we were!
Also thanks to the south dorset hunt for bringing that for me.LOL
If you think land values will collapse you really are deluded but then we have already seen how good your predictions are!!

There are a variety of media comments concerning the inevitable fall in Farm Land Price

For example:

Of course a dramatic fall in farm land prices, will reduce the level of farm rents, indeed they will have to be dramatically reduced.

EU subsidies have been artificially boosted farmland prices.


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7 November 2008
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There are a variety of media comments concerning the inevitable fall in Farm Land Price

For example:

Of course a dramatic fall in farm land prices, will reduce the level of farm rents, indeed they will have to be dramatically reduced.

EU subsidies have been artificially boosted farmland prices.

They havent but you wont accept that . Demand drives land prices ! All the time we keep building houses its a finite resource they we cannot make more of it.


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7 November 2008
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So I just base my business decisions on what others think may happen ( why do you take so much notice) against what my years of experience in the business tells me.
Through all the agricultural downturns in my life time land values have never ended up coming down.I hope values do drop as we will happily be buying more if it drops to where we can actually service the financing involved. As for rents you show very little understanding as to how AHT rents are arrived at its not just what the landlord wants there is an agreed formula that is based on the earning capacity of the land.
As for FBT rents they are down to what farmers want to bid to get the tenancy and many only have themselves to blame with what they have offered being well in excess of the money that can be made from the land all for the sake of farming those extra acres.


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18 June 2010
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I hope values do drop as we will happily be buying more if it drops to where we can actually service the financing involved.

You won't find any bankers who will lend for any farm purchase at the moment. I am reliably informed there will be a wholesale calling in of loans and overdrafts. Indeed receivers are already anticipating quite a few farm repossessions. Particularly as the EU want us gone forthwith.

Logic being, as the rest of the EU want the UK gone immediately, coupled to the Brexit Leavers making arrangements, so that the UK ceases making any further payments to Brussels immediately, it is likely all EU farm subsidies will also cease immediately.

You can forget any notion of a nice orderly withdrawal from the EU overtime in a comfortable time frame of the UK's choosing.

The rest of the EU member states are saying here is your "P45" .... off and .... off now!
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Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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You won't find any bankers who will lend for any farm purchase at the moment. I am reliably informed there will be a wholesale calling in of loans and overdrafts. Indeed receivers are already anticipating quite a few farm repossessions. Particularly as the EU want us gone forthwith.

Logic being, as the rest of the EU want the UK gone immediately, coupled to the Brexit Leavers making arrangements, so that the UK ceases making any further payments to Brussels immediately, it is likely all EU farm subsidies will also cease immediately.

You can forget any notion of a nice orderly withdrawal from the EU overtime in a comfortable time frame of the UK's choosing.

The rest of the EU member states are saying here is your "P45" .... off and .... off now!

I think they will be like all your other predictions pie in the sky !!!!!

Still not seen any movement on your original point and the subject of this thread again totally mistaken assumptions on your part.


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18 June 2010
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I think they will be like all your other predictions pie in the sky !!!!!

Still not seen any movement on your original point and the subject of this thread again totally mistaken assumptions on your part.

popsdosh that is just where you are so wrong. The whole vote to leave the EU was a vote by the majority who are against the right wing privileged rich. The so called establishment, the bankers hedge funds, exploiting manufacturers and all the ridiculous people who tried to tell them how to vote.

Anybody who owns land, farmland, goes hunting and is perceived as wealthy, privileged is the recipients of inherited wealth.

The British people did not vote by a majority to line their wallets and pockets they, voted because they want decency and fairness restored and their country that they can call their own.

For the little business person to protect their business, unlike all the privileged wealthy landowners, farmers and hunting elite who with their inherited wealth, have been protected by grossly inflated EU subsidies.

Also to close our borders to the relentless march of immigrants.

Immigrants that the wealthy privileged landowners and farmers want as cheap labor predominantly in East Anglia and Scotland. Also for those immigrants to depress the wages of the populous in the greater economy.

Well no more, the unacceptable face of agricultural protectionism which has been removed, or at least will be removed. Indeed probably a great deal faster, if the EU commission have their way. To make an example of the UK.

After all the British EU Commissioner Lord Paul Hill was obliged to resign earlier today.

This has never happened before, therefore the manner of it's coming and results, are not recognized according to any known or existing formula - along with the resignation of the comprehensively failed Prime Minister. Perhaps if he had gone to a comprehensive school, instead of the sort of person turned out by Eton, he might have understood the common working class people, who are the back bone of this country. Whose homes, jobs, the NHS, schools and local indigenous society were being usurped by immigrant insurgency.
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7 November 2008
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Yes Boris, definitely not of the privileged wealthy...

LOL !!! my prediction 5 yrs time we are still in EU(they need us more than we need them) and for what its worth JM this privileged over subsidised farmer voted to leave.
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Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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LOL !!! my prediction 5 yrs time we are still in EU(they need us more than we need them) and for what its worth JM this privileged over subsidised farmer voted to leave.

A typical remark and indicative of the Establishment, who when they lose, try and trample all over the little people and their richly deserved and long over due democracy, by 'throwing monetary consideration in the gutter'.

Mocking the winners will only lead to a increasingly divided country.
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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LOL !!! my prediction 5 yrs time we are still in EU(they need us more than we need them) and for what its worth JM this privileged over subsidised farmer voted to leave.

I think it's very possible in five years we will still technically be in bit only as the never before tried system of leaving will be torturously slow .


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I think it's very possible in five years we will still technically be in bit only as the never before tried system of leaving will be torturously slow .

Firstly I think we, hunting folk can take a bow as to the erudite arguments that are being put forward post Brexit.

Goldenstar, I am going to disagree with you, not because I have any particular interest or issue with the time frame.

The EU Commission and the various EU leaders want us gone and gone very quickly. We are like a disease that could infect other member states in the EU. By going quickly that makes an example of a state who has decided to leave.

Furthermore reading The New York Times this morning, there is a very interesting piece about how Brexit has changed the world order imposed immediately post 1945 by the Americans.

My sources indicate that whilst the Americans can understand the position of the UK and the result, they i.e the State Department and Military want to see a very swift succession so far as a Prime Minister is concerned, coupled to a swift and clean exit from the EU.

There is also another piece that suggests that the Brexit vote has damaged Mrs Clinton's chances of becoming the next President, because she is very much for the Establishment and existing status quo.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't have any particular view either way but we must embrace the world outside of the EU from hereon.
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I agree it may well have damaged Clinton and I also agree that the rest of the EU will want a quick exit don't want those other citizens getting any silly ideas .
However it's not as simple as that .
We need a new pm as quick as possible and we then need to negotiate hard to get the best deal using speed as I do think that's our best bargaining chip.
Whose best to lead that process I just don't know .
But the more you think of the morass of stuff that needs sorting the worse it sounds how you entangle that quickly I have no idea .
And at some point we will have deal with Scotland .

Alec Swan

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My sources indicate that whilst the Americans can understand the position of the UK and the result, they i.e the State Department and Military want to see a very swift succession so far as the Prime Minister is concerned, coupled to a swift and clean exit from the EU.


Don't misunderstand me, I don't have any particular view either way but we must embrace the world outside of the EU from hereon.

** the State Department and Military want to see a very swift succession so far as a Prime Minister is concerned, coupled to a swift and clean exit from the EU.**

So that's what America 'wants' is it? Whatever the future holds it will be to the benefit of the UK and will then put us in a stronger position to offer support to other nations and states. We will exit the EU and replace our PM at a speed which suits us, not the one nation who have and still contrive to manipulate world politics and to suit their own ends. I understand that Obama has reinforced his previous statement that when it comes to trade deals, we will now go to the back of the queue. So we're going to bend over and accept the demands of American foreign policy are we? Are we ****.

We will, I feel sure embrace (as you put it) the remainder of the world and Europe in particular, the difference now though is that 'negotiation' will be the key word, not 'compliance'.



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Back to business and the primary substance of this forum.

Assuming Boris is the next Prime Minister, if he is smart he will look for a personal mandate as Prime Minister and ditch the Fixed Term Parliament Act and go for a General Election in November.

The Conservatives will win with a landslide majority akin to that of Mrs Thatcher.

I hear you say what about Theresa May, a lovely and very capable lady, with a good degree from Oxford in Geography. However Boris has, shall we say hard wired himself into the mantle of succession.

Let's face it they don't exactly have an opposition, although Hilary Benn could be a formidable adversary if Corbyn goes.

Nevertheless, it will lead to Repeal.


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28 March 2011
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Back to business and the primary substance of this forum.

Assuming Boris is the next Prime Minister, if he is smart he will look for a personal mandate as Prime Minister and ditch the Fixed Term Parliament Act and go for a General Election in November.

The Conservatives will win with a landslide majority akin to that of Mrs Thatcher.

I hear you say what about Theresa May, a lovely and very capable lady, with a good degree from Oxford in Geography. However Boris has, shall we say hard wired himself into the mantle of succession.

Let's face it they don't exactly have an opposition, although Hilary Benn could be a formidable adversary if Corbyn goes.

Nevertheless, it will lead to Repeal.

I have followed TM's career from the start and I would love to see her lead the country however a part of me thinks BJ should have to get on deliver what he supported ,the 350 million a week for the NHS and all that .
Let him be the one who explains that we are going to pay for access to the single market and at the same time he could explain how a custom union works when you living outside it .
Let him be in the chair when the issues with migration continue and the money from the EU stops flowing into the uni's and into Wales etc.
And it will defiantly be more entertaining with BJ in charge .
I suspect he will do a deal with GO who will remain chancellor .
I know GO is not popular but the markets like him and that means a lot ATM .


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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ester, who's that question for?


Judgemental, as he was the one maintaining it was a protest vote against the right wing landed elite. He seems to only want to talk to popsdosh and GS though and ignores most others comments, however valid.


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7 November 2008
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Judgemental, as he was the one maintaining it was a protest vote against the right wing landed elite. He seems to only want to talk to popsdosh and GS though and ignores most others comments, however valid.

Talk or pontificate not sure. My upbringing and profile doesn't exactly fit in with his theory.

I do feel sorry for Boris ,I dont think for one minute he expected to win on thursday it has sort of messed his plans up re the leadership. There have been very few in the tory party more pro europe than Boris over the years!


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Back to business and the primary substance of this forum.

Assuming Boris is the next Prime Minister, if he is smart he will look for a personal mandate as Prime Minister and ditch the Fixed Term Parliament Act and go for a General Election in November.

The Conservatives will win with a landslide majority akin to that of Mrs Thatcher.

I hear you say what about Theresa May, a lovely and very capable lady, with a good degree from Oxford in Geography. However Boris has, shall we say hard wired himself into the mantle of succession.

Let's face it they don't exactly have an opposition, although Hilary Benn could be a formidable adversary if Corbyn goes.

Nevertheless, it will lead to Repeal.

Interestingly, several of the more prominent pro-leave Conservative MP's happen to be in the minority anti-hunting wing of the party, so repeal is certainly not guaranteed. But I think both Boris and Theresa May would be sympathetic people to have in power.


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Interesting thought, if Mrs Sturgeon and Scotland wants to be a member of the EU, does that mean we will not have to have any Scottish MP's in the House of Commons.

What a delicious notion, repeal would definitely be on the cards. English votes for English laws.

She really has become far too big for her boots and an inflated opinion of her own self importance?


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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Interesting thought, if Mrs Sturgeon and Scotland wants to be a member of the EU, does that mean we will not have to have any Scottish MP's in the House of Commons.

What a delicious notion, repeal would definitely be on the cards. English votes for English laws.

She really has become far too big for her boots and an inflated opinion of her own self importance?

I agree but really whether Scotland is in the Union or not - English Votes for English Laws should still be enacted as swiftly as possible. The current set up is nonsense - English and Welsh MP's are completely unable to pass or repeal laws solely affecting England and Wales. They are only given a very limited veto on aspects of new legislation.


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I agree but really whether Scotland is in the Union or not - English Votes for English Laws should still be enacted as swiftly as possible. The current set up is nonsense - English and Welsh MP's are completely unable to pass or repeal laws solely affecting England and Wales. They are only given a very limited veto on aspects of new legislation.

Countryman you are so right Sturgeon and her mob have caused endless problems for the government, simply for gratuitous political thrills.

We could have had repeal or at least an amendment using the Statutory Instrument, had the SNP not scuppered the plans of the government before Christmas.

However, it looks as if Sturgeon got her comeuppance today. Who does this insignificant young lady from the Isle of Skye think she is, puffed up with parochial self importance!

The piece is quite long and starts as follows:

"NICOLA STURGEON’s bid to keep Scotland in the EU ended in humiliation today after European leaders told the Scottish First Minister they will not cut her a special deal.


Nicola Sturgeon saw her hopes of keeping Scotland in the EU dashed by France and Spain

The SNP leader had traveled to Brussels today in the hope of holding talks with Brussels chiefs over retaining Scotland’s EU membership, in defiance of last week’s Brexit vote.

But both France and Spain shot down her plans to negotiate a way for Scotland to remain part of the bloc.

Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy said Ms Sturgeon’s Scottish Government is not authorised to barter with other EU member states.

Following a summit of 27 EU leaders in Brussels, he told a news conference: "I want to be very clear Scotland does not have the competence to negotiate with the European Union.

“Spain opposes any negotiation by anyone other than the government of United Kingdom.”

He added: "I am extremely against it, the treaties are extremely against it and I believe everyone is extremely against it. If the United Kingdom leaves... Scotland leaves.”

French president Francois Hollande backed up his Spanish counterpart, insisting exit talks will only be held with the UK Government and not the Holyrood administration.

He said: "The negotiations will be conducted with the UK, not with a part of the UK.”