Comberton Clancy - is it true? :-(


Well-Known Member
28 September 2009
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2 Weeks?

One day I put a feed in a field with a yearling, went to the next field (separated by electric) to feed another horse. I stood there the whole time second horse ate (5 minutes), collected the bowl then walk to the first field to get yearlings bowl. Yearlings leg was covered in blodd, where she had got her back legs over the fence then removed huge anounts of skin getting them back. Was massive injury, took 18 months to heal over fully. Could have ended very badly if it had got infected (thankfully never did despite all the dressing changes). It only took 5 mins, I was stood about 30m away & never heard a thing. This horse nearly ended it's life in 5 minutes, 2 weeks is a massive amount of time for things to change in.

Condolences to the owners, they always leave such a hole when they pass.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Such a shame for a young horse.

But if there is a prospect of a long time on box rest, with a horse that can't cope and with possibily a guarded prognosis, then I can understand an owner taking the PTS option.
Speculation, I know, in this case.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2005
My sister is the owner of Clancy, and if SHE decides she wants to talk about it, then this is her prerogative. However, what I WILL talk about is our retired show horses.

Orlando - HOYS Champion RIding Horse late 90s retired to the field with Royal Heritage (another successful riding horse) and they spent many happy years together before finally being PTS (together, as they got to the point where they even had to share the same stable) in their late 20s early 30s.

Soldier Brave - HOYS Champion riding horse early 2000s, now in Wales leading a varied life

The Philanderer - HOYS champion late 2000s with one of our old grooms doing well on the dressage circuit - and even taken up hunting

Luke Sharpe - LW Hunter winner at HOYS 2000s who was kicked on the hock whilst on his winter holidays - went to an ex groom and hunted several seasons

Carntall - Show cob and worker - retired and ended up representing UK in para dressage - now doing RDA style bits and pieces in his mid 20s

Shahzan House - ex racer who is now with previous groom doing recycled racehorse classes

Sonny Jim - successful show cob who went to ex groom and now doing riding club activities

Robocob - HOYS champion show cob - field mastered for several season after he retired from the ring

Dandini - champion show cob who retired from the ring to take up pony club eventing

Several less well known who have stayed with us or gone out on loan. Not a single one was PTS as they were all fit and healthy.

Please do not make assumptions based on a news report. The only assumption you MAY make is that EVERY horse we have that needs vet treatment is given it with no thought to cost or time it may take to repair damage. Whether this includes box rest or field rest. We have some lovely horses and therefore there is NO rush for us to get a horse back into the ring until it is ready. Please think about it if were one of YOUR loved horses. We have several horses who are simply field ornaments - some because they are a little too contrary for ridden work, some waiting to mature, some because they may have little niggles that mean a working life is not for them.

Our grooms as well as our family, are all devastated by the loss of this horse, and the horrid comments by people who clearly have dubious morals (as my thoughts would never in a million years come up with some of the reasons why our horse was PTS) have made a difficult time far, far worse.

Thank you to those people who have known me as a poster on this forum over the years and supported us. I have met some of you and others had PM conversations discussing how they may improve their show horses - and I am shocked that some of those people can now criticise my family in this way.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Our family's condolences to your family and all Comberton Clancy's connexions. We admired him in action.

It should be evident to anyone who knows of your involvement with all your horses that such a decision would not have been taken it if were not the best possible outcome for the horse.

RIP Comberton Clancy


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Aww FMM, I'm so sorry you've lost Clancy. It is bloody obvious to anyone who makes even the slightest effort to pay attention that your horses are all well loved, well cared for and that you won't have taken the decision lightly.

My heart goes out to you all. I hope Clancy raises merry hell in the big pasture in the sky and that time goes some way to healing all your hearts

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I'm so very sorry that people have said some quite frankly cruel things.

I have no doubt that everyone involved with Clancy did their very best to get him sound. I'm very sorry for your loss.

RIP Clancy.

PS - the last line of J*A's post (Do you mind my asking, were you Dee O'Dorant?) is actually her signature and not part of her post. The new style forum has made things a bit confusing.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I'm so very sorry that people have said some quite frankly cruel things.

I have no doubt that everyone involved with Clancy did their very best to get him sound. I'm very sorry for your loss.

RIP Clancy.

PS - the last line of J*A's post (Do you mind my asking, were you Dee O'Dorant?) is actually her signature and not part of her post. The new style forum has made things a bit confusing.

Yup, sorry for confusion, I've changed it now to a picture.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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My condolences to the owners.

My advice to the owners would be to publish the cause of the lameness. Until you do, speculation will continue that the horse might have had issues caused by the amount of weight it is necessary for horses to carry to win at top level. Speculation is running rife because you have not put the cause of his lameness into the public domain.

I know that you must currently be mourning the horse terribly, but I do think that it would be in your best interests to share more information, since the horse was so young and so much in the public eye and won nationally so recently.


Well-Known Member
10 June 2012
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My condolences to the owners.

My advice to the owners would be to publish the cause of the lameness. Until you do, speculation will continue that the horse might have had issues caused by the amount of weight it is necessary for horses to carry to win at top level. Speculation is running rife because you have not put the cause of his lameness into the public domain.

I know that you must currently be mourning the horse terribly, but I do think that it would be in your best interests to share more information, since the horse was so young and so much in the public eye and won nationally so recently.

Why should any owner have to make public on a forum the reasons why they've lost their beloved pet. They didn't come on here to make this announcement, someone else did asking if it were true. For pity's sake, many of you have had to make that dreadful decision. Was your first thought to make it public on this forum? No. You needed to come to terms with that decision and ultimately grieve for your loss before considering the feelings of people you don't even know...
Sincere condolences at this very difficult time.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Its nobodys business but the owners why this horse was put to sleep, the role call of all the other horses who've went on to other things is admirable, but really not necessary,you dont need to justify yourself in any way.
Not being a showing buff, the first time i saw Clancy was the pic in the story in HH, he truly was a stunning horse, you must all be heartbroken, my thoughts are with you and all involved in caring for him.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2011
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I'm so sorry for your loss. I watched the Lucinda Green video with him and thought what a beautiful horse he was. My heart goes out to you and the team, and RIP Clancy.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I think there is a difference in that most people on here if they had a horse PTS it would not make H&H news and be publicised to large number of people via email, in a way that sparks public interest.

If people were not interested in top competition horses then riders/owners would not be able to get sponsorship deals or publicity through magazine articles etc.

I do understand and respect that people want privacy during a time of great sadness but I would also advise the owners of the horse to make a public statement with more information as by not doing so it could have a negative impact on their reputation or that of their producer or team as people start to speculate as to what went wrong.

It looks like this thread has been read nearly 6,000 times so a lot of people are interested in what has happened and if the reason the horse was PTS is something most people can understand and relate to then it would nip this in bud before more people starting thinking that by not being transparent there must be something worth hiding, even if there is nothing to hide and it is all quite straightfoward and reasonable.

Unfortunately if people are in the public eye or famous there is going to be more interest and speculation, it happens to all sorts of people not just in the horse business.

Why should any owner have to make public on a forum the reasons why they've lost their beloved pet. They didn't come on here to make this announcement, someone else did asking if it were true. For pity's sake, many of you have had to make that dreadful decision. Was your first thought to make it public on this forum? No. You needed to come to terms with that decision and ultimately grieve for your loss before considering the feelings of people you don't even know...
Sincere condolences at this very difficult time.
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Well-Known Member
7 February 2007
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Horse and Hound article published today ' "These are very, very sad times," said Carol Bardo, who owned him jointly with Jackie Beathaam. She declined to elaborate on his problems'


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Why do you think its strange ?
Don't know about weebarney but I can't think I've ever had a problem letting anyone curious (and even those not curious!) know about an animal of mine's illness/injury.

Obviously everyone feels differently about these things but by the time I've got to an 'able to mention it at all' stage (which presumably comes before making a comment to a H&H journo!) then I'd be fine with saying.

ETA: got chatting to one of my newish neighbours for the first time the other day now I'm on mat leave - all based on her dog having one of those bucket things around head to prevent to pulling out stitches. She was perfectly fine telling a strange pregnant lady what the stitches were for!

So, yes, I agree it it strange.

Know nothing of the horse/owners so wouldn't have a clue but assume it was PTS either for something controversial (and owners don't want to be part of public debate), PTS due to injury caused by management (and again owners are not wanting to debate safe fencing or whatever) or, quite possibly, PTS for something that should have prevented it winning a top showing class just a few days earlier (drugged to make sound (not necessarily a bad thing!)/judge might look like idiot type debates to avoid!).

Anyway, sad for horse as with any other.
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Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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Tickles, im sorry ive not worked out how to quote yet, youve just stated you dont know anything about it or know the people, then went on to speculate about them and the horses care and not in a nice way :confused:
I dont see anything wrong with keeping the reasons theyve pts their horse private, mabe they just dont want to talk about it to the whole world


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Tickles, im sorry ive not worked out how to quote yet, youve just stated you dont know anything about it or know the people, then went on to speculate about them and the horses care and not in a nice way :confused:
I dont see anything wrong with keeping the reasons theyve pts their horse private, mabe they just dont want to talk about it to the whole world

Absolutely that.

Tickles, you also say that you have to get to a state where you are fit to mention it at all before commenting on your own animals. But you don't think that other owners might also need some time before they can do anything other than to say that they are very sad and decline to comment further when directly asked questions by the press?


Well-Known Member
26 April 2005
Tickles. Let's be quite clear. Your post has caused a huge amount of unnecessary torment to the owners and grooms of Clancy. Your speculative and offensive thoughts should have been kept to yourself.

May I say that my sister (who has two hearing aids and avoids using the phone for anything considered important) did NOT speak to the H&H reporter about Clancy and therefore could NOT say that she declined to comment.

This is a very distressing time for her and your ridiculous comments have made things so much worse. I don't know the reasons you have for your vitriolic attack - I have no idea who you are and neither does my sister. Our yard has work experience students, liveries, vets, competition winners and any number of visitors coming in on a daily basis - often without warning. If we did ANY of the things about which you have speculated, I am sure it would have been noted long before.

The fact that our horses are happy, fit, and after their showing careers go on to have long second careers in whatever sphere is deemed most appropriate should be given far more weight than your ill considered (and entirely without foundation) comments.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Don't know about weebarney but I can't think I've ever had a problem letting anyone curious (and even those not curious!) know about an animal of mine's illness/injury.

Obviously everyone feels differently about these things but by the time I've got to an 'able to mention it at all' stage (which presumably comes before making a comment to a H&H journo!) then I'd be fine with saying.

ETA: got chatting to one of my newish neighbours for the first time the other day now I'm on mat leave - all based on her dog having one of those bucket things around head to prevent to pulling out stitches. She was perfectly fine telling a strange pregnant lady what the stitches were for!

So, yes, I agree it it strange..

No it isnt :confused:
My much loved horse died in 2009. When did I feel like discussing his death with nosy norahs, vultures, sticky beaks and the 'just plain curious'?
Not at any point so far... probably never.
My business is my business, not everyone wants to share the details with all and sundry. If you and your neighbour are happy discussing your business that's fine, but there's nothing strange about those who don't want to :rolleyes:
I don't get this attitude of entitlement people seem to have. None of us reading this forum are entitled to demand answers from the owners of the horse, and if that makes you jump to worst case scenario conclusions about an animals death, well that says more about you in my opinion.

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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My sister is the owner of Clancy, and if SHE decides she wants to talk about it, then this is her prerogative. However, what I WILL talk about is our retired show horses.

Orlando - HOYS Champion RIding Horse late 90s retired to the field with Royal Heritage (another successful riding horse) and they spent many happy years together before finally being PTS (together, as they got to the point where they even had to share the same stable) in their late 20s early 30s.

Soldier Brave - HOYS Champion riding horse early 2000s, now in Wales leading a varied life

The Philanderer - HOYS champion late 2000s with one of our old grooms doing well on the dressage circuit - and even taken up hunting

Luke Sharpe - LW Hunter winner at HOYS 2000s who was kicked on the hock whilst on his winter holidays - went to an ex groom and hunted several seasons

Carntall - Show cob and worker - retired and ended up representing UK in para dressage - now doing RDA style bits and pieces in his mid 20s

Shahzan House - ex racer who is now with previous groom doing recycled racehorse classes

Sonny Jim - successful show cob who went to ex groom and now doing riding club activities

Robocob - HOYS champion show cob - field mastered for several season after he retired from the ring

Dandini - champion show cob who retired from the ring to take up pony club eventing

Several less well known who have stayed with us or gone out on loan. Not a single one was PTS as they were all fit and healthy.

Please do not make assumptions based on a news report. The only assumption you MAY make is that EVERY horse we have that needs vet treatment is given it with no thought to cost or time it may take to repair damage. Whether this includes box rest or field rest. We have some lovely horses and therefore there is NO rush for us to get a horse back into the ring until it is ready. Please think about it if were one of YOUR loved horses. We have several horses who are simply field ornaments - some because they are a little too contrary for ridden work, some waiting to mature, some because they may have little niggles that mean a working life is not for them.

Our grooms as well as our family, are all devastated by the loss of this horse, and the horrid comments by people who clearly have dubious morals (as my thoughts would never in a million years come up with some of the reasons why our horse was PTS) have made a difficult time far, far worse.

Thank you to those people who have known me as a poster on this forum over the years and supported us. I have met some of you and others had PM conversations discussing how they may improve their show horses - and I am shocked that some of those people can now criticise my family in this way.

Lawks, you've rolled back the years for me with some of those names!

Condolences on losing your lovely lad, keep the memories x

And to those nasty vermin who are 'demanding' reasons - why the bloody hell should they? Its bad enough to come to a heartbreaking decision, let alone see vipers disecting 'possible' causes on a forum!

FMM - good luck for the rest of the season


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Wow! Been a long while since I managed to make such a controversial post and I didn't even intend to. Eek!

Certainly not intended in anyway as an 'attack' on anyone.

Was simply trying to think of reasons why people wouldn't want to say what had happened to their animal as it did seem very strange to me. I guess a lot of people are more private about veterinary treatment than myself and those I normally chat to.

In two minds about whether trying to clarify what I meant will cause more/less offence so please stop reading this post now if you think it will make things worse!

Re: controversial reasons to PTS
There are plenty of threads on here with very divided opinions on what is/isn't the right time/condition to PTS for. Would seem reasonable to me to want to avoid being one of those.

Re: management
There is a thread on here atm about someone forgetting to shut their gate securely (fortunately all well with horses who got out). But obviously that sort of thing would be difficult to talk about.

Re: on-going lameness
If horse had an on-going condition causing lameness (which I think was mentioned somewhere) then it might make whatever judge(s) placed him look odd. Again, no implication that owners had done anything wrong in 'saving face' for someone.


Well-Known Member
18 July 2006
The Brompton Road
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I'm just shocked that a horse I admired so much can be out competing successfully recently and then succumb so quickly. And one way of dealing with shock is to ask questions. Showing is a public activity, like racing, and racing connections are absolutely vilified for doing all sorts of things with their horses, or when one dies in training (never mind racing). I'm not sure why showing is treated with kid gloves. Its the sudden change from competing to being pts that I find has shocked me most, probably similar to how people feel when following a favourite racehorse which suffers a fatal fall during a race.

There is a reason for everything, and it stands to logic that there is a reason that Comberton Clancy was pts, and that there will also be a reason for not stating the cause. Of course there is no duty on anyone to explain this reason. But equally there is no duty for members of the public who have followed the horse competing in public not to speak about it, or demonstrate normal human nature in speculating on the reasons.

I am really sorry we won't be seeing this beautiful horse, with amazing charisma, again.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I am sorry that the owners have lost their lovely horse if they don't want to say why it's up to them .
There are so any reasons that a horse who was working one day may be PTS the next it's almost pointless to speculate .
One of ours was looking fantasic and on the top of his game on a Saturday and was PTS on the Monday having aggravated an old injury and was looking at another six months of box rest with the best out come being a semi sound field ornament . It was our buisness and our buisness alone I chose to PTS.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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I am so sorry for the owner's loss of a beautiful animal.
I feel very strongly that it is inappropriate to expect any owner who has just lost a loved animal, to elaborate on it's demise to virtual strangers.
It is hard enough,FGS.


Well-Known Member
27 August 2010
Visit site will be small consolation to you and yours but the hyenas were out for Louise Bell too a few years back when she sadly lost a number of horses in rapid succession. What I am trying to say, is don't take it be honest, if I was you I would just ignore and not log on for a week or so. It will soon die down and they will find others to focus their attention on.

It makes me sad when something like this happens as sometimes I am absolutely amazed by the kindness and thoughtfulness exhibited by strangers on a forum like this. Other times, it leaves me cold and am amazed at the callousness exhibited.