Comberton Clancy - is it true? :-(


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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It is necessary to open a device and make several keystrokes to read a forum. No one is being 'put through' anything except by choice. The sad thing is that TFC is flat refusing to give us a section where owners could safely go and pick up supportive condolences.

If you want to see that happen, anyone, then please put a posting on my Rainbow Bridge thread.

Are you for real??

If the name of your dead horse was the title of a thread are you telling me that you would not open it?

You are behaving in a despicably insensitive manner, successful show horse or not, the owners are not obliged to share any information with you, no matter how many times you keep digging. Have some empathy will you, the poor owner is devastated enough without *****s like you rubbing salt into an open wound.

FMM I am so sorry for your loss, I am also so very sorry that the words of a few moronic imbeciles are causing more hurt.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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This thread was posted as a shocked tribute to this wonderful horse. there was no call for contraversy or questions. Any thread that pays tribute to a horse should not be subject to this sort of thing. I agree with the above poster - this is a Rainbow Bridge thread and its location in the forum is irrelevant. People should have some tact and be able to control themselves. Every aspect of a top show horse's life is obsessed over in order to make them great and contrary to popular belief they are nearly all much loved pets these people spend day in day out with their horses - its so unfair to keep pushing for answers when the owners just want to grieve


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19 July 2011
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Just you wait, CP will be button pressing and playing the "I am hurt and offended" card ...but calling her a Cock is Genius, Wooopsie...LMFAO


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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You know something how ever much you disagree with someone's opinions calling them names is not a very adult form of communication, its even frowned on in the school yard.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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Sorry for the sad news, best wishes to those left behind. Absolutely nothing wrong with PTS if needed and no one is owed an explanation that didn't actually own the horse.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2008
Emerald Isle
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Jaysus....what an insensitive bunch some of you are!!! I had so many people nosing about when my poor boy went lame. When my vet came to examine him, they were conveniently skipping out the box next door, then when we moved to the vets car to speak they suddenly needed to check the oil & water on their car. It makes my blood boil that you feel you can have an opinion on whether a horse should have been PTS or not.

I don't care what you say that is what this is about!! You are just frustrated because you don't know the exact reasons he was PTS. If the poor owners were to release a statement giving the reasons then there would be many of you who would then start to 'Preach' that if they'd done things differently (YOUR WAY) then he would still be alive.

I really don't give a damn if I offend any of you heartless bunch of witches!!

I had the opposite problem to CC's owners in that everyone had an opinion regarding my horse (they said to shoot him and get another that was upto the job of being my daughters competition horse) I took advice from my vet plus vets at Rossdales and Bell Equine (who are fantastic by the way) He was no longer able to be a competition horse but could hack however; after having a funny 5 mins in the field one day he was crippled :( He had been sound upto this point but the 5 mins tipped the balance and he couldn't even walk properly & was dragging his left hind and 8/10th lame in front too. I made the call to the vet and he was PTS aged 10 years old.

What I'm trying to say is that my boy had ongoing lameness issues for 2 years prior to being PTS which improved to soundness to hack & do the odd show which absolutely no problems but, that one day of looning in the field was enough to render him in great pain & it wasn't fair to put him through another 7 months of boxrest that I made the decision to end his misery.

It has been stated that CC had ongoing lameness issues and maybe the same thing happened? I had a long discussion with my vet when he was first diagnosed & we both agreed that quality rather than quantity of life was the right thing for him. He adored his shows and I wasn't going to make him stay at home & be bored for the rest of his days just so he could stay alive that little bit longer. He loved every minute of his life and I was absolutely devastated to make that decision and it wasn't taken lightly (or I would have had him shot and replaced him with a horse who could compete with my daughter!!)

Give the owners a break for gods sake!!!!

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
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My condolences to you (FMM), your sister and all who worked with Clancy. He looked like a very grand horse and I'm sure you'll all have fond memories of him. I don't know whether he was one of your special horses but if he was then you are all likely feeling quite raw about him being gone from your lives now.

One of my most treasured horses died a few months ago and although I have never had any qualms about telling anyone the cause of her death, that is my prerogative to talk about her. Just as it's your prerogative to not discuss Clancy. I don't have the media or public 'fans' however; were I to have that sort of baggage in my life, I would say why the horse was put down, but that's me and we're all different.


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1 May 2007
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Who is Comberton Clancy and what is the big deal?

This needs a like button. Talk about a storm in a teacup.

As I understand it a 'famous' show horse has been pts because of longterm lameness issues. I have every sympathy for the connections because losing a horse - any horse - is the absolute pits.

But then we have some people asking why the horse was pts. If the horse was 'famous' then that's quite understandable.

I actually think that any forum 'bullying' has been towards the people justifying the perfectly reasonable 'what happened' question. The people on their high horses on this thread are those posting about insensitive people are just because a connection posted saying how upset they are about it all.

Well of course the connections are upset. We all understand that and have the utmost sympathy.

But you cannot and should not vilify people for asking what happened.

In my uneducated showing mind it does cause me to wonder how a horse can have long term lameness issues and still win numerous championships as is apparently the case. Questioning this does not make me a bad person - I would like to be educated and am very open to this if someone could let me know. I know that Red Rum had lameness issues and they found a way to manage it very well - so it obviously can be done and was done in this case.

The 'no comment' response to what was the final straw in this horse's veterinary history was bound to provoke speculation. Forgive me if you all think I'm hard hearted and group me with the poor forum members who have been pounced on in this thread for being cruel and heartless - I disagree with the majority on that and tend to think that most posters would also like to know the details but would like to be seen to be taking the moral high ground.

Of course it is the owner's business and nobody else's. Of course it is.

At some point Valegro, for example, will be pts or die. If Charlotte & Carl say 'no comment' then I just hope that every single one of you respects their right to be left alone to grieve in peace without any speculation about what may or may not have ultimately caused his demise.

Odd thing this HHO.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Firstly - people were upset by some posts before the connection posted
Secondly - this is a tribute thread. There is already a post elsewhere on the forum asking about show horses that have died and there is nothing to stop someone adding another thread speculating the reasons should they feel it is really necessary - but no people chose to debate the issue on this thread. Yes people will ask questions but there are ways to put it and places to put it


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Is it? Sorry - in that case I've posted on the wrong thread.

I could be wrong. Only the OP can confirm for sure but I dont think for a minute they intended to invite contraversy

I am not against people asking questions but its a special sort of tactless to think that this is the place to do it


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Condolences to the owner and all connections, he was a stunning animal.

Unfortunately it is simply human nature to be curious about things and if the reason is not forthcoming it will lead to speculation.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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My condolences to FMM and her sister and anyone else involved with Comberton Clancy.

Personally this thread have made me think of when for example Jade Goody died, that time someone did start an own new thread, separate from the R.I.P. thread, and she still got several replies telling her how insensitive or inappropriate she was, by saying that (as I recall it) Jade Goody had asked about if it was mother's day yet, and when told that it was, had said something about that she could now die, just before she died. Problem was, that that was not what the new thread's OP had said, what she had said, was that she did not like the way some reporters wrote about Jade Goody's death, making it sound as if she had asked if it was mother's day yet, and when told that it was, had said something about that she could now die, just before she died.

So it doesn't always help to start a new thread on a subject, and say what they want to say on that thread, because the ones who think that what they say are insensitive or inappropriate, might also read that thread and reply on it too.

Basically my point is that when it comes to threads about dead persons or horses etc., it seems to me as if many persons have very strong opinions about what is suitable and appropriate for both themselves and others to say and not, which leads to a bigger risk for that people will misunderstand each other, and a bigger risk for that people will be upset over what others might say, or how/were they say it. Death is a subject that brings out strong feelings.

I'm not okay with everything that has been said on this thread, but that goes for both sides of the argument.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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This is nasty. The bullying and attacks on members shows the forum at its worst. Have some respect. Calling people abusive names is shameful and those purporting to be respectful, are probably the least.

FWIW. When my most special horse died, the disposal man's reaction on seeing her, was to gasp and say,' What a beautiful horse, what on earth happened to her ?'
I often think of his reaction, it was honest, compassionate and human. My horse was beautiful and the man was puzzled as to why such a healthy looking horse had been euthanized. He acknowledged that she was special with that question and I was touched.
I was not offended by his concern, why would I be ?


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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This is nasty. The bullying and attacks on members shows the forum at its worst. Have some respect. Calling people abusive names is shameful and those purporting to be respectful, are probably the least.

FWIW. When my most special horse died, the disposal man's reaction on seeing her, was to gasp and say,' What a beautiful horse, what on earth happened to her ?'
I often think of his reaction, it was honest, compassionate and human. My horse was beautiful and the man was puzzled as to why such a healthy looking horse had been euthanized. He acknowledged that she was special with that question and I was touched.
I was not offended by his concern, why would I be ?

But thats you your reaction horserider, others may react differently.
Had you been to upset to talk, or simply didnt want to because it was to painful to do so and the man kept pushing and asking, im sure you'd have felt differently.
Fwiw i also think the personal insults are uncalled for


Well-Known Member
24 March 2009
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My condolences to all concerned with cc.
For those of you who have shamed HHO on this thread, get back under your stones.

FMM, tell your sister to ignore them, they clearly are not worth bothering about. I know I won't be in future.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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This needs a like button. Talk about a storm in a teacup.

As I understand it a 'famous' show horse has been pts because of longterm lameness issues. I have every sympathy for the connections because losing a horse - any horse - is the absolute pits.

But then we have some people asking why the horse was pts. If the horse was 'famous' then that's quite understandable.

I actually think that any forum 'bullying' has been towards the people justifying the perfectly reasonable 'what happened' question. The people on their high horses on this thread are those posting about insensitive people are just because a connection posted saying how upset they are about it all.

Well of course the connections are upset. We all understand that and have the utmost sympathy.

But you cannot and should not vilify people for asking what happened.

In my uneducated showing mind it does cause me to wonder how a horse can have long term lameness issues and still win numerous championships as is apparently the case. Questioning this does not make me a bad person - I would like to be educated and am very open to this if someone could let me know. I know that Red Rum had lameness issues and they found a way to manage it very well - so it obviously can be done and was done in this case.

The 'no comment' response to what was the final straw in this horse's veterinary history was bound to provoke speculation. Forgive me if you all think I'm hard hearted and group me with the poor forum members who have been pounced on in this thread for being cruel and heartless - I disagree with the majority on that and tend to think that most posters would also like to know the details but would like to be seen to be taking the moral high ground.

Of course it is the owner's business and nobody else's. Of course it is.

At some point Valegro, for example, will be pts or die. If Charlotte & Carl say 'no comment' then I just hope that every single one of you respects their right to be left alone to grieve in peace without any speculation about what may or may not have ultimately caused his demise.

Odd thing this HHO.

THIS needs a like button.


Well-Known Member
30 June 2010
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Good grief, I started this thread as I'd heard a rumour about Clancy being PTS, and wanted to clarify it if was true, and if so to pass on my condolences to his owners and connections on the loss of such a lovely horse.

I had no idea that this would become such a insensitive and hurtful thread for the owners at what must be a difficult time for them. Surely we can all respect their right not to want to talk about it? Please please let's leave them to grieve in peace.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Firstly, I am so, so sorry to CC and all who were connected with him and hope they come to terms with their very sad loss.

With regard to the informing 'why' the horse was put down, I think its a very personal decision, to which there are no rights or wrongs. I recently lost my very, very special horse. There was a long thread on here where I openly sought peoples advice and support. I could not have got through it without them and their concern was touching and very moving. When I lost him, despite the heartbreak, I posted on here that he had gone and why. It broke my heart into a million pieces to do it and took me about 40 minutes to write as I could not stop crying BUT I did it because lots of lovely kind people were genuinely concerned about him, and most touchingly , me. I felt that it was the right thing to do to let everyone know. And Murph was in no way a top level superstar (except to me).

Now, the connections of CC do not HAVE to tell anyone their business and we should respect that BUT it would be polite (is that the word I am looking for? I'm not sure...) to let all those know who are concerned for the connections and the late horse what has happened. However, they should not be obliged to at all. Either way, their decision should be respected and there is no place for unpleasant speculations.

FWIW, I don't think there have been that many unpleasant speculations, more musings on here. I agree with MrsMozart for those who have made them - show some flaming respect. Equally, I don't think calling each other names is really appropriate now, uis it? Or are we back at primary school?!


Well-Known Member
9 November 2007
At anytime did CC's owner ask anyone to contribute to his upkeep?
Did they ask anyone to pay his vets bills?
Did they ask anyone to pay his class fees?
Did they ask anyone to make any financial contribution?
So why do people feel they have a Cod given right to know what he had for breakfast and why he was pts?
I'm not apologising, I believe that certain members acted like cocks.
The poor people have lost a horse, a friend and a companion and some idiot starts asking if it was down to a welfare issue.
How bloody dare they.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
At anytime did CC's owner ask anyone to contribute to his upkeep?
Did they ask anyone to pay his vets bills?
Did they ask anyone to pay his class fees?
Did they ask anyone to make any financial contribution?
So why do people feel they have a Cod given right to know what he had for breakfast and why he was pts?
I'm not apologising, I believe that certain members acted like cocks.
The poor people have lost a horse, a friend and a companion and some idiot starts asking if it was down to a welfare issue.
How bloody dare they.

Exactly! I am sure the people commenting on this thread (in particular someone like cptrayes, with 'above average' experience) have never had to make that decision, I know for a fact that I would do the same as CC's connections. The horse was no more public property that my horse (or Valegro or Big Star!). If you want a say and an opinion in how a horse is kept put your hand in your pocket and buy a share.
I also think H&H's reporting (the language used in the article) was at best insensitive and at worst sensationalist.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Exactly! I am sure the people commenting on this thread (in particular someone like cptrayes, with 'above average' experience) have never had to make that decision, I know for a fact that I would do the same as CC's connections. The horse was no more public property that my horse (or Valegro or Big Star!). If you want a say and an opinion in how a horse is kept put your hand in your pocket and buy a share.
I also think H&H's reporting (the language used in the article) was at best insensitive and at worst sensationalist.

I totally agree - I think this is what has sparked all the speculation. The language used makes it sounds like there something untoward happening. Didn't FMM say that nobody had actually spoken to H&H? In which case the 'declined to comment' line is totally untrue and I would be very cross if I were CC's owners etc.

Poor people.


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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At anytime did CC's owner ask anyone to contribute to his upkeep?
Did they ask anyone to pay his vets bills?
Did they ask anyone to pay his class fees?
Did they ask anyone to make any financial contribution?
So why do people feel they have a Cod given right to know what he had for breakfast and why he was pts?
I'm not apologising, I believe that certain members acted like cocks.
The poor people have lost a horse, a friend and a companion and some idiot starts asking if it was down to a welfare issue.
How bloody dare they.

Completely agree with you, I still maintain that FMM should ignore the imbecilic comments of someone with nil empathy and absolutely no compassion.