Well-Known Member
By the way this post is over 3 years old.I think some horrid things have been said about the cross breeding. You have what you want and let others chose what they want. All animals need love. I have crossed my gypsy cob mare with a Friesian. We got a perfect foal which we will keep for life. Many cob's are getting smaller. By cross breeding the cobs should gain some size. Also Friesian pure breed horses only live for around 15 yrs. This is because of choosy breeding many years ago by us human's.. Mix breed Frisians live a normal life ,. I think if you dont like cross breed horses fine but that is up to the person than owns the animal. Not for others to point fingers and make remarks about being ugly . Why do so many horses people think they are perfect. ???
Also the OP has a cross breed, she’s not saying she doesn’t like cross breeds. She’s saying she doesn’t like the ones that are bred purely for financial gain that end up a bad mix of temperament and/or conformation.