My understanding is that LACS does put down animals that are too weak or injured to survive. I wouldn't believe everything written by your pro-hunting friends in the Torygraph if I were you.
Ah yes, then there's AlanE, the font of all knowledge (not!). Comments about the welfare of animals from someone who supports the hounding to death of them for sport doesn't cut much ice, I'm afraid.
Yes, there are many BTB hotspots around the South West, many nowhere near a LACS sanctuary. Still, I'm sure you will ignore that fact in your quest for revenge on a successful campaigning group. Or perhaps you'll try and argue LACS is the source of all bTB around the country?
Why do you consider LACS to be a successful campaigning group?
Despite the fantasies that you believe, hunting continues with greater numbers participating and supporting, more foxes die each season and you are skint.
Your definition of 'success' appears to be somewhat different to the rest of the English speaking population
Rather more chuffed than Farmer Giles's long-suffering family I should imagine. Perhaps they actually encourage him to spend time on his obsessive crusade, because the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
"My understanding is that LACS does put down animals that are too weak or injured to survive. I wouldn't believe everything written by your pro-hunting friends in the Torygraph if I were you."
No, I said LACS are as responsible for the deer on their land as I am for the birds in my garden. I do my best to help wild birds in bad winters but don't think it's reasonable to held accountable for every sniffle they pick up while visiting my garden.
I agree LACS should kill any sick or injured deer on their land legally.