***Daughter and Dolly - update - it's been two and a half years!!!!***


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Hi everyone! **waves**

Well I'm sat here browsing the net, licking my financial wounds after winning nowt on the national (daughter won £12 on rare bob!) and thought I was long overdue posting an update!

Speaking of the grand national, daughter advises me that she is relieved, as SHE intends to be the first female jockey to win the race, so surprisingly wasn't cheering on Katie today! So much for girl power lol! :cool:

Anyway, back to our D + D update! All is good! (I seem to have said that for the past few updates, haven't I! Are you lot not getting bored of me yet???) :eek:

Life has consisted of a lot of jumping recently. My last update was all about how absolutely chuffed to bits we were with daughter's first jumping rossie, and it was a red one too! Shortly after that daughter had a jumping lesson which resulted in her landing hard on her head. :(

Dolly put one of her dirty stops in at a spread with a filler inbetween the jumps. Daughter knew she was going to do it, and sadly I think, had one of those moments where she just hoped Dolly was going to jump it for her. Daughter went flying over Dolly's head and landed really badly on the top of her head. She didn't get up straight away, which had us a bit worried, but did get up and was rather upset. She jumped straight back on Dolly and jumped the scary jump. And then continued to finish her lesson and jump for another 20 minutes. After that, she announced to me that she was "seeing stars, feeling sick etc..." :eek::eek::eek: WHY did she carry on jumping????!!! (because she knew I'd stop her if she told me!)

Anyway, a day or so later she was better, no damage done. HOWEVER I think she learnt a valuable lesson that day.

Dolly does have a dirty stop in her, particularly where fillers are concerned. Daughter has learnt that she does actually have to ride her over fences like this - she can't just be a passenger.

So I ask daughter, whether she wants to just avoid competitions with fillers (there are plenty of beginners cross pole only classes for 12 year old kids!) or whether she wants to "fix" Dolly's problem with fillers. Yeah, we all knew what she was going to decide.

The next few weeks feature me dragging all manner of strange things out for Dolly to jump! To daughter's credit she has been like a rider possessed! She's not taking no for an answer!!!

I wondered if their next jumping lesson, the instructor would go easier on them due to the scare she gave us last time. No chance! The fences were bigger and nastier, and Daughter kicked Dolly over ALL of them! Couldn't believe it. Instructor was REALLY pleased with them, and said "whatever you're doing, keep doing it!!!"

Since then, they've been back to Bold Heath twice, and have won the beginners class each time! :D

As much as I hated the fall she had, it was the kick up the butt they both needed. Today we went to a working hunter clear round and Dolly quite obviously tried to stop x3 times - and each time Daughter really rode her past it. Three clear round rossies today, at a course which Dolly would have definately chucked her toys out of the pram at a few weeks ago.

So as always, I'm an extremely proud mum. My girls have come so far in just over two and a half years together!

Dolly is still on part working livery at the moment (she is ridden by the riding school for 4 hours per week) but during the school holidays I put her on full livery as Daughter rides every day. Well daughter doesn't know yet (don't tell her!) but I'm putting her on full livery permanently in the next week or so.

I figure that with all the shows we go to, Dolly needs more downtime. She is seriously AWESOME to compete - a dream to travel with and I think it must be hard for her to switch from being essentially a competition pony now to a riding school pony (no disrespect to riding school ponies, because lets face it, these sort of ponies are the true stars!!!) and also, in all honestly, daughter now wants her all to herself.

She's cut right down on her lessons - she more or less has a couple of private flatwork lessons and a monthly (amazing!) private jumping lesson. The rest of the time she schools herself, hacks out or competes. So it would be nice for Dolly to just have more turn out as a full livery rather than more exercise. I hope I'm making the right decision, as working livery has really helped keep her fit and keep the edge off in the past, but daughter doesn't really need that now!

That's pretty much out update! The next step I have planned is to get a life height certificate as daughter wants to register with bsps and possibly other memberships! I NEVER thought we'd get to this point with this pony.:eek:

Here's some recent photos:


Winning at Bold Heath


Planks which are not so scary anymore!


Almost had a pole down there.....:rolleyes:


Recent dressage.....they got a good score 62.5%, but weren't placed.

And finally......just after we'd bought Dolly....


Much of a difference??? :p

Thanks for reading as always everyone. I have toffee apple crumble, mini eggs (about 10 bags after post Easter reductions!!!) and really cheap and nasty headache wine (which I LOVE!!!) :D

Enjoy! :D


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Great update, sounds like all is going well since the fall!

Can't believe it's been two and a half years :eek: They both look so different, Dolly has a much kinder eye/relaxed expression now!

Well done you for giving them the support and encouragement to succeed :)


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8 January 2009
Second star to the right and straight on till morn
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Never bored of your updates :) I have never replied before but I do love reading them and seeing your pictures, so please continue :)

Not much to say really apart from well done to your daughter for the doing so well with Dolly, they have come so far, and also to say to her believe In your dreams no reason why she can't be first female to win the Grand National, but if she does ride in the National any inside betting information would be appreciated ;)

I have wine but would great fully accept the mini eggs :)

Good luck to your daughter and Dolly for the future xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Thank you! :D

Great update, sounds like all is going well since the fall!

Can't believe it's been two and a half years :eek: They both look so different, Dolly has a much kinder eye/relaxed expression now!

Well done you for giving them the support and encouragement to succeed :)

Thanks 3Beasties!!! I hate to say it, but I think it was a lesson learnt. Daughter is a different rider since then. It was bad, and I wouldn't wish it on her, but we all can get complacent can't we, in whatever we do.

Dolly is a different pony now. Her nature is so different. I feel she likes us now! And she certainly likes going out places! She is a party girl!! I love them both to bits, I just need to gee myself up to working really hard to get them where ever they want to go this year - daughter has the determination, I just need to give up my lie ins! :eek:


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Love the D+D (double D?) updates, they looks so good... MiniRM has sprouted again though, you'll need to put a brick on her head to stop her growing!


Well-Known Member
11 October 2008
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D&D look truely fab together!

I am so pleased to hear they are doing so well......I am another, who like 3Bs, cannot believe it has been 2 and a half years :eek: :eek:

Long may they continue doing so well together :D


Well-Known Member
12 April 2003
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Lovely update. I have followed your story from the beginning. It's nice to see your daughter has finally grown into that saddle!

Continue the good work.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Never bored of your updates :) I have never replied before but I do love reading them and seeing your pictures, so please continue :)

Not much to say really apart from well done to your daughter for the doing so well with Dolly, they have come so far, and also to say to her believe In your dreams no reason why she can't be first female to win the Grand National, but if she does ride in the National any inside betting information would be appreciated ;)

I have wine but would great fully accept the mini eggs :)

Good luck to your daughter and Dolly for the future xxxxxxx

Awww thank you welsh_mare! And lovely for you to post!! Thank you!

Got LOADS of mini eggs so help yourself!!!



Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Love the D+D (double D?) updates, they looks so good... MiniRM has sprouted again though, you'll need to put a brick on her head to stop her growing!

She REALLY must stop growing now! Good job she weighs about as a much as a fart!!!!! Brick on head is a good idea, once head has recovered from thudding into arena floor! THANK goodness for posh arena surfaces!!! ps hahahaha on double D (I've got them!!!) :D

D&D look truely fab together!

I am so pleased to hear they are doing so well......I am another, who like 3Bs, cannot believe it has been 2 and a half years :eek: :eek:

Long may they continue doing so well together :D

Thank you! The time has flown, but I've felt every minute of it!!! :cool: :D

Lovely update. I have followed your story from the beginning. It's nice to see your daughter has finally grown into that saddle!

Continue the good work.

Hi Boxers! Yep you've been with us all the way haven't you!!! The saddle is finally looking ok (although it does still slide forwards if not put on correctly!) - it took 2 years of bum growth to get there.....and I'm now eyeing up new saddles anyway....but don't tell OH!!! I have a plan. We either start shopping for Daughter's "next pony" or buy Dolly a new (made to measure) saddle - I think I know what he'll decide.....:cool:


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Nice one! Sounds very positive!

Glad the fall didn't knock her confidence. I did exactly the same thing last summer - whacked my head falling off jumping, scrambled back onto pony, jumped straight back over a few times, finished up and jumped off to announce to my mother that "things didn't seem right and I was probably concussed though hopefully it wouldn't turn out to be an intracranial bleed" (I watch too much Casualty...) and repeating that sentence over and over. Good thing it was the only time in months my mother was up watching / photographing!!

Mrs C

Well-Known Member
14 June 2010
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Looking fab as ever :) Love d + d updates. Are you still having lessons redmone? I remember you started a while ago... X


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Nice one! Sounds very positive!

Glad the fall didn't knock her confidence. I did exactly the same thing last summer - whacked my head falling off jumping, scrambled back onto pony, jumped straight back over a few times, finished up and jumped off to announce to my mother that "things didn't seem right and I was probably concussed though hopefully it wouldn't turn out to be an intracranial bleed" (I watch too much Casualty...) and repeating that sentence over and over. Good thing it was the only time in months my mother was up watching / photographing!!

I'm sure you and Daughter spend too much time talking to each other!!!!!

I was surprised her confidence wasn't knocked (she would have been justified if it was) if anything it made her really really angry (not in a nasty way, in a determined way). She's just like "THIS is not going to happen anymore" - I think she can handle the falls where she does something wrong, and loses balance etc... but it was a really dirty stop, completely unjustified. She's been so much tougher since then....:eek:

Glad I don't watch casualty....daughter announced the other day she'd had her 22nd fall. ***sigh*** :(


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Looking fab as ever :) Love d + d updates. Are you still having lessons redmone? I remember you started a while ago... X

Well. That's a different update!

Yes, I started private lessons a few months ago. I was promoted onto the group lessons, which was great (but tiring as an hour in length!) and I've done that for a few months.

I can do rising trot ok now, and have done a few circles, over a trotting pole or two and a couple of figure of eights. I'm still pants.

Honestly, my weight is letting me down. I can't get balanced, because, well, I'm overweight. I've improved a bit, and got a little bit fitter. But I'm still struggling. It's hard for me because I'm short (5 foot) and nearly 12 stone. I used to be an 8 stone fitness nut (competed semi pro martial arts). So I hate feeling so crap!

I've finished having lessons now for a while. I'm going to go back to having a lesson on the riding simulator and maybe a few private lessons. BUT in the meantime, I really need to lose the bloody weight!!

ps thanks re D & D! x


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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Wow the difference in them both is remarkable! Massive congratulations for D for the determination to come back fighting from that fall - i could use a good dose of that for myself, im too quick to get frightened, and should really being doing the exact same as you have been, with my horse- gettting those scary fillers sorted!:rolleyes: :eek:

But also you need to take some credit too Redmone - your support and tireless dedication to your daughters dreams are really a credit to you and your oh. im sure your daughter knows how lucky she is!:D:)

But there seems to be something missing from your update.........ummmmm where are the pics and update on your riding lessons?!:D:)

As always i love reading D&D updates, and even as someone who is alot older, but who also struggles with confidence and a horse who throws dirty stops, i actually find her grit and determination very inspiring :D


Well-Known Member
4 August 2010
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I just love this little partnership :D

I think one of your very first posts when you just got Dolly was one of the first ones I read when I joined H+H, and what a difference in them both! Great that she is so determined and look forward to reading about their parties again soon. Won't be long before she's on the showjumping circuit i'm sure :)


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5 November 2010
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Sorry just caught your update above :). I understand your feelings about weight, i have put on over 2 stone in the last year due to a combination of medical reasons - but all of which are overnow, so now i just have to motivate my ass to do the hard work now........so i have signed up for a total warrior race 10k in aug....absolute madness(.youre welcome to join our team!:D) but i'll need to train to do it, so im hoping by august i will be a skinny minny again!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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Wow the difference in them both is remarkable! Massive congratulations for D for the determination to come back fighting from that fall - i could use a good dose of that for myself, im too quick to get frightened, and should really being doing the exact same as you have been, with my horse- gettting those scary fillers sorted!:rolleyes: :eek:

But also you need to take some credit too Redmone - your support and tireless dedication to your daughters dreams are really a credit to you and your oh. im sure your daughter knows how lucky she is!:D:)

But there seems to be something missing from your update.........ummmmm where are the pics and update on your riding lessons?!:D:)

As always i love reading D&D updates, and even as someone who is alot older, but who also struggles with confidence and a horse who throws dirty stops, i actually find her grit and determination very inspiring :D

Awww what lovely things to say (apart from the photos of me part.....that's NOT happening!!!) thank you!!!

She is very brave, my little girl. I was thinking today about how nervous I used to be, well ALL the time actually. I used to be terrified at every competition, every hack, every jumping lesson.....actually every time they cantered!! Today I found myself telling daughter that perhaps they should do more XC and go hunting when the beginners hunts start later in the year. I'm desperately trying to hold onto Dolly for her. I know she will outgrow her - if not in weight, then possibly in height and ability. A REALLY good bonus was when we worked out that as she turned 12 this Feb, as well as this year, next year she will still be able to compete as a 12 year old riding a 12.2 pony. So I might have actually bought them another year. I don't WANT another pony. I want her to get Dolly to HOYS!!!!! If she did, would you come watch!??? :D

Lovely! But, erm, I think I may need jumping lessons off your daughter :eek::eek::D

hehehehehe! thank you.

But here's what jumping lessons off my daughter would look like



Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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I just love this little partnership :D

I think one of your very first posts when you just got Dolly was one of the first ones I read when I joined H+H, and what a difference in them both! Great that she is so determined and look forward to reading about their parties again soon. Won't be long before she's on the showjumping circuit i'm sure :)

Definately! Thank you! x

Sorry just caught your update above :). I understand your feelings about weight, i have put on over 2 stone in the last year due to a combination of medical reasons - but all of which are overnow, so now i just have to motivate my ass to do the hard work now........so i have signed up for a total warrior race 10k in aug....absolute madness(.youre welcome to join our team!:D) but i'll need to train to do it, so im hoping by august i will be a skinny minny again!

Naw you're ok thanks! Total warrior???????? :eek:

I'm on the medical side of things at the moment, I have a borderline underactive thyroid which they won't treat due to a ridiculously low blood pressure. I have also grown a lump in my glands which they now think may be connected and want to remove :(

Apart from that, I JUST LOOOOOOOVE DE CAKE!!!!!!!!! Actually, it's more cheese with me, I don't care for cake! But you get the idea. I need to do more and eat less. But you know, all the horsey lark makes me hungry!!!

I think I forget it's not me actually doing the riding......

Good luck with your pain, I mean run.....:D


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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She is very brave, my little girl. I was thinking today about how nervous I used to be, well ALL the time actually. I used to be terrified at every competition, every hack, every jumping lesson.....actually every time they cantered!! Today I found myself telling daughter that perhaps they should do more XC and go hunting when the beginners hunts start later in the year. I'm desperately trying to hold onto Dolly for her. I know she will outgrow her - if not in weight, then possibly in height and ability. A REALLY good bonus was when we worked out that as she turned 12 this Feb, as well as this year, next year she will still be able to compete as a 12 year old riding a 12.2 pony. So I might have actually bought them another year. I don't WANT another pony. I want her to get Dolly to HOYS!!!!! If she did, would you come watch!??? :D

O.M.G. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS :D:D:D:D I think she'd have a whole stand of mad hho'ers cheering for her :D:D:D in fact i KNOW Elsiecat will volunteer for chief cheerleader ;):D


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18 June 2009
Leekland and hating it
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I love your updates and how much has daughter grown??

That old pic of Dolly, she looks like she has you all sussed but the more recent pics her expression is completely different, they are a team now. Just lovely to see.

And as for you, how about some hacking with the pair of them? No pressure but you'll still learn and improve your own riding.


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3 July 2010
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O.M.G. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS :D:D:D:D I think she'd have a whole stand of mad hho'ers cheering for her :D:D:D in fact i KNOW Elsiecat will volunteer for chief cheerleader ;):D

Hahahahaha can you imagine!!!!

It would be so cool for the ginger monster!!!!

I REALLY need to get her height measured and in some qualifiers......

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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O.M.G. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS :D:D:D:D I think she'd have a whole stand of mad hho'ers cheering for her :D:D:D in fact i KNOW Elsiecat will volunteer for chief cheerleader ;):D

Don't give away ALL my secrets :eek::eek::rolleyes:

I'd certainly come, on the condition someone brought Gerard Butler :D


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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I love your updates and how much has daughter grown??

That old pic of Dolly, she looks like she has you all sussed but the more recent pics her expression is completely different, they are a team now. Just lovely to see.

You've hit the nail right on the head there! She was definately in charge for a long time. And then daughter got on top of her on the flat, but she could still call the shots whilst jumping.

And now daughter is sussing out the jumping.

She just needs to stop growing now!! :D