Ambers Echo
Still wittering on
I had a similar situation with my first pony many years ago. The YO was entirely absent so there was a self appointed yard head and her perfects who controlled everything with a strong attitude of those here first have more rights. I was shown the rug drying room by the YO when I moved on and told there were no allocated spaces. So I hung my rug up but next time it was dumped in a corner still wet and a snotty note from the 'head' saying you used MY space. So I asked where I could hang mine and she said 'don't care just not there'. It was like that all the time. Unfortunately I was sharing a field with her and one day my horse was randomly moved into a new field because he was 'bullying' hers. No one even told me let alone asked permission to move him or dicussed a solution. I literally thought he'd been stolen till I saw him in a different field. Then that he had escaped and been put back somewhere random so I moved him back to the original field and was ranted at '' I don't want him in that field' etc. I went to YO who shrugged and said he was not going to get involved. I started dreading going up. I'd literally feel sick if her car was there. I left after about 4 months. I heard later she had got rid of another 2-3 people till the YO recognised the pattern and kicked her off. And I went back! And this time it was fine. I agree it sounds like they don't want anyone else there and are either actively trying to drive people away or are just letting their feelings about not being on their own show.
However if it was a case of snide comments, borrowing my stuff etc I think I'd have just accepted it. I had a few months on a different yard of people claiming my horses were neglected because I never went up - because I was up later than them after work. I let that stuff go over my head. And almost all yards involve people borrowing stuff. You can chain your barrow up if that really bothers you. It never worried me that much.
I think your only options are:
- talk to YO and say you feel they are making newcomers unwelcome as they'd rather have the place to themselves and it will be exactly the same if you leave unless he gets a grip. Ie appeal to his self interest.
- develop a hide like a rhino and ignore it.
- Challenge them directly.
- Leave. However nice the yard is, the people make it lovely, tolerable or miserable. I would never again stay on a yard with a yard bully and an ineffective YO who does not nip that sort of crap in the bud. I don't mind if there are poeple there I don't get on with. That's life and I am pretty easy going as a livery. I am not overly social but am co-operative, tidy and friendly. But being targeted for constant hassle is different.
Only you know what you can or can't tolerate.
However if it was a case of snide comments, borrowing my stuff etc I think I'd have just accepted it. I had a few months on a different yard of people claiming my horses were neglected because I never went up - because I was up later than them after work. I let that stuff go over my head. And almost all yards involve people borrowing stuff. You can chain your barrow up if that really bothers you. It never worried me that much.
I think your only options are:
- talk to YO and say you feel they are making newcomers unwelcome as they'd rather have the place to themselves and it will be exactly the same if you leave unless he gets a grip. Ie appeal to his self interest.
- develop a hide like a rhino and ignore it.
- Challenge them directly.
- Leave. However nice the yard is, the people make it lovely, tolerable or miserable. I would never again stay on a yard with a yard bully and an ineffective YO who does not nip that sort of crap in the bud. I don't mind if there are poeple there I don't get on with. That's life and I am pretty easy going as a livery. I am not overly social but am co-operative, tidy and friendly. But being targeted for constant hassle is different.
Only you know what you can or can't tolerate.