Well-Known Member
If you want a pet that you can keep in an enclosed, straw box, get a rabbit
There are IR/Cushings/allergic horses which simply can't eat grass. If the owner just isn't able to stable somewhere with a paddock of hardstanding, and if the horse is happy and exercised daily, then I am sure it is better than the horse being dead.
An animal does not necessarily display stereotypical behaviours in response to isolation from its kind and the reduction of its ability to move around, to indulge in herd behaviour, neither does it necessarily explode, it may simply shut down its responses. This is most likely to be the case when people believe that the animal has become aclimatized to its situation, as it has by then learnt that it cannot influence its surroundings. I do not believe that any mamal other than humans ever 'want to be dead'. I am unaware of any studies which show suicidality in any species other than humans. In the case you describe, the animal already has a life threatening illness. IMO the price of symptom management is too high a price for the animal to pay.
We may need to agree to disagree on this one![]()
Can we clarify whether we are talking about working animals or not here.?
I hope no-one in their right mind would consent to keep a horse in a stable that was completely unable to be exercised?
No a horse kept like that cannot move enough to express its natural behaviour. I would expect that to lead to mental and physical problems for the horse.
Good point, but what level of exercise is acceptable ? For the average hobby owner cannot work a horse at the same level as a professional. Is 40 minutes schooling a few times a week and a weekend hack/competition offering quality of life for an animal unable to roam, graze or socialize ? Or one that will never be turned away in company for summer holidays ?
I know horses can be 'conditioned' to accept 24/7 stabling
I personally think that the tiny "individual turnout" paddocks that I am seeing everywhere are probably at least as bad as stabling. At least when a horse is stabled its owner knows it needs some exercise. How many people are there keeping their horses in miniscule individual turnout who don't ride the horse because "it's been turned out", I wonder?
If you want a pet that you can keep in an enclosed, straw box, get a rabbit
Just wondering if anyone agrees with keeping a horse in 24/7? May be with only a "mooch" area to walk around.
I know it is fairly common on the continent, but is it realistic and fair to do so?
If I have to stable her 24/7 at this time of year, I would consider it mental torture for her even though she is pretty good at accepting box rest. It was not so bad in the winter when she always had at least one horse near her for company. If my horse cannot have some sort of quality of life, and I would class being in 24/7 for more than a few weeks as poor quality, then it would break my heart, but I would PTS.
Just wondering if anyone agrees with keeping a horse in 24/7? May be with only a "mooch" area to walk around.
I know it is fairly common on the continent, but is it realistic and fair to do so?