Dogs I have met today. Who did you meet?


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17 August 2005
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Weird, not sure what I did there!

I also today at work met my bosses mums dog, a spaniel got to a JRT
The outcome is pretty bizarre! She only had 2 puppies, they kept one and my bosses mum had the other. Super cute. Spaniel size body with little legs ? he’s bit of a dude
Guy at the pub has one of those. It looks like a springer with dwarfism. ?


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I get to meet lots of different dogs everyday :)
Yesterday was a cockerpoo day. One of my favourites came in first thing and last of the day was one of noisiest customers. I’ve done him since he was a pup but my god his bark is shrill.

On the subject of corgi crosses, I have one. A corgi x Cockapoo. She looks like neither but she is the most loyal and gorgeous dog you could ever meet. So switched on and trainable.


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13 November 2010
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Someone parked in the passing place opposite my gate, which really irritates me - but when they got back, Bruno stood at the gate and yowled at them til they came over to say hello to him, so I felt it would be churlish to moan! They had a lovely fit black lab, and what looked like a liver coloured cocker - but it had a white nose - very unusual. Nice friendly dogs - I do love wiggly ones!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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On the subject of corgi crosses, I have one. A corgi x Cockapoo. She looks like neither but she is the most loyal and gorgeous dog you could ever meet. So switched on and trainable.

Does she look like a terrier? Would love to see a pic.

Someone parked in the passing place opposite my gate, which really irritates me - but when they got back, Bruno stood at the gate and yowled at them til they came over to say hello to him, so I felt it would be churlish to moan! They had a lovely fit black lab, and what looked like a liver coloured cocker - but it had a white nose - very unusual. Nice friendly dogs - I do love wiggly ones!

I”ll see if I can record the puppies when I do my silly voice with them, we get total sidewinder wiggles, it’s hilarious!


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22 May 2014
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My supervisor popped into work today, and brought along her 2 Cavalier King Charles spaniels. One is an older girl, and the other is an adult rescue who they recently adopted last week.

CKC are my absolute favourite breed, but I’m not sure if I could cope with the high likelihood of illness with them to have my own. But they’re just such beautiful, outgoing, friendly little dogs. Like if you took the best bits of cats, and the best bits of dogs, and combined them. Could’ve sat and cuddled them all day!

Funny to hear about all the other short-legged crosses that people are meeting. Our own boy is a rough collie/Jack Russell - very unintentional mating, which produced a whole range of different sized and shaped dogs. Our lad looks like a very lightweight rough collie, but on Jack Russell legs - about 20kg, very long, but very low! In his case, he took on the best of both breeds - very bright, very trainable, more energy and stamina than his poor conformation needs, but can also switch off, affectionate and cuddly without being clingy and needy.

That’s the shame about accidental crossings - there’s never going to be another like them!


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21 July 2016
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Today at a different beach we met Eric the cocker poo who was very good with Rocky. Eric was wearing his equifleece coat even though it’s a warm day so he decided to plunge into the river going down to the beach and came out soaking! His mother was heard to say ‘I think he might be hot. I’ll take his coat off’!
Rocky doesn’t really do water so thankfully he didn’t follow.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Today we met 40+ noodlyhounds (mostly Greyhounds, some whippets, a couple of galgos and a few non-noodles) on a big group walk we joined. I have mixed feelings about these walks, sometimes I think if I wasn't a sighthound owner I would really not like to come across a great big group of them all at once on a walk! Ivy was fab though * polishing her halo *


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Today we met 40+ noodlyhounds (mostly Greyhounds, some whippets, a couple of galgos and a few non-noodles) on a big group walk we joined. I have mixed feelings about these walks, sometimes I think if I wasn't a sighthound owner I would really not like to come across a great big group of them all at once on a walk! Ivy was fab though * polishing her halo *

Were they all on lead? That’s an awful lot of dogs!


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
In My Head
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Were they all on lead? That’s an awful lot of dogs!

Yes most definitely on lead at all times and no more than 2 per person, maybe the odd three and majority 1:1. Even so I still appreciate it's a lot of dogs! They're great meet ups and have helped Ivy, but today I just wasn't sure and was thinking about it from the point of view of people walking their dogs past us. Perhaps as there isn't usually quite that many at once.


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6 December 2004
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Chinese Crested x2, Min Schnauzer, OES x4, Bernese x2, Sheltie, Iggy, Labs x4, CKC, Beagle, Gordon Setter, Belgian Groenendal, Doberman - a mixed bunch at the last Ringcraft before Crufts!! :D


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14 April 2011
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Today we were out and about nice and early. We met another collie (possibly collie x) who was too busy with their ball to say hello and two staffies.
Mrs Collie has bull breeds on her hit list so I asked her to heel close, but she then surprised me with greeting the very old one politely. She then asked if he would like to play chase with her and when he said no she wished him a very happy Sunday morning, disengaged and trotted along with me. Super pleased with her behaviour.

Mrs Spaniel didn't even notice them in the park with her.


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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I wanted a harness fitted for Mitch, the baby material ones go on ok but his head is too big to get them off comfortably (unlike teeny tiny Goose) He’s also been grudging at people so I took him to Pets at Home for a social. Bumped into my sharer outside, had an emotional hug, she made a calm fuss of Mitch.

A girl from the yard was working today so she fitted a harness which will expand with him and doesn’t involve ear squishing to get on. There was a Leonburger in the queue, I’ve never seen such a huge one. Mitch said hello politely but then was intimidated by it coming at him so I quickly took him off.

Next, there was a 11 month old Doberman-with cropped ears, home done, they were raggy and a stump of a tail. She was soppy and we all said hello nicely. The owner is Polish and the dog is from Ukraine-I’m nosy, I asked. She was lovely, Mitch was happy to sniff.

Then there was what I thought was a lovely scruffy terrier, it looked like Palo’s Irish terrier but was too little and had black bits. The owner told me it was a corpoo, a corgi x poodle. I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years! It looked nothing like either, super friendly and cute, a little bit too in his face for Mitch, who doesn’t think he should play fight in public-thank god.

We’d already met Luna the pointer in the park. She has taken to lying down to greet them after Bear told her off for being too in his face. Bless! You)d think after zoomies since 8am in the garden, they‘d be ready for a nap but they’re playing tug on my knee instead.

Who did you meet today?
A corpoo??? Is that really a word????


Completely Unknown Member
1 March 2015
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How is Blue?
He's absolutely fine, enjoying his walks and his food, currently curled up on the sofa next to me. He had an unfortunate encounter with a cattle grid yesterday when out with my OH though, for some reason he got it into his head that he could jump over it and ended up with all 4 legs down the gaps, lying on his tummy on the cattle grid! Had to be lifted out of it. (No ill effects at all.) He wasn't at all worried by the yapping pugs!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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It was yesterday, actually. We set off on our walk with the 3 Labs, just got round the corner in the lane when we saw Nell, the Border Collie, who belongs to our friendly local farmer/handy person. She was on her own!
It was only last week that we met him on the way back from our walk and he was looking for her, she has taken to going walk-about, if he is out of her sight for too long.
So we decided to take her back to the farm. She walked beautifully to heel, ours were extremely good, after an initial bark or 2 from the pup, they just carried on as normal. When we got to the farm gate, it was locked and we couldn't get through it but Nell slithered round the side of the gate and trotted off back home. Then we went on our walk!

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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Met a neighbours new rescue dog a 9.5 month old collie cross shepherd at a guess it is extremely nervous and looked terrified we studiously ignored it while we were talking to the neighbour. Willow sat quietly at our feet. Not sure they are the right home as were constanlty stroking her and at times she looked around to see what they were worried about. Still early days and she was totally calm about willow being there and although scared was quiet without too much shaking with me and oh a few yards away. Also saw a poodle x collie which look just like a shorn bearded collie he had a great game with willow in the field without being too pushy he too was about 9 months. Willow is great with oher dogs but at 12 tends to be much quieter and gets fed up quicker than they do so comes to walk beside me when she has had enough


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6 August 2006
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At the weekend we had puppy training on Saturday and puppy playgroup on Sunday so met up with some old friends and some new friends. Bunny is fine with the smaller ones but gets a bit nervous with some of the bigger pups so we are being very careful. It is a great way of meeting new dogs - and people!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Dear lord. Today I met a 'Dog of Israel' (Canaan). I clocked it coming into the park, as did Mitch, who happily bounded over and didn't recall (despite being pretty superb recently) I thought it was a husky. It had a big muzzle on, forehead, cheek and chin straps, looked like Hannibal Lecter. It was wearing a double metal choke chain and a massive belay hook. Apparently it's friendly to everyone/thing but the trainer wants it wearing a muzzle. I had a long chat with the owner and said I found him intimidating. He was trying to play with the babies but I wouldn't allow it, he was too big. Its recall is poor, she let it off the minute a similar size (zero recall but very nice) known dog arrived. I departed at speed.

Bonkers, she said its very territorial, barks lots, she can't hold him, he has no recall. Clearly chosen a great dog for herself there!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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Dear lord. Today I met a 'Dog of Israel' (Canaan). I clocked it coming into the park, as did Mitch, who happily bounded over and didn't recall (despite being pretty superb recently) I thought it was a husky. It had a big muzzle on, forehead, cheek and chin straps, looked like Hannibal Lecter. It was wearing a double metal choke chain and a massive belay hook. Apparently it's friendly to everyone/thing but the trainer wants it wearing a muzzle. I had a long chat with the owner and said I found him intimidating. He was trying to play with the babies but I wouldn't allow it, he was too big. Its recall is poor, she let it off the minute a similar size (zero recall but very nice) known dog arrived. I departed at speed.

Bonkers, she said its very territorial, barks lots, she can't hold him, he has no recall. Clearly chosen a great dog for herself there!

As Canaan dogs are fairly rare in the UK, I wonder what made her choose the breed. Did she say? Also seems a strange choice to use a muzzle at all times when he’s “friendly to everything”? ?. More to this than meets the eye I’d say.