Donations on Facebook to buy a girl a horse...


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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wow what a thread!!

i dont buy the story about going round to her house....however if true - why!?

the dealer has dug herself a very large hole, and it will affect the reputation....diamonddogs put it well!!!

raffling off horses, asking for donations and money always ends in tears!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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wow what a thread!!

i dont buy the story about going round to her house....however if true - why!?

the dealer has dug herself a very large hole, and it will affect the reputation....diamonddogs put it well!!!

raffling off horses, asking for donations and money always ends in tears!
Wish there was a 'like' button for this.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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Sell story to tabloids, use money to buy horse, simples...

Personally, I still don't believe any of it. But I am skeptical of everything on the internet, especially Facebook, tbh. Awful lot of people on there with fake accounts they use for trolling.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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It will unfortunately be brought down before then. If it does it will be the second one in a year for me :(

Remember that you can only control what you write, as far as I know, you can't control what others will write on a thread on an open forum. Personally, I don't think that there is anything in your post/replies that could be interpreted as cyber bullying, nor intended to make others become cyber bullies, or whatever else it is, which might or might not have happened.

How would you have known, that a bunch of newbies would show up and post on this thread? Surely, you're not responsible for if other members post replies, for example, saying that all HHO:ers are bullies that should be ashamed of ourselves. Which could annoy/offend those members, who feels that there is nothing in their replies that warrants such a comment...

If Admin decides to remove the whole thread, I hope that you don't feel too bad about it.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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Remember that you can only control what you write, as far as I know, you can't control what others will write on a thread on an open forum. Personally, I don't think that there is anything in your post/replies that could be interpreted as cyber bullying, nor intended to make others become cyber bullies, or whatever else it is, which might or might not have happened.

How would you have known, that a bunch of newbies would show up and post on this thread? Surely, you're not responsible for if other members post replies, for example, saying that all HHO:ers are bullies that should be ashamed of ourselves. Which could annoy/offend those members, who feels that there is nothing in their replies that warrants such a comment...

If Admin decides to remove the whole thread, I hope that you don't feel too bad about it.



Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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OP you started a thread and people contributed their views, we do it all the time. Somehow it attracted new posters who seem to think the only way to get their views across is to accuse others of bad behaviour.

I do not agree with threats being made or people turning up at a house, but I can not see how posters on this forum could be responsible for such actions.

FB groups can be good, but this has been an example of what can go wrong when you go public.


New User
10 November 2013
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Obviously I am a new poster which I know for some of you will reduce the validity of this post but here goes.

I actually feel sorry for the dealer in all of this. She was trying to do something nice (whilst still earning a living) for one of her (relatively new) employees.

A lot of people obviously support the dealer as they are donating generously. However, they do not have the full picture as the dealer has blocked anyone who posted negative comments, including the unhappy owners of previous horses loaned by the girl.

I have known the girl at the centre of this for a number of years and seen a number of loan horses come and go for a variety of reasons.

I am aware that at least 2 of the horses were returned in a far from ideal state and therefore there are some people who are rightfully very upset at the thought that this girl would be getting a free horse when she has not shown to be the model owner previously.

It is wrong that people have been to her house, and terrible that she has recieved death threats. I think a simple message to the dealer outlining why this girl may not be such a deserving recipient of others generosity may have been more appropriate.

It's a nice story and people obviously identify with not being able to have your 'dream horse', but there have been many 'dream' horses for this girl who have simply not been looked after well enough.


New User
10 November 2013
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I have joined this forum today, as i have been following the story on facebook and yes from the beginning. I have been following cng page for a while now after a friend asked me to be- friend them to look at a horse they were selling at the time and if i thought it would be appropriate for her.

Since i liked their page i had to have my own horse put to sleep last year, and haven't been able to afford another one. Yes i work 30hrs over 2days and i am a full time mum to 4yr old and a 5 old.

I saw this horse duchess on there page(before all this broke out) and liked her, so i private messaged the dealer to see if i could view her and gave my mobile no. The dealer messaged me straight back what would i like to do with her to see if she is suitable, i said funrides hopefully get back to doing a little hunting and something i could lead my daughters pony off, again she replied straight back that don't think she's suitable for leading off, so i replied leading not essential but would have been nice could i still view her. I still have heard nothing a part from what's been on facebook and here. And this is the first time i commented any where not sure its relevant but just wanted to comment.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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I have joined this forum today, as i have been following the story on facebook and yes from the beginning. I have been following cng page for a while now after a friend asked me to be- friend them to look at a horse they were selling at the time and if i thought it would be appropriate for her.

Since i liked their page i had to have my own horse put to sleep last year, and haven't been able to afford another one. Yes i work 30hrs over 2days and i am a full time mum to 4yr old and a 5 old.

I saw this horse duchess on there page(before all this broke out) and liked her, so i private messaged the dealer to see if i could view her and gave my mobile no. The dealer messaged me straight back what would i like to do with her to see if she is suitable, i said funrides hopefully get back to doing a little hunting and something i could lead my daughters pony off, again she replied straight back that don't think she's suitable for leading off, so i replied leading not essential but would have been nice could i still view her. I still have heard nothing a part from what's been on facebook and here. And this is the first time i commented any where not sure its relevant but just wanted to comment.

Thanks for sharing. :)


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Gobsmacked actually....that a discussion about 'is it moral' and more it legal....could be twisted in such a way. once again, users on HHO are being accused of all sorts of things, when the only ones I see/saw throwing insults and threats are some (not all) new posters who logged on purely for this thread, and some haven't even bothered to read all posts it seems, when my concern was for the poor girl to whom this was in aid of!

Yep, it's blown up in her face, just like I said it would. :(

I feel sorry for her, really don't think the dealer did her any favours (oh wait, in a few minutes I'll be called a bully, and will have been round her house throwing threats around no doubt....)

I still stand by what I say. Yes, people can do what they want with their money, but who will clean up the mess if it all went wrong? What would happen to that money if the horse was sold....? A legal minefield that the girl wouldn't want to be in the middle of.

..seems us 'haters' are just bitter and twisted middle-aged women who are jealous.

Not sure why the 'people' who 'went round to her house and made threats' have to had come from here? I only heard about this yesterday and it was mentioned to me by someone else who isn't a member here, that it had been going on for ages....there are other forums as well as this one!


I'm just glad that admin saw fit to identify the actual poster/s who were throwing the insults towards us.

I hope the dealer does the right thing by the girl and horse in question, and allows her to purchase the horse the way is SHOULD be done...

Peace all.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I have joined this forum today, as i have been following the story on facebook and yes from the beginning. I have been following cng page for a while now after a friend asked me to be- friend them to look at a horse they were selling at the time and if i thought it would be appropriate for her.

Since i liked their page i had to have my own horse put to sleep last year, and haven't been able to afford another one. Yes i work 30hrs over 2days and i am a full time mum to 4yr old and a 5 old.

I saw this horse duchess on there page(before all this broke out) and liked her, so i private messaged the dealer to see if i could view her and gave my mobile no. The dealer messaged me straight back what would i like to do with her to see if she is suitable, i said funrides hopefully get back to doing a little hunting and something i could lead my daughters pony off, again she replied straight back that don't think she's suitable for leading off, so i replied leading not essential but would have been nice could i still view her. I still have heard nothing a part from what's been on facebook and here. And this is the first time i commented any where not sure its relevant but just wanted to comment.

Thank you for sharing. Although you were not sucessful this time, the right horse will come along, I hope you find this forum helpful , I have found it to be full of good advice and help as I took on looking after two ponies again after a break.

I hope you find the right horse and have some good times, do let us know how you get on.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Obviously I am a new poster which I know for some of you will reduce the validity of this post but here goes.

I actually feel sorry for the dealer in all of this. She was trying to do something nice (whilst still earning a living) for one of her (relatively new) employees.

A lot of people obviously support the dealer as they are donating generously. However, they do not have the full picture as the dealer has blocked anyone who posted negative comments, including the unhappy owners of previous horses loaned by the girl.

I have known the girl at the centre of this for a number of years and seen a number of loan horses come and go for a variety of reasons.

I am aware that at least 2 of the horses were returned in a far from ideal state and therefore there are some people who are rightfully very upset at the thought that this girl would be getting a free horse when she has not shown to be the model owner previously.

It is wrong that people have been to her house, and terrible that she has recieved death threats. I think a simple message to the dealer outlining why this girl may not be such a deserving recipient of others generosity may have been more appropriate.

It's a nice story and people obviously identify with not being able to have your 'dream horse', but there have been many 'dream' horses for this girl who have simply not been looked after well enough.


You haven't threatened us, or called us witches or similar, so I'll take time to read your post!

Your last paragraph, first part of sentence, strikes a chord, how true. I was in my 20's before I got my first horse, and she was on loan. It was a while after that too, before I could afford to get my own....

A sensible first post, thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
26 April 2009
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Reminds me somewhat of the Clywd Davies saga. If you read everything the only ones being nasty are the newcomers/oldies who are sticking up for the dealer and the girl the HHO gang are quite rightly expressing their opinion on this matter. They can not post on the cng equine facebook page as negative comments are deleted as is the case in so many businesses so that people only see good about the person or business. It is in my opinion very flawed as is in part to blame for the blinkered views of the followers. IMO and yes I am allowed one last time I looked, is that the dealer was woefully remiss in what she has actively encouraged, albeit she didn't say to set a fund up but the inference was there. Unfortunately she did not anticipate this backlash as to be honest the people stating its the girls dream come true need to wake up and smell the roses, she already has horses whether her own or loaned so how come its a dream to own this particular horse? Dealer is selling it to her for the advertised price hence would have been making a nice profit on the deal. What she should have done was offer the horse to the girl and deduct out of her wages if she was that concerned about the horse.
This whole business leaves a very sour taste and I am appalled at the bigoted and nasty comments the followers are posting on here and on facebook. Whatever happened to having a good old fashioned discussion without all the hatred coming out so quickly, ho hum can't educate the blinded I suppose.

The wife

Well-Known Member
29 August 2012
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Obviously I am a new poster which I know for some of you will reduce the validity of this post but here goes.


On the contrary :) hi and welcome to both new members! The way I see it, a poster has as much validity as another whether they are a new one or an older member, so long as they bring something sensible with valid points to a thread. The angst about new posters was aimed at those that had simply signed up to HHO to throw mud and insults without being provoked to other members just stating their opinions and hence things had gotten a little heated. We all started off as new posters once :)


Well-Known Member
13 September 2011
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People have been very cruel towards the groom on this forum. She has been called a scrounger, immoral, possibly not fit to do her job because she grew attached to a horse for sale, and she has been accused of being neglectful of animals in her care.

It has been implied that the dealer is dodgy (in one of the first posts on page 1), immoral, money grabbing and unprofessional.

The people who have given money to the groom were called stupid and gullible.

It is therefore not unsurprising that new posters joined just to defend the groom. Some of them did swear and responded emotionally to the whole thing. This is unfortunate but also understandable to a degree.

There has been a lot of hearsay, gossip and contradictory information on this thread. I find it impossible to judge what is true based on this information. The negative comments may have been generated by someone who has a grudge against the dealer, or someone who simply dislikes the groom. Similarly, we can't verify the positive statements either. In these situations it is best to withold judgement and keep an open mind.

I don't believe that it was someone from hho who made death threats or turned up at the grooms door (if these incidents indeed happened).However, what has been said on here has had an impact on someones life. The groom is now unlikely to get the horse and is probably feeling pretty upset.

Most forum users can hide behind anonymous user names. The groom and the dealer, on the other hand, are easily identifiable. An anonymous users can say pretty much whatever they want without it having a repercussion on their real lives. The same does not apply to the groom or dealer. This is probably why dealer discussions are against the forum T&Cs.

It's a shame the thread did not stick to being a general discussion about asking for money to buy a horse.


Well-Known Member
12 July 2008
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People have been very cruel towards the groom on this forum. She has been called a scrounger, immoral, possibly not fit to do her job because she grew attached to a horse for sale, and she has been accused of being neglectful of animals in her care.

I don't see anyone being directly cruel to the groom. In many people's opionion, inc mine, begging for money to buy a horse IS scrounging and immoral. That is our opnion, which we are entitled to ans something that is of course going to be aired when it's public begging. Fit to do her job is unfair but no one actually said that. Many HAVE said that falling in love with a transient horse is a job risk and something the girl needs to learn to deal with. As for neglecting her current horses: is that true? Many have questioned it since someone ( who appears to be in the know) had mentioned it.

has been implied that the dealer is dodgy (in one of the first posts on page 1), immoral, money grabbing and unprofessional.

Again, that is peoples opinion. A dealer who encouranges a groom to beg for money to buy one of their horses IS unprofessional and quite possibly immoral. Money grabbing is debatable. As for being a 'dodgy dealer', that's a different kettle of fish entirely and something some who have first hand experience of the dealer have mentioned.

The people who have given money to the groom were called stupid and gullible..
Giving money to a stranger to buy a horse they don't even know if she can afford to look after IS stupid. Are THEY stupid in general? Who knows.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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I don't see anyone being directly cruel to the groom. In many people's opionion, inc mine, begging for money to buy a horse IS scrounging and immoral. That is our opnion, which we are entitled to ans something that is of course going to be aired when it's public begging. Fit to do her job is unfair but no one actually said that. Many HAVE said that falling in love with a transient horse is a job risk and something the girl needs to learn to deal with. As for neglecting her current horses: is that true? Many have questioned it since someone ( who appears to be in the know) had mentioned it.

Again, that is peoples opinion. A dealer who encouranges a groom to beg for money to buy one of their horses IS unprofessional and quite possibly immoral. Money grabbing is debatable. As for being a 'dodgy dealer', that's a different kettle of fish entirely and something some who have first hand experience of the dealer have mentioned.

Giving money to a stranger to buy a horse they don't even know if she can afford to look after IS stupid. Are THEY stupid in general? Who knows.

This is spot on


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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I don't see anyone being directly cruel to the groom. In many people's opionion, inc mine, begging for money to buy a horse IS scrounging and immoral. That is our opnion, which we are entitled to ans something that is of course going to be aired when it's public begging. Fit to do her job is unfair but no one actually said that. Many HAVE said that falling in love with a transient horse is a job risk and something the girl needs to learn to deal with. As for neglecting her current horses: is that true? Many have questioned it since someone ( who appears to be in the know) had mentioned it.

Again, that is peoples opinion. A dealer who encouranges a groom to beg for money to buy one of their horses IS unprofessional and quite possibly immoral. Money grabbing is debatable. As for being a 'dodgy dealer', that's a different kettle of fish entirely and something some who have first hand experience of the dealer have mentioned.

Giving money to a stranger to buy a horse they don't even know if she can afford to look after IS stupid. Are THEY stupid in general? Who knows.

**Claps** Well put Kalibear


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I hope you have all read the status on fb now. The police have been involved and I hope to god its got nothing to do with you lot on here! But after reading some disgusting and vile comments nothing would surprise me.

The police are involved and the fact people turned up at her mums house last night while she was out and upset and frightened her mum is awful i thought you were all caring and worried about the horses etc... no you just bullies and should be ashamed of your selves!

ohhh the evil HHO, a relatively small forum compared with the size of facebook where this 'story' has been merrily doing the rounds as well, have you contacted all those on FB who don't agree with this begging and told them what vile bullies they are, i suspect not!
why is it the defenders of all things scam like and dodgy on FB always accuse everyone who see's through them as being bullies and haters, the money scammers always claim they have been visited at night and that the police are involved ?! and why are scam supporters always incoherant ranters! it's like Clwyd and the ponies in the lounge woman all over again!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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I don't see anyone being directly cruel to the groom. In many people's opionion, inc mine, begging for money to buy a horse IS scrounging and immoral. That is our opnion, which we are entitled to ans something that is of course going to be aired when it's public begging. Fit to do her job is unfair but no one actually said that. Many HAVE said that falling in love with a transient horse is a job risk and something the girl needs to learn to deal with. As for neglecting her current horses: is that true? Many have questioned it since someone ( who appears to be in the know) had mentioned it.

Again, that is peoples opinion. A dealer who encouranges a groom to beg for money to buy one of their horses IS unprofessional and quite possibly immoral. Money grabbing is debatable. As for being a 'dodgy dealer', that's a different kettle of fish entirely and something some who have first hand experience of the dealer have mentioned.

Giving money to a stranger to buy a horse they don't even know if she can afford to look after IS stupid. Are THEY stupid in general? Who knows.

Very well put. :)


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Aye. Probably shouldn't have joined facebook to start with - Can't seem to delete it myself from it as I spend hours mindlessly browsing.

Hah! It's a devil BUT....with all the family I have all over the world, it's the best way to stay in touch.

I do know that my account is tied up tight with only my name and profile picture to be seen, except for friends of way really. Everyone should have this done if they haven't already done so.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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Hah! It's a devil BUT....with all the family I have all over the world, it's the best way to stay in touch.

I do know that my account is tied up tight with only my name and profile picture to be seen, except for friends of way really. Everyone should have this done if they haven't already done so.
Oh yes. I am the same. Although I find myself joining groups and getting into arguments with idiots.