Donations on Facebook to buy a girl a horse...


9 November 2013
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That's about it.

I've been trying to discuss the moral implications of doing so, and said so a few times I believe....then suddenly new people pop up and start yelling all sorts of nasty things....
Moral implications, don't make me laugh, age old jealousy plain and simple oozing out of your pores. Hideous


Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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Okay, I'm relatively new to the H&H forums (though have been reading for a long time!) and when I came across this thread I agreed with the majority that a girl falling in love with a horse at work, when she already has one (confirmed that I can see, although potentially another on loan and an arrangement with a third? Possibly?), is rather cheeky! I've read all the history on this on the relevant FB pages though, and it looks like it wasn't the girl OR the dealer asking people - it was a joke comment made that a lot of the people following the dealer jumped on and said they'd like to donate. So I'm not sure this is in the moral category - obviously, she didn't turn around and say no, but it wasn't like she said "hey guys, I'd love this horse, I'm setting up an account please donate?" Also - a few people have asked things about whether they would be able to buy the horse if they turned up with the money and it appears like the dealer has put a two week freeze on selling her to give the girl some time - but only since the supporters have asked if they can donate.

Just my two'penneth here - I can see both sides - I worked very very hard to have my horses and have a lot of pride in having done so, like most of you! However, as the girl and dealer don't seem to have been actually asking for handouts I think this casts a slightly different moral aspect to it all...


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5 January 2008
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Can you read... That's surprising

Wow that was unnecessary, and we're the bitter, jealous ones?! This thread just gets better and better! I have to say I don't really understand why you feel any of us would be jealous though? I mean we all seem to be quite capable of paying for our horses without having to go beg strangers for money on Facebook :)


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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I hope the situation resolves itself quickly, I don't like to think of the girl to whom this is all in aid of, she is going to come out of this badly, it's heading for a massive road crash, I'm afraid she's going to end up hurt and reputation in tatters... :( I don't want that to happen.

...for 'TheRealWorld'......

Take note of what I said.


9 November 2013
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People not hounding the young girl people just think its unreal that this girl is asking for donations to buy a horse via facebook and are concerned of its welfare as if she cant afford to buy it (which is the cheapest bit) how she going to afford to look after it that's all

She isn't asking you simpleton... Do you actually know what you are commenting on.... *nuts wall*

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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Is Therealworld talking about me, as not sure about Moral implications, age old, well yes I'm in my 60's, jealousy plain and simple not sure about as I have 5 horses own my own land, may look hideous, but I've never had Blotox and any other treatment, yes I look weatherbeaten but there again I'm out in all weathers everyday of the year.:D


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20 August 2008
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No, I worked hard to pay for my lads, I pay for what needs paid for when the bills arise. I am damn proud of my achievements and the efforts I've made to get where I am today. In all that time I have never asked anyone for a penny. I got my first horse when I was 27, that's when I could finally afford one. So, am I jealous of a scrounger? That would be a big fat no.


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12 July 2008
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Oh look, Real World has gone all pale and faded. Such a shame as her insults were just starting to get up to speed.

Feeling a bit sorry for the girl. She sounds young and nieve. Has done (or been allowed to do) a silly thing (ask random strangers to help her buy something she doesn't need nor has the means to look after) and now it's exploded in her face.


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5 January 2008
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Aww and it was just getting good!

Morally speaking I think the dealer shouldn't have facilitated the donations. If followers wanted to donate it should have been between them and the groom. On a personal level I would never donate to something so frivolous and unnecessary when there are causes desperate for funding.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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I must admit I was shocked when I read it. Who the hell gives a horse away through a bloody raffle?! Disgusting.

Gothenburg Horse Show does, every year the first prize in the raffle is a Swedish Warmblood. But the horses selected to be rafflehorses is of good quality, usually about 4 to 5 years old, and worth quite a bit of money. The winner can chose between taking the horse or let them sell it for you, and you will get the money. Last article I read about it, nobody unsuitable have yet won and decided to take the horse instead of the money.

As an example, this is 2011's rafflehorse Fay:


And to give an example of the value of the rafflehorses, according to what I've read, 2013's rafflehorse was sold for something over £11000.


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28 November 2009
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I find it odd that people would be willing to donate to buying a horse for someone on the basis they feel bonded to it, but its people's choice what they do with their money. I personally wouldn't be comfortable with obtaining money that way, it's not even really a crisis which may push you to desperate measures. If dealer is as good as said by other employee then will sell horse to a suitable person.

I don't think it looks good on the dealer to be involved in situation where they appear to profit, better to come to a personal arrangement with their employee. I wonder if it would be awkward if she opted to sell the horse on later.


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1 October 2005
New Zealand but from UK
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A friend of mine has a birthday in a few weeks and the mare that she has been leasing goes home in a few weeks. She saw a lovely youngster and asked her friends to put money towards the horse rather than buy her a present.

I've given her $20 as have many others of her friends. Think it's a very clever way of buying the horse. Means I don't have to stress as to what I can get her for her birthday.

The wife

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29 August 2012
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I find it odd that people would be willing to donate to buying a horse for someone on the basis they feel bonded to it, but its people's choice what they do with their money. I personally wouldn't be comfortable with obtaining money that way, it's not even really a crisis which may push you to desperate measures. If dealer is as good as said by other employee then will sell horse to a suitable person.

I don't think it looks good on the dealer to be involved in situation where they appear to profit, better to come to a personal arrangement with their employee. I wonder if it would be awkward if she opted to sell the horse on later.

This! I hadn't even thought of what happened if she wanted to sell it. Pleased we're back on track with the initial foundations of the post :) although some were highly amusing insults indeed. Personal favourite being bitter and cynical bunch... Erm no. Just able to see past BS .