Donations on Facebook to buy a girl a horse...


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20 August 2007
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But the girl in question didn't ask directly at any point it was started as a 'ah ** just said this how sweet' to which other folk replied yes do it, start a paypal pages we will donate. Nowhere either did the groom say she 'needed' the horse, like she needs food or a house. She said she loved the horse and it would be a dream come true if she could be with her without her getting sold on, that is all. If she had phrased it as above 'that she needed her' no-one would have given as it would have sounded like a spoilt brat lol

But if she loved this horse and had bonded with it, why not raise the funds by selling one of her other horses? If someone wants something, don't you think they should fund it themselves?


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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I cannot believe you people on here! if anyone had read the facts instead of just jumping behind a computer giving your tuppence worth you would know about the story.

This young girl has horses of her own and I believe at her own yard. I have had horses since a young age and I have never brought one my self as I couldn't afford to buy outright but can afford the upkeep! (Including insurance!!) does this make me a bad owner!!! NO it bloody doesn't!! my horses have never been without! EVER!

this poor girl wanted THAT horse not just another horse! that horse had fell in love with her like she had with it. also on a grooms wage you cant really afford a big outright payment. (I've been there!)

no one made any one donate it was just an 'idea' they were joking around about originally and then thought they'd give it a go!
CNG cannot give the girl the horse as at the end of the day they are a business so do need the money for the business.

I cannot believe the THREATs they have received from jealous people. if you didn't like the idea don't follow or donate!

Congratulations to all you pathetic people this poor girl and poor horse now will end up with their hearts broken!

My thoughts exactly! I couldn't afford to buy my horse but I came into some money and luckily I has enough cash! But if I didn't that doesn't mean I can't afford the up keep of a horse!

Damn right disgusting you lot treating a young girl like you have done you should ALL be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!! Instead of being negative you should support her!

Vile creatures

That is your thoughts exactly? Hm, it is not exactly how I interpreted your second reply on this thread.

Ive seen a nice oakley supremacy... come on guys a few quid isnt gonna hurt your pocket!!!!

But on the other hand, I also don't understand why someone first says that they can't believe us people on here, that we should find out the facts before voicing our opinion etc. Ending the reply with congratulating all us pathetic people, only to a few replies later say that

my initial post was about every one in general that was hounding the poor girl & CNG and throwing threats around not you personally...

Christ! I hadn't said that you guys wasn't entitled to your opinion nor did I say that the horse would be heartbroken NOR did I say any of you personally was nasty! ...

So you bundle all of us together, and aim your reply to all of us on here, but we're not supposed to take that personal.

To me, that seems as clear as mud.


Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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I desperately wanted a horse from a very early age. I came up with all sorts of strategies as to how I could earn some money so that I could have one. Would 2 paper rounds, washing the neighbours cars and selling unwanted toys be enough? My parents possibly could have afforded one, but pointed out that the family would have to go without other things and would it be fair on my brother, - why should I have an expensive hobby and he not have a similar amount spent on him. So I had to think longer term - study hard, go to uni so that in turn I could get a good job which would pay enough to afford a horse. I realised that in the meantime I could use the time to find out how to look after horses properly, so got myself a job at a little yard. My wage was £2 for a whole day (25 years ago :) ) but I loved it as I got to spend time with horses and I was learning, so that when I finally got my own I'd know what to do. There were times at uni that I wanted to quit, but the thought of having my own horse spurred me on to stick it out. I finally got my degree and then a half decent job, so then started saving furiously not just for the horse but the tack, rugs, etc etc. I figured too that I could find out just how much disposable cash I could scrimp together each month and would it be enough to afford the monthly costs of owning a horse. After 6 months I'd saved enough and having done my sums a hundred times thought that I could just about afford one.
At the yard I worked at, there was a pony that I absolutely adored and we did have a bond. When I'd come back during uni holidays, he would let out a shrill whinny and come galloping across the field to see me. :) The owners knew I adored him and the kids had all outgrown him, so as I'm a short ar*e they asked if I would like to buy him, which of course I jumped at the opportunity. Dreams can come true!

Not quite sure why I shared my life story but it somehow seems in a small way relevant to this thread. I heard a great quote once - "luck is when preparation and opportunity meet".

I do agree with the viewpoint that if you can't afford the purchase, then can one really afford to keep a horse. If I lost my boy today, I certainly wouldn't have the money to hand to buy another horse. However I would save up the money each month from no longer having to pay for a horse's up keep, so that in 6 months or however long, I had enough to buy a horse.

You've just typed exactly what I was trying to say! My parents were not remotely horsey and I worked for practically nothing just to be around horses. I worked all day at riding schools and point-to-point for nothing - not even for rides half the time. I'd have been happy just have one of my own. I was 27 before me and husband bought our own horses, I still feel lucky now to have our own land with our two (another 20 years down the line and different horses). I don't think it is fair to call donators stupid, foolish, idiots - whatever, it's their money after all. So sorry it's gone tits up but you are lucky Paiz, to have at least one horse imo. Make the most of it, some people are losing their horses of a lifetime. If she's that important to you, you'll find a way - maybe sponsorship would have been a better idea?


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11 November 2013
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But if she loved this horse and had bonded with it, why not raise the funds by selling one of her other horses? If someone wants something, don't you think they should fund it themselves?

Maybe she could sell one of her other horses (although it depends on if they are saleable and their age, and the circumstances) and she could investigate other means to fund the sale (although I'm sure I saw in one post on the FB page she had said she was going to see what she could raise herself before the whole thing got blown out of proportion and they stopped the page to donate too, and deleted most of the posts). So I don't disagree with what you have said, but also I believe if people wanted to give money to a stranger to help her buy a horse then they can too, and if she accepts well that's her choice, nothing bad in accepting help from strangers if the strangers are happy to oblige and it makes them feel good in doing so!


Well-Known Member
16 October 2013
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Gonna be honest here, if I had the offer of people 'donating' to me getting a new horse, I'd have a lot of trouble saying no. :p

But I honestly don't like the sound of this girl, and very much agree that, if she has other horses that she doesn't do anything with, she could surely sell those to purchase this 'dream' horse? As she works for a dealer, she should probably hope that this wont happen very often.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2005
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Congratulations to all you pathetic people this poor girl and poor horse now will end up with their hearts broken!

Actually, I doubt the horse will have 'a broken heart', she probably wont care so long as she is well fed and cared for. The groom will certainly not be the only person capable of caring for the horse!

I don't have much to say that hasn't been said really, I think it is completely wrong and immoral what the girl and dealer have done, but then again, CnG have managed to get their name around. What concerns me a great deal is the people that seem to think vets fees need not be worried about because 'that's what insurance is for...' To have an affordable insurance plan for vets fees, death etc my excess was £500...and when my horse went suddenly very lame I had to find this £500 fairly quickly...

I certainly think she is in the wrong job...I have many horses come through our yard who I would love to own, then they move on and another comes along who I adore...then we get a barsteward or two and I wonder why I even bother with horses ;-)

This big mess is concerning but what is even more concerning is some people's attitudes towards horse care, and the way many very much put heart before head.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I haven't read any of the other replies (shoot me now) but when I first saw this on the CNG page that the groom wondered if some people (the page's friends which are over 500 of which I was one) would donate a pound each it would give her enough for the deposit and I thought 'what a bloody cheek' (I still do if I'm honest) and then I thought why couldn't she work it off herself if she wants the horse so badly and if she's such a good groom, why couldn't the dealer actually do her a deal and keep the horse until she has the money? Let's face it, the one to gain here is the dealer who will be getting the money and if their page is anything to go by, they seem to be moving horses pretty regularly so not exactly hard done by themselves. I watched it for a couple of days and the more that was donated you could almost feel them rubbing their hands and it felt unpleasant to watch so I opted out and haven't been back; it's not something I would want to be a part of I'm afraid.


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2 January 2008
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I'm on a long bus journey and this has been fantastic entertainment. As is the cng Facebook page, if you can put up with all the spelling errors (can't help it I'm a pedant, sorry), it will keep you going for hours! They want you discustin lot to go back in the whole you came from because cng are worth their wait in gold ;-). Direct quotes.

Looks like it's all over now anyway as they've been receiving threats, so the horse will be sold and they are giving the donated money back to people or to charity. It is a sad situation for the girl, I'm sure we've all lost horses we love one way or another, that's life I guess. Sadly. If it's true that people turned up at this girl's house threatening her, that is pretty bad though. Hopefully that's being exaggerated.

The horse is actually pretty cheap (£2000 for reliable 10 yo hunter mare with perfect manners if you believe the advert), so surely if the dealer was so caring she'd simply let the girl pay off in instalments or something anyway.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2012
Washington, tyne & wear
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I kind of don't get why the groom has been threatened? Threatened with what, over what exactly? this certainly doesn't warrant any threats as far as i can see? There are some aspects of this tale that don't seem to add up, dare I say it, ring true. Sitting (cant stand) to be corrected of course.
Ps- discusting, is that like discussing / interesting?


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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You raise an interesting point. The "there are worthier causes" argument is somewhat futile. Firstly, it is difficult to decide on the most worthy cause as you state. Secondly, when should the "there are worthier causes argument apply"? When buying a diamante browband, a new pair of shoes, an expensive coffee? Most people spend their money on stuff they don't need. Giving money to the groom falls into the same "frivolous / impulse spend" category.

How about when over 10,000 people have died and millions of people have lost EVERYTHING in the Phillipines? Makes begging for money to buy a horse seem more than a little frivolous to me.

Jim Moriarty

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12 March 2009
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Sorry seems to be the hardest word
blinking hell who resussed you lol
Difficult to avoid this thread with my wife getting rather excised about it and messaging my daughter at every turn. She even forgot to mix my Martini! :)
I'm currently imagining that you have changed out of your day clothes into evening dress, the alternative calls for mind bleach and I'm fresh out of that!
Haha. Yes, from casual to formal, dinner with the Chief Minister (and about 120 others so not as cosy at it sounds).


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
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I haven't read right to the end of this thread yet - I'm getting there.

However what I don't understand is that surely CNG could use the horse as a loss leader, garner huge amounts of positive coverage, and reap the financial benefits. Yes, they are a business, but sometimes it pays to be generous.

Why, when people started to donate (where did they send the money? Is there a paypal account set up? And who set it up?), whether it was first mentioned in jest or not, did they not just ask for donations to stop?

How about going back to the loss leader idea, CNG let her ride the horse at comps and sponsor her? Thus, again, garnering publicity, and allowing a young girl to ride he dream horse?


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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I haven't read right to the end of this thread yet - I'm getting there.

However what I don't understand is that surely CNG could use the horse as a loss leader, garner huge amounts of positive coverage, and reap the financial benefits. Yes, they are a business, but sometimes it pays to be generous.

Why, when people started to donate (where did they send the money? Is there a paypal account set up? And who set it up?), whether it was first mentioned in jest or not, did they not just ask for donations to stop?

How about going back to the loss leader idea, CNG let her ride the horse at comps and sponsor her? Thus, again, garnering publicity, and allowing a young girl to ride he dream horse?

The dealers set up a PayPal account and posted the details on their Facebook with regular updates.

The idea about the loss leader is probably the most sensible solution to this mess that I've seen. The dealers keep control of the said horse, they keep her at their yard under their supervision, the young groom works there anyway, so is there I'm assuming 5 days a week. The groom - seeing as she was going to pay for the upkeep of the horse anyway could take on the costs of the horses upkeep, so feed, shoes and insurance, and the livery could be seen as a job perk. The dealers make good out of an abysmal situation, she keeps, what they claim to be the best interests of said horse (I.e with the groom) at heart. Those who claim the groom is a negligent owner can't dispute the welfare interests if the horse is kept under the dealers watchful eye. And with the amount of horses they sell, the amount of people who must come and go from the hard, someone would notice a bright ginger horse looking like a welfare case. As let's be honest, the "supporters" won't be the ones buying the mare anyway, and it would shut them up about the girl and the horse being destined to be together, the girl gets a full loan horse, and gets to further her competition aspirations. The dealer gets the positive publicity, then if the girl is in a position to buy, she could save what she would be spending on livery if it means that much, she can do at a future date.

The wife

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29 August 2012
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This may be my 2nd or 3rd thread this year that may make the top 5. I had my doubts around the page 12 mark as thought it would be taken down, thankfully everybody decided to play nice after the troublemakers went. :). Not sure this is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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This may be my 2nd or 3rd thread this year that may make the top 5. I had my doubts around the page 12 mark as thought it would be taken down, thankfully everybody decided to play nice after the troublemakers went. :). Not sure this is a good thing.

<passes OP congratulatory jaffa cakes>

I think this thread speaks well of the forum in general :)


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12 November 2013
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I just wanted to say a big hi. finally signed up as a member after reading all on this thread. Have read many a post on this forum before but never got round to becoming a member Untill now. I did have to laugh at some of the posts on here especially the bit about you all being vile nasty people etc I can't quiet remember if you were all branded Middle Aged women to but it was along those lines. But I think most of all the funny banter between most of you on here is also another reason for me to sign up.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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I just wanted to say a big hi. finally signed up as a member after reading all on this thread. Have read many a post on this forum before but never got round to becoming a member Untill now. I did have to laugh at some of the posts on here especially the bit about you all being vile nasty people etc I can't quiet remember if you were all branded Middle Aged women to but it was along those lines. But I think most of all the funny banter between most of you on here is also another reason for me to sign up.

Mwa ha ha...sorry. Ahem. Welcome!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2012
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I just wanted to say a big hi. finally signed up as a member after reading all on this thread. Have read many a post on this forum before but never got round to becoming a member Untill now. I did have to laugh at some of the posts on here especially the bit about you all being vile nasty people etc I can't quiet remember if you were all branded Middle Aged women to but it was along those lines. But I think most of all the funny banter between most of you on here is also another reason for me to sign up.

I hope I'm not middle aged yet - I'd like to live past 50 :D


Well-Known Member
23 October 2013
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I just wanted to say a big hi. finally signed up as a member after reading all on this thread. Have read many a post on this forum before but never got round to becoming a member Untill now. I did have to laugh at some of the posts on here especially the bit about you all being vile nasty people etc I can't quiet remember if you were all branded Middle Aged women to but it was along those lines. But I think most of all the funny banter between most of you on here is also another reason for me to sign up.
Hey! A few of us are young'uns :p


Well-Known Member
28 January 2013
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I have followed this tread from start to finish. I must admit it's taken up more time than expected but it's been fascinating. I am surprised though that no-one has yet mentioned Baileys in coffee! Maybe I am now showing my age but porridge with a good topping of Baileys and cream on a winter's morning is the best. The benefits of port have already been explored.

Now the controversy seems to be abating, I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my horses in the morning.

Loved the banter though, most enjoyable.