Equestrian Fraud

8 February 2024
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Roger Inhard
Hi. For some time now, I have been pursuing a fraudster called Lee who has been operating construction and equestrian scams (sometimes his father is involved) for at least the last ten years. He has eight unsatisfied County Court judgments against him and one Employment tribunal finding against him, and he has operated in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Lincolnshire, and South Wales. He sometimes puts advertisements on Facebook, then slightly changes the name of his company when creditors pursue him. It is possible that he is the same person referred to in a post here by KrujaaLass in 2013. If anyone here knows of him or has any relevant information about his past or current activities I would be grateful if you could please contact me, Thank you.
8 February 2024
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Oddly, there was a poster called KrujaaLass but she didn't post about anything in 2013 - she joined in 2017 & last seen 2020.
If you read KrujaalLass's last post, you will understand mine. I could have provided much more details about Lee Morley, but I'm not sure what's acceptable on this site.
8 February 2024
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If you read KrujaalLass's last post, you will understand mine. I could have provided much more details about Lee Morley, but I'm not sure what's acceptable on this site. Is there any particular reason why people on this site are attempting to bully me? Is it possible that they are all acquaintances of Lee Morley?

Glitter's fun

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1 May 2022
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Roger Inhard
Hi. For some time now, I have been pursuing a fraudster called Lee who has been operating construction and equestrian scams (sometimes his father is involved) for at least the last ten years. He has eight unsatisfied County Court judgments against him and one Employment tribunal finding against him, and he has operated in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Lincolnshire, and South Wales. He sometimes puts advertisements on Facebook, then slightly changes the name of his company when creditors pursue him. It is possible that he is the same person referred to in a post here by KrujaaLass in 2013. If anyone here knows of him or has any relevant information about his past or current activities I would be grateful if you could please contact me, Thank you.
OK I found her post. A person her daughter knew from school, name of Jones, conned her in Essex in 2013. Bit of a long shot!

Glitter's fun

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1 May 2022
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If you read KrujaalLass's last post, you will understand mine. I could have provided much more details about Lee Morley, but I'm not sure what's acceptable on this site. Is there any particular reason why people on this site are attempting to bully me? Is it possible that they are all acquaintances of Lee Morley?
I hope that's tongue in cheek. If not you are becoming paranoid and should step back from this for a while.
No one is bullying anyone but we are aware of on-line safety here. If someone new arrives without much introduction, a single issue poster, not using UK time zones, providing a link, of course we are cautious.


Well-Known Member
18 August 2021
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There have certainly been multiple people on equestrian scammers with concerns about this Lee Morley and and his father for quite a while and claim the police have been involved. What I suggest @roger inhard since unfortunately you have a bit of a suspicious name on here and your facebook profile also looks dubious (there might be good reasons for this) is that you direct people with info to whoever in the police is investigating this and anyone with info can contact them directly.
8 February 2024
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OK I found her post. A person her daughter knew from school, name of Jones, conned her in Essex in 2013. Bit of a long shot!
There have certainly been multiple people on equestrian scammers with concerns about this Lee Morley and and his father for quite a while and claim the police have been involved. What I suggest @roger inhard since unfortunately you have a bit of a suspicious name on here and your facebook profile also looks dubious (there might be good reasons for this) is that you direct people with info to whoever in the police is investigating this and anyone with info can contact them directly.
Where does it say that his name was Jones And why did you jump to the conclusion that KrujaaLass didn't post that in 2013?
And the reason I am posting on sites like these to ask for information is precisely because the police are not effectively investigating Lee Morley. They either view his activities as civil disputes and refer his many victims to Action Fraud (which literally has about a 1% success rate in obtaining convictions) or they claim that is is too difficult to find him because he is itinerant and moves around a lot from county to county. (Bailiffs have so far been unsuccessful in finding him to enforce several CCJs).
I do know the names police officers who would like to know more about Lee Morley, but unless I hear from victims with their locations, I won't know which county's police fraud team to refer them to. Isn't that obvious when I've already said that he travels around?
In the past, the police have been disinterested, considering that his scams were a one-off. It is only now, by utilising social media that some of us have been able to collate enough evidence from around the country to show the police that he is a serial fraudster, and a very prolific one.

I'm also hoping to warn people about him, and the sort of scams that he currently engages in and hoping to hear from any more of his recent victims that I don't yet know of.

I find it ironic that people think my real name (or at least, almost my real name) is suspicious, when almost everybody here is using pseudonymous usernames.
Yes, if you knew Lee Morley and his acquaintances you would know the good reasons for my profile being uninformative.

Not only the police have taken an interest in Lee Morley, but so has HMRC, which was convinced to strike off his (existing only on paper with £1 in assets) two companies, but so has the National Crime Agency and the Serious Fraud Office, all so far to no avail, hence my resorting to sites like these.
8 February 2024
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I hope that's tongue in cheek. If not you are becoming paranoid and should step back from this for a while.
No one is bullying anyone but we are aware of on-line safety here. If someone new arrives without much introduction, a single issue poster, not using UK time zones, providing a link, of course we are cautious.
No, it's not tongue in cheek at all, nor am I in any way paranoid, although in Lee Morley's case, a level of paranoia might be necessary to ensure personal safety.. Lee Morley is a sociopath who easily convinces his family and acquaintances to join equestrian sites like these to complain about anyone who posts requests for information about him. Myself and others are continually having to explain to the police in different areas about him, because one of his tactics is to complain to them that we are 'harassing' him. Invariably, once informed of the true situation by us, they give him short shrift.

I have no idea why you think that I am not using UK time zones. I am not using a VPN.

I also don't know understand your criticism of a 'single issue poster'. This is the section for discussing fraudsters and there is only one that I am interested in and have experience of. If I wanted to idly socialise, I would have posted in different sections to the one dedicated to fraud.

If you have no information that can help me, please don't hinder me.
8 February 2024
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You provided a link in your post, Roger. That is an automatic invitation to click the link. You put it there, why would you do that if you didn't want it clicked?
Forgive me for not being as computer literate as the rest of you. As far as I've always believed, a link is where somebody posts a htttps//reference, which is usually highlighted when you look at it, and which, when clicked upon, takes you to another website. I cannot see anything like that in my post. Where does this link in my post that I cannot see, take you to? Are you seeing something in my post that is invisible to me? Please tell me if I have misinterpreted something, because I have little experience of social media sites and this is the first time that I have had to use one for something like this, having now already exhausted many non-online methods of inquiry.

I do have two or three such links that I would like people to look at that reveal a large amount of information about Lee Morley, but I didn't know what was allowed on here, and was waiting for people to contact me. However, it now appears that some of you have actually found those links yourself, on sites like 'Equestrian scammers and Disputes'.
8 February 2024
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There have certainly been multiple people on equestrian scammers with concerns about this Lee Morley and and his father for quite a while and claim the police have been involved. What I suggest @roger inhard since unfortunately you have a bit of a suspicious name on here and your facebook profile also looks dubious (there might be good reasons for this) is that you direct people with info to whoever in the police is investigating this and anyone with info can contact them directly.
I have just looked at my Facebook profile, which I have never bothered to do since I set it up, since I have friends in real life and don't need to go onto social media sites, obsessively accepting Friend Requests from people that I don't know and will never meet in a attempt to appear to be popular. My profile is deliberately devoid of much information, but I am assuming that any suspicions relate to the plethora of people at the top of it that are suggested as possible friends for me, most of whom seem to have foreign names. I assume that because I don't have much of a social media presence elsewhere, Facebook's algorithms have suggested such foreign names based upon what it can glean of my recent activities in other spheres, which, in fact, has been a great deal of correspondence between myself and one of Lee Morley's victims who is most invested in pursuing him. Her surname is not English, and I can only assume that Facebook has thereby made a desperate attempt to connect me with others who are apparently not British.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Forgive me for not being as computer literate as the rest of you. As far as I've always believed, a link is where somebody posts a htttps//reference, which is usually highlighted when you look at it, and which, when clicked upon, takes you to another website. I cannot see anything like that in my post. Where does this link in my post that I cannot see, take you to? Are you seeing something in my post that is invisible to me? Please tell me if I have misinterpreted something, because I have little experience of social media sites and this is the first time that I have had to use one for something like this, having now already exhausted many non-online methods of inquiry.

I do have two or three such links that I would like people to look at that reveal a large amount of information about Lee Morley, but I didn't know what was allowed on here, and was waiting for people to contact me. However, it now appears that some of you have actually found those links yourself, on sites like 'Equestrian scammers and Disputes'.

"H ttps://www.facebook.com/groups/150175695018457/user/100011028367712/?__cft__[0]=AZUmGcw0NjdjxYbYLH4HuzOq996pBmoY2WeZARVxCUSRKAXCNAwTPaTabFju3Isi4Gu36vh60Mfuf2Aqv1ic9quBsKBo0sMNj5OLSqHym76yWy-pPQcCNiVA934x6MM-BI1x7OzJ6-OtltznrCCII3n6fj0NeQnOkli5ZTr6JJ5JwlGJPY_ZTEqYDeJdoplT-jw&__tn__=R]-R']Roger Inhard"

This text is inserted as the first line of your post, without the space after the first H

It converts to this and clicking on the red brings up your Facebook page. You have to have put it there somehow, the system doesn't know your Facebook URL and doesn't do this by default.



Well-Known Member
18 August 2021
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I find it ironic that people think my real name (or at least, almost my real name) is suspicious, when almost everybody here is using pseudonymous usernames.
Yes, if you knew Lee Morley and his acquaintances you would know the good reasons for my profile being uninformative.
We have no idea if this is actually your real name or not. There is nothing on fb or what you have posted here for us to check who you are, you could very well be pretending to be this Roger hardin or it could be a fabricated name for all we know. Most other people are using pseudonyms, but unlike you they are not soliciting for other peoples personal information. They are typically posting about things which interest them or they have experience of. Rest of users can take it or leave it.
Not only the police have taken an interest in Lee Morley, but so has HMRC, which was convinced to strike off his (existing only on paper with £1 in assets) two companies, but so has the National Crime Agency and the Serious Fraud Office, all so far to no avail, hence my resorting to sites like these.
Police are notoriously lax on fraud, even when there is clear evidence so I do sympathise. However, I don't know why you don't provide info on crime report no., investigating officer etc. If I had been scammed I would rather contact the police with my personal info than a randomer on the internet whose identity cannot be verified in any way whatsoever.
I have no idea why you think that I am not using UK time zones. I am not using a VPN.
You are posting between the hours of 2.30am to 5am. This is the night time for UK users and it is more typical for people to be awake in daytime hours and sleeping at night.
This is the section for discussing fraudsters and there is only one that I am interested in and have experience of. If I wanted to idly socialise, I would have posted in different sections to the one dedicated to fraud.
It's not a section specifically for discussing fraudsters at all. Majority of people are using it to idly socialise and discuss equine related subjects of all types.
I have just looked at my Facebook profile, which I have never bothered to do since I set it up, since I have friends in real life and don't need to go onto social media sites, obsessively accepting Friend Requests from people that I don't know and will never meet in a attempt to appear to be popular. My profile is deliberately devoid of much information, but I am assuming that any suspicions relate to the plethora of people at the top of it that are suggested as possible friends for me, most of whom seem to have foreign names. I assume that because I don't have much of a social media presence elsewhere, Facebook's algorithms have suggested such foreign names based upon what it can glean of my recent activities in other spheres, which, in fact, has been a great deal of correspondence between myself and one of Lee Morley's victims who is most invested in pursuing him. Her surname is not English, and I can only assume that Facebook has thereby made a desperate attempt to connect me with others who are apparently not British.
I cannot see your friend requests. Your profile is devoid of all info. no profile picture, only 1 not visible friend, no searchable posts, other than about this topic. Again you are using this profile to solicit for other peoples personal info. The lack of any info about yourself, profile picture or posts is atypical for regular none scammer facebook users. It's your right to use fb in this way of course but I certainly wouldn't be giving a profile like this any info, there's no way to verify who YOU are one way or another.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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Lee Morley is like a slippery eel. I have a friend that was scammed and stolen from and has been pursuing him and had no success. Countless people are in the same boat. As soon as you said Lee I knew exactly who it would be.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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Poor Roger!
He's had a true h and h welcome.
Now that's out of the way though...thankyou Roger.
There are so many people operating like this Lee bloke. The fact is if people want to behave like that then there's no real deterrent any more.
It's a good thing that people like Roger are putting their necks on the line because people power is the only thing that works these days
The more people who know about this person then the less people will be giving them their money.
8 February 2024
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"H ttps://www.facebook.com/groups/150175695018457/user/100011028367712/?__cft__[0]=AZUmGcw0NjdjxYbYLH4HuzOq996pBmoY2WeZARVxCUSRKAXCNAwTPaTabFju3Isi4Gu36vh60Mfuf2Aqv1ic9quBsKBo0sMNj5OLSqHym76yWy-pPQcCNiVA934x6MM-BI1x7OzJ6-OtltznrCCII3n6fj0NeQnOkli5ZTr6JJ5JwlGJPY_ZTEqYDeJdoplT-jw&__tn__=R]-R']Roger Inhard"

This text is inserted as the first line of your post, without the space after the first H

It converts to this and clicking on the red brings up your Facebook page. You have to have put it there somehow, the system doesn't know your Facebook URL and doesn't do this by default.

View attachment 134129
I have no idea what all that source code (?) you put at the top refers to, or where you got it, be cause all I can see of my post is exactly what you have put above. I have no more idea how to obtain those lines of gobbledegook than I have of what chemical components make up washing-up liquid when I use it, I just use it, I don't analyse it, because I'm not a nerd. After a great deal of puzzlement, I can only conclude (and you didn't make it at all clear) that you think there is something odd about my name being in red at the top of my post, which seems to take me to my Facebook page. That was none of my doing (unless I somehow did it by accident, or it was an automated response). Indeed, I don't even know how I would go about highlighting my name in red. (My laptop is just a glorified typewriter to me.) I just assumed that the site did it for any new members to show their status. I'm sorry that I live in the real world and don't spend my time using computers or analysing social media sites. I'm here for one reason only, and I would appreciate being left alone to get on with it (unless any of you have any helpful advice.)
I reiterate, I'm here seeking information about Lee Morley and his father, to warn others who may not be aware of his character, and to offer assistance to any more of his victims that being on this site might uncover. This has become necessary because he is starting to immerse himself in the equestrian and show jumping world. Apart from being a conman, he also has a history of cruelty to horses.
8 February 2024
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OK I found her post. A person her daughter knew from school, name of Jones, conned her in Essex in 2013. Bit of a long shot!
It's certainly not a long shot when Lee Morley and his father have been operating the same sort of scams since before 2013 and is still doing so now. It's been his occupation for more than the last decade, and we're still discovering alleged cons by him prior to that year. Whether it was Jones or not, Lee Morley has propensity for using other people's names, both to avoid creditors and to obtain credit and goods. He either uses the names of people he's met, or convinces one of his temporary workmen to front businesses for him.
8 February 2024
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We have no idea if this is actually your real name or not. There is nothing on fb or what you have posted here for us to check who you are, you could very well be pretending to be this Roger hardin or it could be a fabricated name for all we know. Most other people are using pseudonyms, but unlike you they are not soliciting for other peoples personal information. They are typically posting about things which interest them or they have experience of. Rest of users can take it or leave it.

Police are notoriously lax on fraud, even when there is clear evidence so I do sympathise. However, I don't know why you don't provide info on crime report no., investigating officer etc. If I had been scammed I would rather contact the police with my personal info than a randomer on the internet whose identity cannot be verified in any way whatsoever.

You are posting between the hours of 2.30am to 5am. This is the night time for UK users and it is more typical for people to be awake in daytime hours and sleeping at night.

It's not a section specifically for discussing fraudsters at all. Majority of people are using it to idly socialise and discuss equine related subjects of all types.

I cannot see your friend requests. Your profile is devoid of all info. no profile picture, only 1 not visible friend, no searchable posts, other than about this topic. Again you are using this profile to solicit for other peoples personal info. The lack of any info about yourself, profile picture or posts is atypical for regular none scammer facebook users. It's your right to use fb in this way of course but I certainly wouldn't be giving a profile like this any info, there's no way to verify who YOU are one way or another.
(1) My Facebook profile was set up (not even by me, I have no time for social media) precisely so that I could join sites like these asking for information about Lee Morley. I have no interest in social media so there was no point in putting any information about myself on my Facebook page because I don't use it.

(2) I inverted my name, precisely to avoid cheap shots at my name (and seriously, I don't think anyone has used the word 'rogering' in the last century: I've never even heard it in a Carry On film.) If you give it a moment's thought, you would realise that if I had any ulterior motives I would obviously use a blander name than my own.

(3) No, that is correct, I am online late at night and in the early hours of the morning. You don't need to know why, but it's job-related.

(4) What on Earth would be the point of flooding this site with the crime report numbers and names and details of officials who are interested in information about Lee Morley (which would be the police forces in several counties, HMRC, the SFO, the NCA, and others) before I know if there is anyone here who has encountered him? There may be nobody. There may be some in the future.

(5) While you're living in your cosy world, oblivious to Reality, you may not be aware that organisations, whether it's the police or any other regulatory agency, are underfunded and understaffed, incompetent, and generally lazy. We've spent the last couple of years having our buck passed from one agency and police force to another, all pleading under resources and suggesting that we do our own investigations.
But if you believe that the police still investigate crimes properly unless they take place on their own doorstep, then I suggest you stop believing what you see on the television and see how long it takes the police to attend if someone breaks your window or steals your car. Or maybe you live in a low crime area.
Action on Fraud was set up precisely so that the [police could fob most fraud allegations off on them, so that the police don't look bad by not getting results. But perhaps you've led a sheltered life and haven't had much interaction with the authorities.

(6) I don't know why this isn't obvious to you, but I'm not asking for general information about Lee Morley. What on Earth would be the point of that? We already know all his personal information. We have a pretty comprehensive dossier on him, and probably know more about him now than even his mother does. Although not about his early life or even if that is his original true name: which is why I was interested in somebody who might have gone to school with him.
I'm clearly intimating that we want to hear from anyone who has been a past or recent victim, who is not aware that there is a group of us collating information about his criminal activities, and putting victims in touch with each other. Additionally, I'm hoping that anyone who may be contemplating having any dealings with Lee Morley, might see his name here and inquire about him, allowing me the opportunity to save them from a great deal of wasted time and money and associated grief by providing them with all the information we have about him.
This is not some sort of idle vendetta against an incompetent workman, it's the pursuit of a rogue who has continually swindled people out of literally hundreds of thousands of pounds over at least the last decade, and who has a history of cruelty to horses. He's a fraudster, a thief and a thug, and we have the evidence to prove it.
You clearly have had no experience with a confidence trickster like Lee Morley, and I can only hope that you never meet him, because he finds it quite easy to take advantage of naive people, particularly if they're women.

(7) Unless there's something wrong with my eyesight, there are several sections on this site, and this seems to be the only one where any mentions of fraud are posted. There are other sections here for general chatting. Are you somehow irritated that a newcomer has had the effrontery to invade your little clique?

(8) I'm completely baffled by the unwarranted hostility that I've encountered on this site. I've joined several other sites in the past three months in my pursuit of Lee Morley, and I have not had the slightest issue with anyone on any of them.


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3 April 2003
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Roger might not be doing the best job about using the forum to try and highlight the problems with Lee Morley, but I have heard numerous other similar complaints about LM from several different people in real life and on social media. So anyone on the forum would be wise to avoid having any dealings with him if they don't want to lose significant sums of money.,