Equestrian Influencers


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30 March 2011
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Abilyle is great - very funny - not so much an influencer though she rarely tries to sell anything just the odd collab (unlike a lot of others!) shows a lot of her dressage training and very cute pooches.

Cheval Gal

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18 July 2020
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Hang on, Kizzy and Ettie's parents are happy with complete strangers paying to spend time with their young daughters? How utterly bizarre, and somewhat worrying. Even if the parents are present, why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea? It is putting money before their daughter's personal safety, and is a safeguarding issue waiting to happen.


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14 September 2020
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Hang on, Kizzy and Ettie's parents are happy with complete strangers paying to spend time with their young daughters? How utterly bizarre, and somewhat worrying. Even if the parents are present, why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea? It is putting money before their daughter's personal safety, and is a safeguarding issue waiting to happen.
Good point.
I also wonder what exactly their home schooling consists of. Do they have any actual lessons?


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16 July 2010
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I used to enjoy watching the Kizzie and Etty videos but they massively annoy me now. I hate to see them standing on the ponies backs and sliding off the rumps etc. So little respect for the ponies. Its so clear that they tout for freebies too. As soon as they mention needing something they get a freebie. If they are not careful they will turn in to brats.

Cheval Gal

Well-Known Member
18 July 2020
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Good point.
I also wonder what exactly their home schooling consists of. Do they have any actual lessons?
Home schooling is a very grey area. It could be argued that experiential learning through observing nature can link to subjects learnt in more traditional settings. My view is this approach can work if it is balanced with mainstream activities. I guess we will never know what else the girls do in terms of their education, as the primary focus is on their jollies in the woods and the over-enthusiastic running commentary that sits alongside this.


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22 December 2019
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I used to love Olivia Towers vlogs, but she seems to have stopped making them which is a shame. Not many dressage vloggers out there at all.
Love ElphickEventPonies though, very funny and straight-talking.


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27 July 2013
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I really like Holly Lenahan too!

Miri hackett is brilliant and really informative

I feel similarly about Matt Harnacke and Erin Williams as previous posters have said

On Instagram I most enjoy smaller account documenting their journey than the larger ones which get too promotional for me


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30 January 2017
N Yorks
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Hang on, Kizzy and Ettie's parents are happy with complete strangers paying to spend time with their young daughters? How utterly bizarre, and somewhat worrying. Even if the parents are present, why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea? It is putting money before their daughter's personal safety, and is a safeguarding issue waiting to happen.

Oh come on....that feels a bit mean. They're not selling time with their daughters, but their daughters' ponies. Their mother has stated that they've got all the necessary approvals from the council, insurance etc, so they have done it properly. Personally I wouldn't pay to go for tea with someone else's pony, but each to their own. The ponies seem to have interesting lives and caring owners, and although I wouldn't make the decisions that they do, that doesn't mean they're bad people or bad owners. There are many ponies out there being cared for in far more inappropriate ways - surely if there's no real welfare issues anyone who doesn't like them can just roll their eyes and move on?

I guess we will never know what else the girls do in terms of their education, as the primary focus is on their jollies in the woods and the over-enthusiastic running commentary that sits alongside this.

Yes exactly - all we see is a (presumably) carefully curated selection of what's going on in their lives, as with most social media. I think with social media you have to give people the benefit of the doubt (unless you're watching something that seems to be outright cruelty), or it becomes a horrible pile on with posters constantly having to censor and justify themselves.

Really don't like the "larger equestrian" influencers

I do agree that some of these people make me really uncomfortable - there was one recently where the woman was far too big for her saddle and was jumping way behind the horse's movement and smacking back down onto the back of the saddle on landing. Everyone seemed to think it was wonderful but it made me cringe. But that's a whole other discussion that's been had on here plenty of times in the past!


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24 November 2021
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I enjoyed the Kizzy and Ettie when it first came out but not now. I saw the comments about jumping on their backs and didn’t think it was an unreasonable thing to say and it’s very petty if you got blocked. There was also another woman who said the ponies were obese which they were and she got lynched as well. I can’t stand the gushing and fawning over every little thing they do and this latest idea of having tea with the precious unicorns and a groom then go on a wander around the woods for 90 minutes at the princely sum of £120 is daylight robbery. There are so many other things I could mention but I will get off my soapbox now ?

I think at first they seemed to just genuinely be enjoying their ponies which was lovely but now it all seems rather staged. Have noticed they have less sponsors now whereas they used to do a lot of gifted posts. All seems a bit sickly to me and actually quite frustrating for normal people working full time to fund one horse and then they have about 6 and can go off on a two week hunting holiday to dartmoor but then claim to be poor? Also seem to swap ponies frequently which I find a bit odd but each to their own.


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11 October 2006
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I quite like Matt Harnacke and Jesse Drent - both seem really sweet and down to Earth. Erin Williams reminds me of why social media has had a terrible impact on this generation - despite being stunning you can tell she really lacks confidence and needs attention via social media/is narcissistic.

This Esme is very sweet and quite easy viewing but can also be quite dull. I used to love Elphick Event Ponies a couple of years ago but feel like Megan really sold out when she started being sponsored etc. Can’t stand Harlow


Well-Known Member
14 January 2020
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I'm super jealous of the life that Emily is able to give Kizzy and Ettie, so in a good old fashioned bitchy way, it's really refreshing to hear some criticism ?? I do also secretly feel smug that their 20-miles-a-day, super fit hunting ponies manage to be much much fatter than my barely-ridden lead-rein ponies.

My absolute favourite is Catherine Forstaad "ride like a viking". And I'm sure you're all now going to tell me all the awful things she does "wrong", but I still love her (and her little boy is the most earnest, loveliest kid on the whole internet, and you won't change my mind!)


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14 January 2020
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Ps controversially, I did quite like crazie mazie (she's a very difficult cob who I think had had a tough past, and Layla managed to get her going really quite nicely a lot of the time, mostly by having the velcro bum of youth!)

But tbh I think she over jumped her (this 14.1 pony had an incredible jump- she was jumping 1.40, which was above her ears! Which is impressive and probably very fun, but pony ended up broken) and when she couldn't get her sound (pony had terrible conformation, significantly bum high) she stuck her in foal. Sigh.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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I think I live in a hole and quite frankly am happy to stay there!!
I’m continuing in my grumpy-getting-old-woman-can’t-be-arsed-with-Internet-influencer-shite

Its all a load of crap. You are best staying in the hole and instead being surrounded by the inspirational people that you already are in real life. I was watching one loose jump a young horse the other day and it was cringe. They were saying how thrilled they were with the talent being shown and I was like - TALENT? I have more talent over an 80cm jump than that horse has and that is not saying much.


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29 January 2008
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I believe from some of their posts that they sell and produce ponies so that is why new ponies appear and maybe some do not feature again.

I don't really like to see children on social media but I suppose it is no different to child models or actors where parents are getting funds from the work of their children.

I think at first they seemed to just genuinely be enjoying their ponies which was lovely but now it all seems rather staged. Have noticed they have less sponsors now whereas they used to do a lot of gifted posts. All seems a bit sickly to me and actually quite frustrating for normal people working full time to fund one horse and then they have about 6 and can go off on a two week hunting holiday to dartmoor but then claim to be poor? Also seem to swap ponies frequently which I find a bit odd but each to their own.


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7 December 2012
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I like RidingwithRhi who has her first horse and I watch Tara too but she posts a lot of videos and I can't keep up with them. Holly Lenahan and Stuart Eventing probably my favourites. I don't like influencers who push products on you and those two channels are very down to earth and not trying to sell you anything.


19 May 2021
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Ps controversially, I did quite like crazie mazie (she's a very difficult cob who I think had had a tough past, and Layla managed to get her going really quite nicely a lot of the time, mostly by having the velcro bum of youth!)

But tbh I think she over jumped her (this 14.1 pony had an incredible jump- she was jumping 1.40, which was above her ears! Which is impressive and probably very fun, but pony ended up broken) and when she couldn't get her sound (pony had terrible conformation, significantly bum high) she stuck her in foal. Sigh.
Oh Jesus I don't follow any influencers but I really thought the miss crazy Maisie girl was seriously, stupidly wreckless. To behave as it was doing the pony had to be in some serious pain somewhere and, whilst she was undoubtedly a very good rider, from a welfare perspective it was just awful to see. It's really lucky no one was hurt and a shame she couldn't redirect her considerable talent in the saddle somewhere else.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Not an influencer as such but she is supported/sponsored by Ariat.

Brianna Noble is @urbancowgirl510 on Instagram. She was the black cowgirl at the BLM protests.

She runs a ranch teaching kids who wouldn't normally get to ride horses, takes horses from the kill pen and retrains them, is currently training a blm Mustang and takes her horses out into the community so that people can meet them.

She has fantastically well trained horses and appears to be a very good trainer. She runs and works the ranch and never seems to stop.

I really like her account


Well-Known Member
12 August 2016
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Digging up an oldish thread but really getting sick of the wannabe influencers on Instagram.

One Ive seen claims to be a competition groom and amateur showjumper, yet has no photos of her jumping in recent times, and spends all her time plugging brands to try get freebies. the amount of lies and untruths on her page are mindboggling. Seems to think lying is the way forward. Even had to admitt she's actually not working as a groom and hasn't been for some time when someone posted congratulations for the new grooming job.

Finding social media is getting really toxic.
29 July 2005
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I have no idea what any of you are on about! There are seriously people who just go about taking pics and vids of stuff to get likes and flumf from companies?!? I am in the wrong job!

For some of the YouTubers it is a full time job and they get paid a decent wage every month. The problem is the people with less followers do not stand a chance at getting free products or getting to work with any of the good brands as they are only interested in working with the ones which are already successful.