everyone enjoying the heatwave


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I love it! We don’t get nearly enough decent unbroken sunshine here, so I never complain when we do. It’s the only time I ever feel properly energised, and it means there will be lots of local hay and I won’t have to get it from Dublin


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25 August 2010
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we were forecast rain tomorrow, but each day that passes, the forecast slides out another day. now it looks due on saturday.

we had no water this morning at the yard... off to check if that's been sorted now otherwise it's going to be a tedious afternoon getting water to the horses. only last night i thought i should fill up a big barrel trough as that would last longer, kicking myself now!

It has said 40% chance of rain here all week but as the day goes on that percentage goes down.

What's happened to your water?

Keira 8888

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1 June 2020
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A few degrees cooler would be nice. I've just spent Sunday and Monday evenings bringing in hay off the field and god its so hot, itchy and scratchy, hateful!!! but its done :)

I was having a cuppa on the garden this morning and could hear the clip clop of hooves out on the road which made me jealous as people got in an early morning hack and i had to come to work. I just cant get up early enough to ride, its just not happening, so i enjoyed the garden instead :D
Your garden is beautiful!!!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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I love this weather - this is my absolute favourite! I'm quite happy being out and about doing my yard chores in the blazing hot sun. I slather on the SPF50 and crack on, ignoring the moaning minnies yapping on about how hot they are. :cool:
:D:D:D yep. Moaning Minnie right here...

I am literally sweating sat down. Fan is on, I've got a headache and I need a pool.

The only time I enjoy heat like this (38degrees here) is if I was sat by a beach at a hotel reading a book.
28 February 2011
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If you could have a wee bit more cloud cover to take the edge off I would be fine with it ?? I don't burn in the sun I blister so I keep long sleeve tops on pulled up to just below the elbow - I have a cracking tan line ??? that and my face are the only bits of me that are weathered enough to cope with the sun. The rest of me just blisters.

Saying that we have a right nice wee breeze coming across today which makes it so much nicer for working in!


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15 March 2016
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I'm somewhere in the middle. I've two one days coming up and to train as I'd like we could do with something to soften the ground a bit. Charlie is reasonably fit and coping OK with work at present- I do give him plenty of breaks and make sure I cool him off properly and either do early or late where I can.
I'm more grumpy about the stupid flies to be honest and the fact that our local bridle paths will be full of people that wouldn't set foot on them normally. So if we could have rain from 7 til 9 every evening that would be great then I can ride uninterrupted by flies or pedestrians ?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2017
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I hate the hot weather. Today has at least got a strong breeze so I won't be dragging a sweaty, furry cloud of flies from the field to the yard for a wash-down.

Bring on a crappier summer please, I don't like dissolving into a sweaty mess the minute I start moving from my desk.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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I hate the hot weather. Today has at least got a strong breeze so I won't be dragging a sweaty, furry cloud of flies from the field to the yard for a wash-down.

Bring on a crappier summer please, I don't like dissolving into a sweaty mess the minute I start moving from my desk.
OMG yes... that cloud of flies..... aaaaarrrrgh


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Hate it but I’m actually quite glad the horse is STILL on boxrest, his temporary stable is cool and the area gets the breeze off the fields. Not so great when chucking up muck, great for the current temperature.


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29 September 2013
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Heat plus pollen triggers my asthma which isn't fun.

Also wasn't the best time for the water main to burst and leave us with no water between 8pm yesterday and 9.30am. Thankfully Yorkshire Water brought us some bottled water.

I'm lucky in that I tan really quickly and don't generally burn so I don't mind it too much.

It's just the hot stuffy nights I don't enjoy.
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22 January 2014
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Purchased an air con unit from Homebase. What a load of rubbish for £300!!

It does make the room a bit cooler but no where near what I'd hoped.

Horses are fine (well Bog is), clipped and stabled during the day. Bear is roughing it out in the sun but has a field shelter at his yard so should be fine.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2013
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Did an Area Festival today. Luckily they said jackets were optional or they'd have had people collapsing! It was pretty hot wearing a helmet, even in a short sleeved shirt. Aaannnd tomorrow we get to do it all again!
29 July 2005
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I think it's a bit hot but shouldn't moan as in reality we only get this weather for a couple of weeks per year. I just get up early and ride and have an afternoon nap when it's too hot to do much else! Horses are in until around 3ish but then it gets too hot in our wooden stables so they are better off out under the big shady trees.


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30 October 2012
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Did an Area Festival today. Luckily they said jackets were optional or they'd have had people collapsing! It was pretty hot wearing a helmet, even in a short sleeved shirt. Aaannnd tomorrow we get to do it all again!
They didn’t say that at Sparsholt Regional on Sunday! ??


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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I absolutely HATE the heat, even worse was that awful week last year when it went up to about 35 for a week. It's so draining too

I get cold easily but at least you can do more to warm up eg hot water bottle

The house gets hot, the air coming in is hot, I get hot and sweaty, I usually hate the air con at work but have actually been putting it on.

I have a pallet of wood pellets to move tonight can't wait ?

I want the heat gone I do not do well I heat sounds like its here til Friday, urgh!!

I much prefer autumn and winter

The only time I like heat like this is abroad, when I'm lying by the pool reading my book then can keep getting in the pool to cool down. Love that. Do not love this.


Well-Known Member
30 January 2017
N Yorks
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I love it now, BUT I don't have to work in it, that makes all the difference. I have lived in several really hot countries (this isn't all that hot, BTW) and was always working hard with horses, and that wasn't fun at all. Planning on retiring to Spain, so this is good training :cool:

I'm enjoying it but I love the warmth, I don't have any allergies, and I have an inside job so it's not too hot when I'm working and I can choose when to go out. Went for a "proper" (more than 10 miles with plenty of trotting and cantering!) ride yesterday from about 11-2 and it was mid to high twenties but the horses were fine - stopped for a drink part way round then washed them off back at the trailers and they didn't seem bothered. It's the flies that are the worst thing (IMO). I wouldn't want to be competing though, I was debating whether chaps were strictly necessary yesterday and wondering whether I could ride in shorts....! (yes and no, I decided).