Facebook - Horse shot by livery owner


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4 March 2008
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Yes it is now sub judice, but they are not involved in the case. Their posts have been discussing the processes, not actually discussing the goings on internally of this case, they can't, because they are not involved!

I stand to be corrected if I am wrong though!

She is correct, GG, that if Hollyhocks is a serving magistrate she should not, if her rules are the same as Stockport's, be commenting on a forum. I am not a serving magistrate, so I'm now free to say what I like :)
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Holly Hocks

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1 March 2010
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I'm not an officer of the court either - never said I was - I just have a working knowledge of the law and court processes because of my work and that is what me and CPT were discussing.

Dry Rot

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31 May 2010
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If you had said anything like that about me I would have answered you DR. you did not.

You are correct. As I stated in my post, "….but my comments were not directed at individuals…."

By the way, I've got people pm ing me asking me what your issue is with me on this thread, would you like to answer them?

My issue with you is that you seem very evasive when it comes to a direct question and then descend to personalities as a means of defence…..as you seem to be doing now. I am interested in the facts, not personalities nor in hysteria.

I am neither for nor against either party in this case because I do not know all the facts. I will reserve judgement until after the case is heard. If, as we are led to believe, you held a responsible position within the legal system, I would have thought the time for your petition would have been after the trial had concluded and we were all a bit wiser and cooler heads prevailed. I wonder if that is why you haven't had much support?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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My issue with you is that you seem very evasive when it comes to a direct question and then descend to personalities as a means of defence…..as you seem to be doing now. I am interested in the facts, not personalities nor in hysteria.

I am neither for nor against either party in this case because I do not know all the facts. I will reserve judgement until after the case is heard. If, as we are led to believe, you held a responsible position within the legal system, I would have thought the time for your petition would have been after the trial had concluded and we were all a bit wiser and cooler heads prevailed. I wonder if that is why you haven't had much support?

You are a laugh DR, You really are. I have evaded nothing, I just admit when I don't know an answer.

'as we are led to believe' ? Are you suggesting that I am lying? Thanks for that insult :)

My petition was not about this case, and I explained earlier that is is something that has been on my mind to do for some time. I hope you never lose an animal in circumstances that would bring it home to you how much it matters.


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20 September 2012
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2 October 2009
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I've had one "not guilty" in the last three years. I am at court at least once a fortnight - more recently once a week. Yes our magistrates will sentence on the same date although we don't have youths in my line of work. Our normal scenario is plea, summary of facts, mitigation by defence, magistrates request probation reports, probation report is done by PS who are at court already, magistrates sentence.
Even at Crown Court with early guilty pleas the sentences have been on the same days as PRs have already been done. At Crown Court the judge doesn't even always retire with an early guilty plea!

Is it any wonder that I thought you were an 'officer of the court???' I did take my Law degree 25 years ago and never practised so am happy to be proved wrong - but I always thought that anyone involved in the court process would be well acquainted with the sub judice rule, and the ramifications of what could happen if this wasn't adhered to.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Is it any wonder that I thought you were an 'officer of the court???' I did take my Law degree 25 years ago and never practised so am happy to be proved wrong - but I always thought that anyone involved in the court process would be well acquainted with the sub judice rule, and the ramifications of what could happen if this wasn't adhered to.

But there is no sub judice issue with discussing procedure, which is all either of us were doing at the point of your criticism !


6 November 2014
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yes it's not a problem now... it's been thrown out of court for the loaner not turning up to give evidence ! so we need another way and the protest group is what that is for... every one welcome to come give these views.... if the link don't work just type GG center protest group in your search bar on Facebook and it will be there .. thank u xx


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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It's true she has posted pictures of her horse it was shot and dumped in her garden. She owed £30.
This is the thread that still give me nightmares. It came up on the bullying thread but is anyone aware of what finally happened to the yard and person whom shot this poor animal ?
I have tried to Google it but to no avail


Well-Known Member
30 January 2017
N Yorks
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I haven't trawled back through the thread but I think this is the same yard local to us that shot a horse. AE is right, there was more to it - relationships between the individuals involved, I believe - and the yard has been entirely closed for a few years now.