Well-Known Member
My nerves (not ridden but in general) stop me going out to shows. I trust my horse 100% but i just can't cope and why put myself through that. Yard put on a little open to anyone league at the yard recently cause so many shows were cancelled so that was in my comfort zone and i learned a little into A. Even though it was in my yard, my knees were still knocking and i had to hold onto Jed and BREATHE at one point before mounting. This is why i don't go to shows lol so anywho i had a good warm up then went and did my little test and it went really well! We got 65.8% We have to work on our walk a lot but our trot was nice and hes 100 so wasn't going to be getting 8/9 for collection and self carriage etc. Super proud of the old man, but proud of myself too. It was casual so i didn't have gear on, but i wish i had now cause it would have been more special but i was too nervous and felt gear would make me even more so. So i wore my hiviz cause thats also my comfort zone lol