Foal Friday - 2020

28 February 2011
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Dum Dum is growing like a weed now and He is filling out nicely. Still not big though lol! He can't walk under Pips anymore which he is a bit disappointed about - he ties then goes in a huff when he realises he doesn't fit.


Yes he is itching his bum on his mothers hocks ... and yes she is happily letting him ... ?

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
West Midlands
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I like the fact that although she bounces and bucks, she never kicks back. I had one foal that at less than a day old kicked me in the groin and darn near punched a hole straight through me or that is what it felt like. Much smaller than yours too. Yours is a real cracker.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I like the fact that although she bounces and bucks, she never kicks back. I had one foal that at less than a day old kicked me in the groin and darn near punched a hole straight through me or that is what it felt like. Much smaller than yours too. Yours is a real cracker.
thanks - yes she's been a good girl so far, she's figured out not to use her teeth on people :oops: and takes it well if you tell her not to shove her bum at you when she wants a scratch ;) I am sure there will be plenty more cheeky things to come but so far she's boisterous but quite polite!
28 February 2011
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General mischief today, using mum as curtain, then booting her, then could she possibly be showing off to the camera with her little leap and twist moves?! ;) hay all done so we should have huge field zoomies next week :)

Heaven forbid you give her a trampoline ... you'd end up with one of these You've Been Framed videos of the foxes and goats playing on them bouncing about and diving head first into it ?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Hera is 31 days old now :) she's got a taste for mum's stud balancer and been such a nuisance at dinner time I figured she may as well have her own bucket with a sprinkle of nuts in. She isn't that great at picking them up yet so it takes her just as long to clean up her tiny bucket as it does for Salty to eat hers. The way her tongue shoots out sideways now and then cracks me up :D

Today they were happily browsing in the hedge when a dog walker spooked them so we had some mother-daughter fleeing

28 February 2011
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Given what a wet minging day it is today here are a couple of pics from the last 2 days. Dum Dum is slowly but surely growing and he is getting braver too! First he met his half brother, then a few dsys later he got brave enough to stop and talk to the Welsh Cob - uptil then he always ran away from him as he was too big. Then a couple of days ago he decided he was going to go and talk to Gray... all 17hh of him! Dum Dum barely came up above his knees! Gray is absolutely in love which I find funny as he was terrified of Shetlands when I first brought him home 9 years ago!

28 February 2011
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Dum Dum is all about the teeth just now! Anything and everything he can sink his teeth into is going in his mouth - headcollars, ropes, my wellies, my legs, my hoody etc. He will grow out of it in time! Thankfully he has already grown out of trying to climb on top of you he now just leans into you and uses you as an itching post! I don't really manage to get any vids of him as he is far too interested in what I am doing to go zoomies! He does go for zoomies but always stops and comes over when I appear!
