Well-Known Member
Someone call nurse, Fiagai has had one of his turns again.
Your purile attempts to rile posters are really as pathetic as they are childish...
Despite this extremely strange response and liberal doses of feigned bafflement, we got there eventually. Yes, you’re quite right Fiagai, terrierwork amounts to fox baiting.
If everything here is strange to you I would perhaps suggest you are in the wrong forum. I have never mentioned "Terrier Work" in my reply btw Never heard of "fox baiting" except here so I believe its another little invention of yours or a figment of those little Anti folk who have nothing better to do than make up very gorey fairy stories to frighten little children with
So why couldn't you come up with this little piece of Anti fantasy when asked previously? You are quite clearly attempting to start arguments and not engage in rational discussion. Anyway according to you its "terriers" now is it? When previously asked what kind of dogs were involved (and given possible suggestions) you said.....
PaulT said:My question related to fox baiting, as the title of the thread and the wording of the question indicated. I’m not sure the type of dogs really matter that much unless you think baiting in certain situations is ok?
As stated there is no such thing as "fox baiting" except in the twisted heads of the Anti Ilk that you are obviously a member of, as you are clearly toating the same party line as the spurious Anti groups on the web.
You asked for a real scenario: fox evades being ripped to pieces by going to ground. Hunt terriermen called in, who make sure exits to the earth are blocked, and terriers are entered. Terriers confront fox, which is unable to escape – bloody battle ensues.
Why has it taken you 18 posts to come out with this ripe piece of garbage? What is wrong with you that you cannot enter into a proper debate and instead attempt to insult the inteligence of those that clearly know more than you will ever know about wildlife and its management?
You prefer the term terrierwork, I prefer fox baiting – two phrases to describe the same activity. It’s telling that so far no one has been prepared to defend fox baiting, an activity which is part and parcel of organised fox hunting.
Do I? You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You must hunt extensively to know so much about how hunting is actually conducted - oh no thats right you "read" about this in those paragons of truth found on the Anti of course you must be correct (laughs loudly into own hat)
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