

Well-Known Member
8 January 2007
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Well I'm off shopping now as I find ILF rather rude, this forum is for discussions and fun! Sorry no fun in this.... bye.
My daughter who was only 19mths at the time enjoyed her hunt meet and she will be going to many more......


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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Your probably right I made a massive pot of vegetable soup last night - salt for seasoning I tastes as bland as hell and my house smells like a vegetarian fart


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
by the name of this website i assume that most people on here hunt. well i dont and i think that it is an incredibly cruel sport.
does anybody else agree with me?
any opinions appricieted

I think some of us have got drawn into some thing that does not exist?? Anyone on here hunting will be either drag hunting or bloodhound hunting, neither of which involves killing any animals. The fox got mentioned in an earlier post because this is the most common animal that was hunted. We are not permitted to hunt with dogs in this manner anymore, so I am now wondering why this debate is going on? I Luv Foxes, it would have been an ok debate if you had not got personal with some of the comments. It has been made worse because you have just signed on, so it looks even more like you have just started this to cause issues which really do not exist. I maybe wrong & if I am I am very sure it will be pointed out. And yes years ago I did go on a couple of hunts & no we caught zilch!


Well-Known Member
19 February 2007
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ILF you are making no friends on here and you are not putting forward a credible argument.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion but should only put it on a public forum if they are willing to a)follow the conventions of the forum (i.e. no text speak or abusive comments) and b) argue their case and listen to others' comments in return.

My opinion of hunting is that it plays a vital role in the countryside (or did, anyway) and should be left to the people in their countryside who know what they are talking about.

The ban was an injustice to say the least.

It was brought about because people completely uneducated on the matter felt they should criminalise a certain group of people and feel good about themselves in the process.

Blimey I haven't got this worked up for a while!


Well-Known Member
26 March 2007
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Animal rights - why don't you do a degree on human rights and contribute something useful to society instead of trying to provoke people. This forum isn't for people like you so please push off and join something within your age range of 1-11yrs. You sound very ignorant for a uni grad. If you have done you research properly then you would have written to all the societies concerned in the hunting debate and got an across the board view from all sides whether you agree with them or not. Did your tutor not advise you your views should be impartial if you are doing a degree - obviously not paying attention and texting your pals instead. Tell you what - get a job at a free range chicken farm during your summer hols, that'll give you a pretty good idea on our current fox situation and some beer money as well you F***WIT.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Well, as hunting has now been banned I suppose in effect we do all now drag hunt.

This is an argument that has had it's day, both in and out of the Commons.

The act won't be repealed, so there's not really anything to discuss.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2007
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Apos for that little rush of out rage there folks - have just realised I didn't take my HRT this morning. Has ILF gone yet, shoo shoo you nasty thing you! By the way can someone explain troll??


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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so what would you all think if it was one of ur chidren in the foxes situation, or maybe one of ur pets.

I've had pets in that situation, I've seen the damage done to them by the fox. I see no reason why the fox cannot therefore be below another predator in the food chain and killed in the same mannor that it kills its prey. In this country the predator is the hound. I have lots of views on hunting that I won't go into, Sooty summed most of them up very well. Perhaps if you took on board what people are saying you may be able to understand (not condone) an alternative opinion.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2007
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I see, thanks for that. Maybe I should have known but on the other hand I'm old and probably wouldn't! Or rather should say... M a b shd f n bt n f r hnd Im 2 - cant keep this up!!


Well-Known Member
13 January 2007
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Still have fox hunting over here, the local hunt caught 3 foxes last season (that was a good season!) and they were old/injured ones. I was driving somewhere the other day (bout 50km) and passed 9 dead foxes on the road, mostly healthy looking ones (from what I could see) or young cubs and freshly killed. You do the math- more foxes are killed on roads then by hunting and for the majority of people who hunt it's the thrill of the hunt and they actually prefer not to catch anything.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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Well, as hunting has now been banned I suppose in effect we do all now drag hunt.

This is an argument that has had it's day, both in and out of the Commons.

The act won't be repealed, so there's not really anything to discuss.

I think it probably will be repealed. The hunt were round my place the other day, searching for a 'trail' in my woods. They never found it. Which is hardly surprising really seeing as no one had laid one there. Is that drag hunting? There was a fox in their as well which got the hounds pretty excited. But they didn't kill that either.


Well-Known Member
10 March 2007
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I havent read all of these but suffice to say in this country if you kick a dog to death you might just get a fine and a ban from keeping dogs.

Why couldnt the gov't have spent all that taxpayers money on sorting the real but unseen cruelty that goes on rather than the percieved cruelty they think happens in the open air


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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first of all foxes are not vermin if they were wildlife rehabilitation centres would not be allowed to treat injured foxes and release them bak into the wild.
I think you will find that foxes are in fact vermin. Surley if you are doing a degree in animal welfare then you should know what each animal is????
Foxes are vermin as it was legal to hunt/kill them on Sundays which the Irish still do. Game on the other hand can not be hunted or killed on a Sunday. This I think you will find prove that they are in fact VERMIN.
If you going to start a debate get your facts right.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Okay ILF, if you are studying this at university then you may be able to enlighten us. Use the art of proper debate and literacy to press your point. I, for one, am always interested in a good debate...actually I love debate, so fire away with all your reasons for stating what you have said in your opening comment.

We don't really have many foxes over here as they have predators (wolves and bears) who tend to gobble them up, so we aren't affected by Mr Reynard in the way that people in the UK are.

Is your study purely devoted to foxes? Or all sorts of hunting? If so, what is your stance on wolf, deer and bear hunting? Or is that concept beyond your grasp?

If your study is purely on foxes; then how do you propose to keep the fox numbers balanced with the amount of food available? What do you suggest happens once the balance of nature is hanging? What do you believe should happen when there is not enough food to sustain the amount of foxes? You see this is the main problem with foxes in the UK, they have no natural predator therefore there is no natural balance.

I would be very interested in your views on this.

P.S. By the way, I was always a drag hunter when I lived in the UK, however over here in Canada I will shoot any predators who threaten my stock or my family.