Get skinny, get riding thread!


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10 September 2012
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Following on from my thread about needing to lose wobble to be able to ride my new horse, we thought it might be a good idea to keep a thread where we could all post successes (and failures!) and possibly motivate each other to keep going. I will post my story below...

I am 5ft 7 and started weighing in at 16 stone (ouch!!) but carried it quite well and could say I was 14 stone to look at apparently. I ride a big 17hh warmblood who would prefer me to be lighter. I also brought a lovely mare who is amazing but I would squash her!! I have lost 1 stone on top of half a stone so down to 14.5 but still need to lose at least 2.5 stone to ride her and a further 1.5 or two to be my perfect weight. So... 4 stone really. Am using slimming world which is amazing plus lots of exercise.

Maybe a weekly update/weigh in on here? And share recipes/motivation? Is this allowed?
L x


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1 August 2013
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Count me in!

I have always been 9 and a half stone and after a bad relationship my weight crept up to 12 and a half stone. In order to back my 14h2 I got my weight down to 9 st 9 but due to being happy and then fracturing my hip a couple of months ago the weight has piled on again :(

I have just got on the scales and I weight 10st3 - so time for some weight to come off again. It might not sound like a huge amount but I'm only 5ft1 so starting to look a little like a barrel with boobs ;)
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Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Ooo good thread!

I'll join in, last year (Feb 2013) I lost just over 1.5 stone going from 11 stone to 9-9.5 stone so that I felt better about riding my 14.3hh. She wasn't struggling and is in fab condition but now she's over 20 I felt better putting less weight on her! I then broke my collarbone in the July and so put a bit back on :(. I'm probably about 10 stone again now so want to loose about a stone and ideally get under 9!

I'm starting to watch what I eat again and have started going swimming. Plus as I work up the dressage levels with our other horse I'm having to work a lot harder in our schooling sessions than before (the dreaded sitting trot :eek:) so this is helping as well. Just a couple of weeks in and I feel much fitter already, but need to weigh myself to see what the scales say...

Oh and just so the weight goals make sense I'm 5'2" :D

x x


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
I'm in!!! I've lost a stone recently but want to get down to 9 1/2 at the heaviest as looking to get a young 14.2 next year. Don't want to pony squash and ideally would be around 9!! I lost the stone daily easily once I got my head around being good but then plateaued at about 10. I'm a short arse so it's all relative.

And well done to all the ladies who have lost already!!!


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20 April 2009
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Im just about to start riding again! Horse can carry me fine but ideally id like to get down to around 10st (5ft9/10 so i think anything much under that is a bit unrealistic at the mo!) but my aim is to get fitter rather than loose weight as such! Lots of walking and longreining naughty ponies and hopefully over the next couple of months should see an improvement :) no big rush or aim just move around a bit more and go back onto the hospital approved diet as the balance migraines are back!

So count me in! :)


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23 December 2011
East Yorkshire
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I'm in,and need motivation!

I'm 9.5st and would like to be somewhere between 8.5-9

I have 2 horses i showjump and 1 youngster! So ride 3 horses a day. Down side is i have an office job! So sat on my bum most of the day stuffing my face!!

Did begin running/healthy eating but struggle to stay on track after about a week all i want is fatty food! I think i am actually a chocoholic :(
Any tips for staying on track and motivation or something to make getting up and doing something once in from the stables would be great!


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10 September 2012
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Oh the office jobs are the worst, I snack no end! I was once 9 stone and used to just fidget all day. 5 coffees a day helps!! And post stable snacks....muller lights, raisens, soy nuts all help x


Well-Known Member
21 January 2013
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Also want to join in :D

Am 5ft 3 and probably 9 1/2 stone but no muscle and feel unhealthy.
Picking up new gelding tomorrow - so am hoping stable chores will help my fitness as well as the additional riding! :D


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1 June 2012
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I am 5ft7 and weigh in at 10st4- although since horse is on loan and I haven't bothered taking up any other form of exercise (made it to the gym twice in two months!), I have no idea what I weigh. I look mostly the same, except a bit more squishy around the edges! I need to get motivated, mainly for maintaining my health and fitness!

I miss the grooming and mucking out too, because it is amazing how many calories you burn off with the daily jobs!

If anyone lives around the Newmarket area- I can recommend a few boot camps that would kick any extra weights butt! Hard work and slightly expensive, but worth it for a fitness and weight overhaul!! Includes clean eating recipes and menus too.

For those in office jobs- I tend to do the little things, rather than phoning someone, I will walk to see them, choose the furthest away toilets in the building etc. Adds a few more steps to the daily total. Recommend using at least 10/15 minutes of your lunch to go for a walk too.

Better dig out my bike and running shoes- I've still got a couple of months before horse is back!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2009
I've been on a health kick since I sold my 17.2hh Dutch Warmblood. I competed at Medium level dressage and to enable us to succeed at that level I had to dedicate a lot of my time to training and with working over 40 hours a week I was struggling fitting in anything else on top of the riding. Since he was sold in preparation for me moving to uni I've got my backside in gear and the weight is beginning to come off and the muscle is starting to develop. So, around work I do 4/5 exercise classes a week and if I'm particularly busy at work I will go to the gym instead if I can't go to the scheduled classes. I recommend exercise classes to everybody because they are such good motivators; you get help on your technique as well as that extra push when you're finding it tough. Here's my normal exercise class schedule:

Monday: Boxercise
Tuesday: Boxercise & Circuits
Thursday: Spin Class & Circuits
Friday: Legs, Bums & Tums

I'm lucky in that work requires me being on my feet all the time. I work in a pub with a rather large beer garden so when the weather is nice I get my fair share of exercise from just being there. I was 9 stone 10 when I was riding. I've now dropped to 9 stone 2 and I'm 5'4. The horse only went 4 weeks ago and I'm feeling wonderful. Being a student it only costs me £30 a month for unlimited everything so I also go for a swim after a tough session to try and loosen my back up.

Best of luck everybody!


Well-Known Member
17 January 2014
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I've the opposite problem and it's miserable.

I'm 5'3'' and now weigh 7 1/2 stone. I've always been very slight but normal weight was 8 1/2 stone. Now I'm exhausted all the time, resting heart rate of approx. 120 bpm, muscles all wasted away and really struggle to do anything physical, which had also really knocked my confidence as feel as strong as a wet tissue, not ideal at all for working with horses, especially tricky ones like mine.

Oddly the more I try to eat the more exhausted I become. Docs taking blood samples next week. I am in fact jealous of others who have a little extra weight, so ladies please don't be too hard on yourselves. That said though, wish you all the best of luck getting to your optimal weights. :)


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1 August 2010
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oh Illusion100 sorry to see that - sounds as though you might have an overactive thyroid there… do hope docs can sort for you.

I'm in with this thread please!! At 5'8 I am nearly 13 stone :( but realistically can't get much below 12 these days - not to stay there. I want to shift that stone so my horse is happier when we go hunting! And so there is a bit less for my baby horse to carry next year when he is 4. Will be reading avidly and sitting on my hands to stop snacking!


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3 December 2011
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Great idea! My instructor said this morning that I need to work on my core muscles, I replied that I do not have any!! If I am ever going to get anywhere with the dressage I need to lose weight and tone up, why can I not do this? I am not a lazy person, but I am always hungry and tired, but lugging all this weight around cant help that can it? Its very depressing but I just cannot seem to motivate myself to anything about it, why is that?


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11 August 2011
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I'm in as well. I'm also doing slimming world and have lost 15.5 lbs so far but want to lose at least another stone. My horse carries me no problem but I am conscious that as he has arthritis in his hocks, the lighter I am the better for him. I am never going to be a lightweight but I would be happy with another stone or so.


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10 December 2008
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I'm in - over the last 4 1/2 months we've had loads of building work done at home and had no kitchen so have been living on takeaway and eating out. My horse has been in and out of work with a series of unrelated, minor issues one after the other and as a result I've put on a stone and a half and am the heaviest I've ever been. Really need to get my backside in gear as I was a stone and a half over what I wanted to be before this happened so now have 3 stone to lose. *She says eating a Cadury's finger :rolleyes:


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1 June 2012
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I've the opposite problem and it's miserable.

I'm 5'3'' and now weigh 7 1/2 stone. I've always been very slight but normal weight was 8 1/2 stone. Now I'm exhausted all the time, resting heart rate of approx. 120 bpm, muscles all wasted away and really struggle to do anything physical, which had also really knocked my confidence as feel as strong as a wet tissue, not ideal at all for working with horses, especially tricky ones like mine.

Oddly the more I try to eat the more exhausted I become. Docs taking blood samples next week. I am in fact jealous of others who have a little extra weight, so ladies please don't be too hard on yourselves. That said though, wish you all the best of luck getting to your optimal weights. :)

That does not sound pleasant at all! Wishing you luck with the Doctors results- hope they can find the cause and a way of sorting it :)

ETA- Bertolie congrats on the weight loss!


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3 April 2013
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I'm in! I am 5'7 and weigh 12 stone. I don't even want to be that thin really, just get below 11. I need help/ motivation as I seem to stay around this weight, I am normally pretty fit and run but 6 weeks ago I was in a pretty bad car crash and have hardly done anything since then but I haven't put any weight on? It does make me wonder if all the hard work is worth it. Well I know it is really, I started power walking the other day as soon as the physio said I could and christ im unfit!


Well-Known Member
10 September 2012
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Yay I am so glad this is kicking off! Illusion if you want to join the other way that's fine, we will congratulate you on any gain when you know what's going on bless you. Always believe it's harder to gain than lose x

I am scoffing fat free apple and mango with quark for a snack. Totally free on my diet and really satisfies a sweet tooth!! X


Well-Known Member
17 January 2014
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Thanks tobiano and misskk88!

Think they suspect Hyperthyriodism and Anaemia.....just wish they didn't have to stick a needle in me to find out. Doc suggested taking bloods during yesterdays appointment. Threw up in his bin and HR went to 140 bpm lol! Got some tranqs to take before blood sample next week.....dreading it.

Again, good luck to everyone in achieving your weight goals. Keep positive! :)


Well-Known Member
17 January 2014
Probably on my way to A&E
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Yay I am so glad this is kicking off! Illusion if you want to join the other way that's fine, we will congratulate you on any gain when you know what's going on bless you. Always believe it's harder to gain than lose x

I am scoffing fat free apple and mango with quark for a snack. Totally free on my diet and really satisfies a sweet tooth!! X

Thanks, much appreciated!


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8 August 2013
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I was 17st 10 last year then i started riding and dropped a stone. at the begging of the year i looked at myself and thought who am i kidding, big horse or not i need rid of this lard!

ive been obsessive, calorie counting. strictly 1500 calories per day. and its been not too bad. riding and just a brisk walk with the dogs for exercise. i did 2 really strict periods of 6 weeks at it, really motivated and no lieing to myself. weighing in at 13st 8 and looking to be 13st. i am 6ft 2 and not small framed! so i think 12.5 would be about my ideal.

what a difference it makes to riding and living! i kinda feel disgusted that i had 4 st to lose. My 2 horses must feel the difference.

Motivation and family support are what you need, as well as your eyes open to how easy it is to consume far too many calories. the world has gone mad with fat and sugar.

anyway good look to all of you, go do it!!



Well-Known Member
25 August 2011
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I'm in :) I'm 5ft8 and weigh 11st4, was 12st7 at the beginning of the year and even got down to 10st8 before I went on holiday and had chocolate pancakes for breakfast everyday for a week lol, I look ill under 10 stone so aiming for just under 10st7. I do feel rather guilty riding my youngster so determined to lose a few more pounds. I dog walk and muck out horses for a living but still struggle to lose weight! So frustrating!! One food I do recommend is brown rice! Raises metabolism, keeps the digestive system going, really filling (plus it increases your sex drive lol!), have it with grilled chicken, peas and peppercorn sauce made with skimmed milk, really filling and delicious! Oh and get a step counter (recommend the walk logger app), really gives an insight on how much walking you actually do, when I'm only mucking out/poo picking 11 horses I only do 4000 steps which was really surprising! Though yesterday I managed to do 12000, isn't it 10000 steps a day to be 'healthy'?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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Also in!

I'm 13'2 and 5ft 9, but would like to be around 10'4 ish...

I've been doing the couch to 5k which is really useful (if you do it regularly which I am starting to again... oops ;)), being really strict about chocolate and fizzy drinks!

Also, taking the dogs for longer faster walks, with bigger walk steps, engaging your core for 10 steps, then relaxing again, arms swinging deliberately throughout can also help!


Well-Known Member
12 November 2010
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I dont need to loose any weight { 8 stone}
But what a good thread, ive enjoyed reading about everyones story.
Looking forward to the catch up.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2011
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Yep definitley up for this.

I have always had an athletic figure and been around the 9 stone mark. Since being in a very good relationship and not riding every day I have piled on the weight and last time I got on the scales I was nearly 12 stone!!!

I have just started Juicing which has been great, though I am not following the strict 7 day plan I am having 1 or 2 a day depending on how busy I am. I also found just reading the book ( 7lbs in 7 days) really got me in the right mind set. I am also riding nearly every day now with my YO getting her youngster out and about so this is really helping and I've just started running in my local club!

So with my mare due to being backed and broken by yours truely next year, I thought I needed to start shifting the excess lbs to be fair to her. That and with my other half proposing so now have a wedding to plan for!

Oh and I'm about 5ft6!

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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I shall put my hand up too, so I don't fall off the wagon!

At my heaviest I was 12st 13 after pigging out during 2nd pregnancy then used the "I'm breasfeeding" line to myself. Shifted a load due to having to tuck my stomach into my jeans :(.

Put a lot of it back on and split my work trousers bending down to pick something up. So tipping the scales earlier this year at 12st 7 something had to be done.

I've cut out most carbs, so no bread, potatoes, pasta and all the c**p, chocolate, biscuits, sweets, crisps, ice cream. Started using the wi fit to chart progress and laughed when it told me my ideal weight was 9st 11. Never in a month of sundays...........or so I thought. I have managed to get down to 9st 10 but a few pounds have crept on during the summer hols when I haven't been able to get on the wi as much as entertaining the kids.

Breakfast - low fat yogurt (as sugar free as poss too) and a banana
Lunch - rice cakes with slice of meat and fruit, either melon/grapes
Dinner - Chicken/fish/meat with salad or veg

I've had handfuls of apricots/raisins/piece of fruit mid morning and afternoon.

For a chocolate fix, as I certainly can not go without (I'd be so miserable) I have low calorie hot chocolate with a couple of marshmallows.

I've been accused of being anorexic and ill looking so I think I better maintain things as I don't wish to look s**t after the hard work. My reward has been being able to back my baby and feeling comfortable doing so.

Good luck to everyone. What about a weekly weigh-in? Would that help keep folks motivated too?!


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10 June 2009
Sherborne, Dorset
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Me please, after dislocating my ankle earlier this year I have put on all the weight I had successfully lost a few years previously. I'll need to lose another 40lb before I can think about riding but ideally at least another 40 after that. I have bought myself a step counting device and use 'myfitnesspal' for tracking calories. Had thought about the 5:2 diet if only I could do something about the evening cravings!

I have cut out all diet soda drinks - drinking mainly water, cut back on all complex carbs - using wholemeal/spelt where possible and trying to keep to 1200 calories.

I try to walk at least 5 miles daily. But the weight loss is so slow.
My GP is sending me to see a dietician in November so I will continue trying until then. Could do with some support now and then.


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1 August 2010
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oh really feel for you darli - so horrid to put back on weight especially due to something like that (painful!). I too quail at the 5:2 due to the evenings …. the only way I can avoid eating constantly in the evenings is to go to bed at 8 pm! Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
26 February 2013
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May I join you?? I am 63, and after several years of bad stuff (Lost my horse, lost my husband 9 weeks later, suffered severe depression, unsuprisingly) was just getting my mojo back and bought a yearling, all going swimmingly and I had a fall (non-horse related, I fell on front step) and suffered a spiral fracture to my humerus, which took 11 months to heal, during which time they discovered I have Osteoporosis in my spine (it never rains but wot it pours!). Now,12 months on I am beginning to feel more positive, my boy is being backed by my bestmate, who is going to bring him on for me until I am in a fit state to clamber aboard. This may take a while cos I weight 19stone (although it was 19st 7lb 4 weeks ago). Have joined Slimming World and started doing more at the yard, more walking and generally more of everything. Need all the help and encouragement I can get - in return can offer the ssame!! I am 5foot6 - if I was 9feet tall I'd be fine :). Sorry for the long tale of woe - some good stuff has happened (Lovely horse, fab dog, great friends and family, but depression is a B****R.