Girl Hitting Grey Pony


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12 February 2012
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I saw a screenshot on FB from the mother of this vile piece of scum, apparently she completely agrees with her daughters actions. What a lovely family!

Well no wonder she shows no remorse. I would be deeply ashamed if she were my daughter but clearly if the mother condones this type of behaviour it's hardly suprising she turned out this way


Well-Known Member
26 August 2008
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Sometimes I watch some of these videos of abuse, and think it is borderline. This one is not. I couldn't believe it, the poor pony looks terrified, and will in all likelihood never forget. The family sound delightful, maybe social services ought to be involved too.


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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I rarely get involved with this sort of viral thread but had to sign the petition, it's ab absolutely clear case of totally unnecessary cruelty.

Many years ago I got frustrated with my horse and hit him twice out of temper. I still think about it, and am ashamed of it now, about 12 years later. This display is disgusting however, I can't imagine ever being so vile and unfeeling.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I hate these campaigns against people on facebook. I always imagine what if you had made a mistake and all of a sudden you were the centre of so much hatred...

However, when I saw the video I realised why there was such outcry, Absolutely abhorrent behavior, hopefully there is some law that she can be punished under.

I read that some other girl on facebook with the same name has been getting death threats - so a mistake has already happened in that regard, dreadful for the innocent one! I agree, hope this girl has her horses (and other animals) taken off her but if Im honest I doubt anything will happen. The RSPCA will probably say they cant prove its this girl in the video (probably has to be absolutely crystal clear) and the date it took place blah blah. Also, they rarely seem to be successful in banning people from keeping animals for long (of at all). Its not the RSPCA's fault IMO, they can only do so much within the law.

What shocks me is the nasty girls response. If she actually showed remorse or even went silent - at least she might be thinking about what she did and why it was wrong. They way she is acting seems like she thinks this is the norm :( At least Ive read the grey pony in the video has been taken back by its owners (apparently it was meant to be a companion due to a bad back?!).


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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Those saying it's a grey area/when does it being an issue- have you actually watched the video? This is not a few taps for being naughty- she hits that poor pony full force over and over and over again. What a disgrace of a human being.

If that was for me... No, I've only seen it on a small sceen and I don't want to watch it clearly.

But I wasn't suggesting this video was a grey area, I was suggesting that whilst it is considered acceptable to carry sticks to hit horses with at all it is very hard to make a logical 'cut off' point.

I still use a schooling whip for side saddle (so like a leg, squeeze or nudge from pretty much touching, not flick or hit) but I'd be happy to trade doing that for, say, sticks being banned in all comps (including warm ups etc). Far too easy for people to go too far when kids are trained from such a young age that the 'best' riders all hit horses with sticks.

Too often frustration, fear or misunderstanding end up being taken out on the horses.


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11 May 2015
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I wonder if English is a first language? 😕

Exactly what do you mean by that? That only foreigners can be abusive?

Disgusting behaviour by the child no matter what language she speaks. Speaking a different language to English wouldn't make it any worse nor better if she spoke English. It is exactly the same crime. There is no excuse either if you were meaning a lack of understanding because you should be able to understand that no matter what race you are.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2010
Sir Benfro
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Exactly what do you mean by that? That only foreigners can be abusive?

Disgusting behaviour by the child no matter what language she speaks. Speaking a different language to English wouldn't make it any worse nor better if she spoke English. It is exactly the same crime. There is no excuse either if you were meaning a lack of understanding because you should be able to understand that no matter what race you are.

I did wonder myself about the English being a first language comment?? I'm assuming there is Welsh being spoken in the video (can't bring myself to watch the video, so don't know) - hardly a "foreign" language and what difference does it make anyway?

Also, I'd like to point out that the girl writing the swearing posts (Chloe Williams) is in fact the pony's owner and not the girl who dished out the beating (who is Chloe Morgan). So if her posts are true, unfortunately, the pony has not been removed from her "care". The man is the father of one of them. Hope they're all punished, vile creatures.


Well-Known Member
5 March 2010
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But I wasn't suggesting this video was a grey area, I was suggesting that whilst it is considered acceptable to carry sticks to hit horses with at all it is very hard to make a logical 'cut off' point.
If we're talking about hitting for correction/punishment (in the behavioural sense), I think it is quite easy: no hitting after 2 seconds have elapsed following the offending behaviour.

Actually, 2 seconds is very liberal. A better horseman or woman would be quicker than that, and the best know how to work with horses so they rarely if ever have to hit the horse at all.

Of course, there are other reasons for hitting a horse this - a few of them may even be justified. The intent in this situation might be said to be punishment, but it was more to do with an uncontrolled emotional reaction with zero value as punishment and a high chance of detrimental effect.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Actually there is a sort of guideline for using the whip to correct;

Never more than 2 seconds after the behaviour.
Never more than 3 times.
Never in anger.

This was taught to me in Germany by a very eminent trainer, and is also found in some of the old classical texts. I am a fairly robust trainer and would not shy away from using a good whack when called for, but this girl is plainly just taking her frustration out on the pony and has totally crossed the line. It is abuse and she and her parents should be prosecuted for same. Vile.


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5 March 2010
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I didn't take Amymay's comment as racist at all- just as a comment of their poor spelling and grammar.
Erm, not wishing to divert the whole discussion, but while the punctuation and diction(!) leave a lot to be desired, the spelling and grammar seem up to normal standards. Wouldn't the use of "ain't" suggest a native English speaker rather than a foreigner?


Well-Known Member
29 November 2010
Sir Benfro
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Erm, not wishing to divert the whole discussion, but while the punctuation and diction(!) leave a lot to be desired, the spelling and grammar seem up to normal standards. Wouldn't the use of "ain't" suggest a native English speaker rather than a foreigner?

Since when was Wales a foreign country?! Good grief, stop referring to these people as foreigners! THEY ARE WELSH! And yes, you're right, just standard poor grammar use! A "foreigner" would no doubt speak far better English haha

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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Ignorance is no excuse either in fact or law but she claims to be a child one wonders what sort of abuse she has suffered to feel it is acceptable to behave that way. Not that I am in any way condoning or excusing the brutality she should be treated to correct her ways.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Ignorance is no excuse either in fact or law but she claims to be a child one wonders what sort of abuse she has suffered to feel it is acceptable to behave that way. Not that I am in any way condoning or excusing the brutality she should be treated to correct her ways.

Unfortunately people don't necessarily have to have an excuse to be cruel.


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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There's a big difference between a tap of the whip to reinforce aids when training and what is in this video. For me it's quite clear cut. The whip should never inflect pain on an animal. A tap when schooling is more like a nudge than a punch in the face!

I think there's something very wrong with the people in the video and agree child services should be involved. This is the sort of person that'll end up beating their child. No empathy or compassion. The fact that they still don't seem to care that people are horrified says it all really.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2010
Sir Benfro
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I made no reference to this. I assume your admonition is directed at someone else.

Wouldn't the use of "ain't" suggest a native English speaker rather than a foreigner?

Exactly what do you mean by that? That only foreigners can be abusive?

Disgusting behaviour by the child no matter what language she speaks. Speaking a different language to English wouldn't make it any worse nor better if she spoke English. It is exactly the same crime. There is no excuse either if you were meaning a lack of understanding because you should be able to understand that no matter what race you are.

English may not be a first language to many Welsh people, but it doesn't make us foreigners. Anyway, the whole language debate has absolutely no bearing on what happened to the poor pony, but I'm just a bit amazed that the issue was brought up at all!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2013
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Erm, not wishing to divert the whole discussion, but while the punctuation and diction(!) leave a lot to be desired, the spelling and grammar seem up to normal standards. Wouldn't the use of "ain't" suggest a native English speaker rather than a foreigner?

I disagree-as an example 'the RSPCA has been out' should be 'the RSPCA have been out'.

Christmas Crumpet

Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
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I rarely get involved with this sort of viral thread but had to sign the petition, it's ab absolutely clear case of totally unnecessary cruelty.

Many years ago I got frustrated with my horse and hit him twice out of temper. I still think about it, and am ashamed of it now, about 12 years later. This display is disgusting however, I can't imagine ever being so vile and unfeeling.

I too properly walloped my pony when I was younger out of sheer frustration and ignorance because she wouldn't do what I thought I was asking her to do. I am also very ashamed of what I did and it makes me feel awful to this day (we are talking nearly 30 years ago). Even having to wallop my dog after she attacked one of our hound puppies made me feel dreadful. Violence is NEVER the way forward.

The fact that you could hear the whip swishing in the video before she hit the pony just goes to show she is clearly beating it with a thin schooling whip which would bloody hurt the pony. The pony looks totally terrified and its no wonder it bucked her off when she got on it if its got back issues. Anyone involved should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

It made me go and cuddle both of ours and thank goodness that I've got them not some other horrible people.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2016
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I hope the Rspca do intervene. I have read that the vast majority of abuse of this kind is due to ignorance rather than a desire to cause pain.
Apparently education in training and welfare is very effective.
If the pony isn't seized hopefully the authorities will do this.
Mind you I'm only going on the description of the video cus I don't want to watch it.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I too took Amymay's comments to mean that Welsh could be their first language. I speak Welsh, having gone to a Welsh nursery at 2, done all my education until university through the medium of Welsh, and I now use it daily in work. I don't ever remember learning but would say that English is my first and most natural language by a very small margin. I often notice a Welsh sentence structure or direct idiomatic translation that doesn't make much sense in English from people for whom Welsh is very definitely a first language. There's nothing remotely Welsh about the way she writes English though, it's just uneducated drivel.