Giving up horses and mental health...


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Running a yard is a completely thankless task. The hours, the tiredness, the aches & pains, balancing the books, and the people who expect you to fund their hobby and are horrid if you don’t run around after their every whim.

You have to 200% love it. If you don’t get out!!!

Burnout and mental health issues if faced head on will change the direction of your life for the better.

You can do this and in a year or two you will look back at this post in a new light x


Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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I have a couple of dIYS left, both of which aren’t too much bother. I have learnt the hard way with DIYs, though you make so little on DIY livery often it’s not worth the hassle. If a horse breaks something then there goes your profit margin for the month and often unfortunately people bring drama with them which I can’t cope with. Ex boyfriends showing up threatening liveries becomes my problem, people going a 4 day benders and not showing up to do their horses, as well as the normal mess etc and my current annoyance is if I buy a bottle of mane and tail detangler I literally use it twice and by the next week it’s empty! grrr
Good lord.


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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1 in 4 people have a mental health illness at some point in their lives, we are not made of wood and suffering threats and mental trauma means at some point it is time to take care of yourself so you can recover.
I downsized to a job that doesn’t really matter, and consequently don’t ever take it home with me. However I still do it the best I can because that’s me, and I appreciate a beautiful commute. Having 1 horse is a luxury not a slog and I love that too.
It’s great you’re decided on leaving behind the truly terrible sounding liveries- how can people behave that way? I wish you all happiness with new paths ahead. Xx